
marlin in at mulege

Bob and Susan - 4-6-2010 at 01:33 PM

there are some pretty BIG fish just ouside the bay here in mulege

just look how close to shore this marlin was:o:o

take a look
scrool down to mulege...

marlinmike.JPG - 23kB

bajajudy - 4-6-2010 at 01:39 PM

I think that is a Sail Fish

DENNIS - 4-6-2010 at 02:02 PM

Originally posted by bajajudy
I think that is a Sail Fish

I think this is a sailfish:

[Edited on 4-6-2010 by DENNIS]

Bob and Susan - 4-6-2010 at 02:15 PM


ms.jpg - 32kB

Bob and Susan - 4-6-2010 at 02:17 PM

both cat food:lol:

Bill Collector - 4-6-2010 at 02:22 PM

Why Kill it for cat food. Should be let loose.

DENNIS - 4-6-2010 at 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
both cat food:lol:

Right up there with Bonita. Not bad smoked.

Bill Collector - 4-6-2010 at 02:23 PM

Why Kill it for cat food. Should have beeen let loose.

Bob and Susan - 4-6-2010 at 02:33 PM

released="let loose"

mtgoat666 - 4-6-2010 at 02:53 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
there are some pretty BIG fish just ouside the bay here in mulege

just look how close to shore this marlin was:o:o

take a look

people need to learn to catch and release, and not haul the poor fishy onto boat for snapshot and then throw thrashed fish back into sea to die.

Bajahowodd - 4-6-2010 at 03:30 PM

In a perfect world, vanity would not rule.

Arturo - 4-6-2010 at 03:54 PM

Sometimes they're dead before getting to the boat, had one last year that sadly tried to spit out its intestines, point being theres not much you can do sometimes "Smoked Marlin" is what it ended up.

Pescador - 4-6-2010 at 05:15 PM

That is a striped Marlin not a sailfish, and catch and release, as much as we wish it were common practice, is not a normal behavior for the mexican fisherman who will sell that fish to a processor. It is very good eating although not nearly as good as a Blue or a Black. So where I have the biggest problem is all of the do-gooders do not realize that this is Mexico, which is goverened by Mexicans, ruled by Mexicans, and with laws that are established by Mexicans, and except for those areas that are affected by a high influence of American influence like Cabo and maybe Loreto, the average fisherman sees this fish as pesos to feed the family. I am not justifying this position as I never allow a billfish to be landed or taken out of the water in my boat, but I am the captain of my boat and little world of influence, but the ranters and ravers are just spewing hot air in the wind when they start with this stuff about every fish that a Mexican fisherman hauls in to market.

acadist - 4-6-2010 at 07:37 PM

Nice fish, wish I was there!

capt. mike - 4-6-2010 at 07:39 PM

well said Jim - you are right on target.

its mexico - not ours to control. those people need the income a fish can provide.
after all, it is in the good book:

take a mexican fishing and he'll help but drink all your beer...
teach a mexican to fish and he'll get a panga and take all your friends fishing at fee.....and still drink all your beer.:saint:

Hook - 4-6-2010 at 09:56 PM

Yep, it's their continue to run the shrimp and dorado and shark and turtle and manta ray and sardine populations into oblivion, while their own laws on their books are ignored.

Who are we to complain? Why, they OWN all these fish in their territorial waters, right? They have the legal right to remove every last specimen of these species from their water, right? Actually, they do. Does that make it RIGHT??

If a billfish is taken and sold to a processor, then that is fishing commercially, isn't it? Are billfish allowed to be taken commercially by Mexican regulations? I'm not sure, but I dont think so. I do know that fish taken by sportfishing are not legally sold.

We can continue to turn a blind eye to all this; the payoffs to officials who are supposed to enforce the existing laws, the taking of fish over limits, the continued illegal longlining and netting by large vessels and pangueros and the selling of non-commercial species.

Will we also turn a blind eye when these fishermen have no means to support their families because they had the RIGHT to ignore basic rules of conservation?

It's not so much about taking one marlin here or there, it's about ignoring the rules, one at a time.

Teach a man to kill everything he catches........ and he will fish until all the fish disappear. Then, he's out of work and can't afford beer.

Teach a man to fish with conservation in mind.............and his children's, children's children will be able to fish AND afford to drink beer.

Bob and Susan - 4-7-2010 at 05:50 AM

when did this move to the political discussion area?
this is not about you or your political beliefs

the guy hooked bait on
he threw it in the water
he caught a BIG fish
it jumped on board...with coaxing
he took a picture
he released the fish
the fish lives :yes:

look how close to shore they are
they are not 50 miles out

you really don’t get to choose what bites when you troll

obviously you guys don’t fish much…except for jim of course
if you do... where are your pictures…
david k will teach you how to post them:light:

yellowtail is being caught here in Mulege on the surface near shore
not just 300 feet below…even though they are there too

we had fresh yellowtail for lunch monday...pretty good:biggrin:

capt. mike - 4-7-2010 at 05:56 AM

sounds to me that it was released - no harm no foul.
and i do agree with you hook. the mexican guvmint does need to do a better job.
but look at our own effed up guvmint... they can't do anything right. but they can tax us to death and waste all our $$.
i am more worried about dollar conservation (protecting and preserving its intrinsic worth) than fisheries today.

Cypress - 4-7-2010 at 07:50 AM

Not just Mexico. Marlin steaks are sold in some major stores in the US.

vacaenbaja - 4-7-2010 at 09:11 AM

Marlin is great smoked. I recall
having dinner at Rancho Buena Vista where they had
family type seating and buffet. A variety of food was served up including Marlin. One patron asked the waiter what was
the great tasting fish that was being served. the waiter replied marlin senor. The patron bust out laughing and said no really what kind of fish is that? It was Marlin, but the patron would not believe it.

tripledigitken - 4-7-2010 at 09:31 AM

This topic comes up every so often. Marlin is widely eaten, both smoked and otherwise in Mexico and stateside.

Many Mariscos Restaurants in San Diego, for example, serve smoked marlin tacos and they are delicious. Several fine dining restaurants prepare it carpacio style (similar to ceviche).

I have mentioned a restaurant out of a Truck, Mariscos German, that is parked at University and 35th in San Diego. They serve marlin tacos, that are smoked, that will knock your socks off.

Here is a review............


Pompano - 4-7-2010 at 09:38 AM

Marlin is good marinated, then on the grill, smoked, grilled, taco-wise, and any-other-wise. Been on our family table since the 50's, but it's been a few years now since I've killed a marlin or any billfish. I've seen it eaten and readily available in many of the billfish areas I have visited.

Like Scarecrow did...immediately and quickly...after he took that well-deserved photo, most all the fishermen that I fish with release about 80% of the fish we bring to the boat. After all, 1 fish per outing is usually more than 2 people can eat..and if you do go overboard and keep your legal limit of 5, it is often times disappointing to find ready homes for 4 other fish.

DENNIS - 4-7-2010 at 10:22 AM

Originally posted by Pompano

most all the fishermen that I fish with release about 80% of the fish we bring to the boat.

Seems, with a bit of immagination, one could have the same thrill by tying the leader to a dog's collar and letting loose the cat. Poor Man's sportfishing, so to speak. :)

bajabass - 4-7-2010 at 10:29 AM

Ah, the same gentleman that caught the golden grouper! Good going Sir!! Other than ecological/political concerns, the problem with keeping any fish that large, is getting it bleed, gutted, and iced down fast enough. If you don't, you have 100+ pounds of cat food/fertalizer!:barf:

Bob and Susan - 4-7-2010 at 11:51 AM

AND one of the people who ate part of the "golden grouper" WON the lottery!!!:tumble:

bajabass - 4-7-2010 at 12:22 PM

That's great!! I'd have eaten a piece or two of that beauty. Golden Grouper=Golden Luck!!! Guess I've just never had good marlin before.

always set a good example no matter where you are

flyfishinPam - 4-7-2010 at 01:27 PM

Why didn't you mention this in the first place? ALWAYS set good examples and when you do take credit for them. Just DO it no matter where you are. This would have eliminated any cause for bad feelings and you would come out looking good too. only well deserved praise. win win situation. lesson learned.

Originally posted by Bob and Susan
when did this move to the political discussion area?
this is not about you or your political beliefs

the guy hooked bait on
he threw it in the water
he caught a BIG fish
it jumped on board...with coaxing
he took a picture
he released the fish
the fish lives :yes:

look how close to shore they are
they are not 50 miles out

you really don’t get to choose what bites when you troll

obviously you guys don’t fish much…except for jim of course
if you do... where are your pictures…
david k will teach you how to post them:light:

yellowtail is being caught here in Mulege on the surface near shore
not just 300 feet below…even though they are there too

we had fresh yellowtail for lunch monday...pretty good:biggrin:

monoloco - 4-7-2010 at 01:58 PM

I don't know what the big deal is, from what I have seen marlin is no more endangered than wahoo and I don't know anyone who would release a wahoo. Striped marlin is excellent eating, raw as well as cooked and freeze well. I usually keep one or two small ones every year for eating because the bigger ones are almost always females and should be released. ( I also release female dorado)The last couple of years the marlin have been really thick here, there have been days when we have seen dozens of them. It seems to me like the ones really promoting catch and release are the sport fishing outfits so they can keep harvesting money from tourists who catch the same fish over and over.

bajabass - 4-7-2010 at 03:44 PM

Is it possible billfish are becoming more prolific because catch and release is becoming commonplace all over the world? Maybe, just maybe, if this practice continues, and sportfishing groups promote it, and we continue to lobby for commercial fishing sanity, you will continue to see billfish until you and your grandkids can see them sunning from the beach again. These fish roam incredible distances, so what happens in EVERY country affects the outcome for the fishery throughout the world. Also, I prefer dorado or wahoo to any marlin I have ever tasted. I also rarely freeze fish. Any fish is better same day or next day! I am eagerly looking forward to my permanent move to the La Paz area. Then I can either catch my own, or buy fresh fish pretty much at will.:yes:

monoloco - 4-7-2010 at 05:02 PM

I am all for catch and release, but the number of billfish fish released by sport fishermen doesn't come close to the numbers caught worldwide by longliners. As for frozen fish, the fish that I vacuum seal and freeze tastes better than most of the fresh fish that I have purchased in the market up north. Even if you live fairly close to the coast, that so called fresh fish in the store is at least 3-7 days old when you buy it.

bajabass - 4-7-2010 at 05:26 PM

I agree with everything you say Monoloco! The commercial industry is raping the world. If the sportsfishing crowd releases the vast majority of billfish, that is that many more still swimming! I unfortunately do not think sportsfisherman will ever unite well enough to change commercial fishing regs. There is way too much money involved. Maybe we can slow them down a little? Vacuum sealing, and proper initial care of the fish yields a better product for sure, but I prefer fresh. I either eat fish I catch, fresh given to me by friends, or fish I buy direct from the pangas as they unload for the day. There is no comparison to store bought, IMHO. I rarely fish NOB, so I really enjoy my weekend escapes to La Mision. Nice halibut right in the marina, calicos, sandies and lingcod right outside, A couple for dinner, and release the rest!!

durrelllrobert - 4-8-2010 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by vacaenbaja
the waiter replied marlin senor.

shucks, I thought he said: darlin senor:lol:

Sharksbaja - 4-9-2010 at 01:56 AM

Do you think anyones' opinion would or will make a spit of difference to anyone?

Why would people change their habits becasuse of what someone says here. A whole lot of wind for nada, take a hint from these guys.

Catch and release is.....a personal thang......... no, not for "Brownie points" by being PC.

Pompano - 4-9-2010 at 05:38 AM

I respectfully disagree, Corky. It's been my observation that many fishermen change their habits of catch-and-keep to catch-and-release because of peer influence....or following an example. Public awareness on forums such as nomads is a good venue to get the information out there..sometimes it is JUST about awareness.

Lots of communities like Mulege, being somewhat cut-off from newspapers for morning coffee, now have Baja Nomads...which has become a great read to fill that void.

I know that these threads about marlin and golden grouper have been the topic of discussion among folks in the Mulege area...novice, veteran anglers, and non-fishermen alike.

Catch and waste of a what you catch, good harvest practices, etc. Old stuff to lots of us, but new ideas for some. Good habits learned early in one's fishing career can only promote better fishing for the future generation. So..yes, people's opinions as seen on forums like BN do make a difference. Awareness, awareness.

[Edited on 4-9-2010 by Pompano]

Sharksbaja - 4-9-2010 at 12:40 PM

Well sure Roger, peer pressure does have it's rewards. My point being that simply posting the pros and cons on a public forum would, imho, not change the habits of most.

In a boat or at the dock or having a face to face discussion about the subject may perhaps influence some die-hard fisherfolks but that is the REAL world.

Heck. how many on this forum have never even submitted there true name or identity. Do you think our words provide tangible results. That my friend would be the perfect world.