
Americans and Canadians shun Mexico because of insecurity

arrowhead - 4-6-2010 at 10:16 AM

En EU y Canadá rehúyen México por inseguridad

La Secretaría de Turismo entregó al Senado un estudio realizado entre 4 mil viajeros, el cual menciona que 67% de los estadounidenses y 81% de los canadienses rechazan visitar el país por el clima de violencia e inseguridad.

El mismo documento expone que el año pasado la llegada de turistas cayó 11.4% por la epidemia de influenza A H1N1 y por los índices de criminalidad.

En mayo y junio de 2009 el desplome fue de 52%, reporta el informe.

En una reunión de trabajo con la Comisión de Turismo, el director de Mercadotecnia del Consejo de Promoción Turística, Stephen Austin Tomas, dio a conocer que la segunda razón por la que los paseantes prefieren visitar otro país antes que México es la insalubridad, principalmente la mala calidad del agua.

Otra condición que lesiona la industria turística, de acuerdo con el funcionario, es que el visitante percibe “desorganización”, por ejemplo, cuando llega a la terminal aérea y tarda más de una hora en realizar trámites migratorios.

Americans and Canadians shun Mexico because of insecurity

The Ministry of Tourism delivered to the Senate a study of 4,000 travelers, which mentions that 67% of Americans and 81% of Canadians refuse to visit the country due to the climate of violence and insecurity.

The same document states that last year tourist arrivals fell 11.4% due to the H1N1 flu epidemic and crime rates.

In May and June 2009, the drop-off was 52%, according to the report.

In a meeting with the Tourism Commission, the director of marketing for the Tourism Board, Stephen Austin Thomas, announced that the second reason why tourists prefer to visit another country other than Mexico is unsanitary conditions, mainly poor water quality.

Another condition that damages the tourism industry, according to the official, is that the visitor sees "disorganization," for example, when arriving at the airport immigration procedures take more than one hour.

Donjulio - 4-6-2010 at 10:21 AM

That really sucks. Only leaves a couple hundred million tourists. Bummer.

arrowhead - 4-6-2010 at 10:24 AM

Originally posted by Donjulio
That really sucks. Only leaves a couple hundred million tourists. Bummer.


Donjulio - 4-6-2010 at 10:28 AM

Forgot the rest of the world

DENNIS - 4-6-2010 at 01:19 PM

Originally posted by arrowhead

The Ministry of Tourism delivered to the Senate a study of 4,000 travelers, which mentions that 67% of Americans and 81% of Canadians refuse to visit the country due to the climate of violence and insecurity.

WOW...this is really confusing. I have to assume this is a study made by Mexico and I'll further assume it was done IN Mexico which probably means those polled were in Mexico at the time.

I don't get it.

grmpb - 4-6-2010 at 01:20 PM


roadhog - 4-6-2010 at 05:42 PM

Now sitting in a well known resturant listening to classical piano. I have more than enough dinero for dinner. I was threatend by organized crime for extortion thru prostitution for the last 3 weeks in Mexico and now as I type.
? :P
KMA right ?

wilderone - 4-9-2010 at 09:50 AM

When I went to see whales, you were asked to sign in a log book - upon entry of the salt works and when you purchase tickets (I also signed a log book at the San Ignacio mision visitors log). In all those log books, there were very few people from the USA logged in. Most visitors were from Mexico and Europe.

Cardon Man - 4-10-2010 at 05:33 PM

Originally posted by wilderone
When I went to see whales, you were asked to sign in a log book - upon entry of the salt works and when you purchase tickets (I also signed a log book at the San Ignacio mision visitors log). In all those log books, there were very few people from the USA logged in. Most visitors were from Mexico and Europe.

Very sad indeed. The only upside is more Baja for the rest of us to enjoy.