
Many thanks to Shari and Juan...

Bajamick - 4-9-2010 at 10:40 PM

Hi everyone, it's been a long time since I posted, but I am back, and after a little pressure here and there from various persons who shall remain anonymous, I will try to post more often.

Just wanted to say a major "Thank You" to Shari and Juan over in Asuncion for a couple of great days with them. I took a couple of days off from diving the Sea of Cortez, and drove over to stay for 48 hours. It has been a little over two years now since I was there last, and I'll swear the town has gotten prettier. Shari and Juan treated the three of us like kings and queens (which is nothing unusual) and we had a great time. Danya and I dived a small seamount to 90ft, about 27m, and the viz was excellent, given the time of year and the usual plankton bloom. We had lobster (yes, it is still there) small nudi branchs, all manner of shoaling fish, plus many sheepshead, and that gorgeous animal, the Garibaldi. How can such a beautifully coloured (English spelling) fish survive predation?? I even saw, and Danya missed, a twisting, turning, playful seal. The water was warm enough for me to dive in just my 5mm jacket and a hood, no farmer john.
This was Danya's first ever kelp dive, despite diving around the world recently. To say she was happy, is an understatement!!
We then went off and Danya snorkeled with the sealions, seals and there was even an elephant seal on the beach watching the commotions going on in the water. Personally I have dived with sea lions, seals etc many times previously, but never have I felt I was in BBC Natural History program. There were seals and sea lions laying everywhere, on almost every inch of sandy beach. Many species intermingled dozing or playing. The same in the water as Danya danced with them. I have some footage of Danya being watched extremely closely by the big bull sea lion, but she said that she never felt threatened by his presence. Just as I have never felt endangered, just sometimes awe inspired, by these cumbersome (on land) creatures that can out dance Fred and Ginger, or any disco dancer alive. A really great day out in the boat, and in the water. Mulegena, Danya and I had a fabulous two days, and it was all thanks to Shari and Juan. Cheers guys, we'll be back soon, but will see you here in Mulege for some diving in late May/early June...

htnfool - 4-10-2010 at 07:04 AM


Glad to see you back up and running.

Thanks for the post.

Sorry I wasn't able to dive with you in February. I had to run back up to the states.

Loved the dive to Frijole reef. I'll be back down in November. Let's give my boat a little work out.


Bajamick - 4-10-2010 at 07:51 AM

Thanks Scott. Yes missed you earlier in the year. Never mind, the water is still here, and so shall I be. Drop me a mail at then I'll have yours for future use.

shari - 4-10-2010 at 08:16 AM

You are most welcome Mick and was an awesome visit and we so enjoyed the video footage of the seal lion snorkel adventure. We look forward to you guys spending more time over here once things heat up in Mulege...and to hearing more about your dives over there.

Juan is really looking forward to getting certified with you in May as's to new ventures amigo! cheers mate.