
Surprise yellowtails in Asuncion...woooo hooo

shari - 4-16-2010 at 08:44 AM

Abalone fishing was suspended for a couple days till the seas calm down and visibility what does a fisherman do on his days off....FISH of course.

On a hot tip, the boys tried trolling a silver exrap and boated 2 nice yellowtail which are not normally around this time of year as well as some monster bonitas. Here is Kevin and a pal Gil with the prize fish.

Sirenita made quick work of the YT with huge plates of sashimi and sushi to feed the masses.

Kevin needed a nap after catching that nice fish on his new reel.

But today, it's back to the rockpile for more foolin around dude.

Martyman - 4-16-2010 at 01:28 PM

Will I be able to find abalone in any restaurants next month?

shari - 4-16-2010 at 06:18 PM

Juan says depends. Before, the coop gave the abalone fishermen 5 abalone every week for their families to eat which we often shared with our amigos. But some got caught selling them so now they just give us cans of abalone and still charge us 390 pesos each can...half price. but nobody is happy with the cans....everyone wants fresh of course.

So who knows what will happen when you get here...lets hope we're back to getting fresh stuff I'll check with the restaurants to see if anyone's got it.

Geo_Skip - 4-16-2010 at 10:21 PM

Congratulations Kevin!!! But Shari, or whomever took the pictures that turned me green.... You gotta show Kevin how to hold that fantastic yellowtail in a way than won't make it look sooooo small! I know it's bigger than the photo looks!

Happy for you all, you have a bit of paradise to play in! And Real Sushi!!! Sashimi is excellent with a good wasabi but good sushi!!! UMMMMMMM!

capt. mike - 4-17-2010 at 03:46 AM

is a YT a tuna or a mackeral?

htnfool - 4-17-2010 at 06:38 AM

YT is a Jack! A Delicious Jack at that...

Wow, that sushi/sashimi looks soooooo good.

Do you know how rude it is to post such a pic!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Bob H - 4-17-2010 at 06:41 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
is a YT a tuna or a mackeral?

There's as bunch of fish that could fall into the yellowtail tag. Look at this link! WOW

Bob H

[Edited on 4-17-2010 by Bob H]

Pacifico - 4-17-2010 at 05:33 PM


When is the best time for yellowtail fishing in Asuncion? July, August? I'm coming your way this year!!!

shari - 4-17-2010 at 07:48 PM

usually there arent any YT around this time of year but the water is warmer than usual and was a repeat with these 2 lovely yellowtail and a big squid, limits of whitefish and calico...a chiitload of fish!!! Good thing Juan had the day off abalone fishing....back to the grind tomorrow.

Our yellowtail season doesnt get into gear until mid august but then lasts till february...wer're thinkin the tuna may be here early this year too...they dont usually show up till september-january.

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shari - 4-17-2010 at 07:51 PM

It has been pretty windy all week so today was finally nicer so zoe, sirena, adrian and I had a wonderful long beach walk while the boys were fishin their brains out.

Ceviche tomorrow and sheepshead stew....way yummy!!!!

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capt. mike - 4-18-2010 at 04:19 AM

I used to spear sheepsheads along the rocks south playa at PSFO.

are they good to eat?
i gave mine away.

shari - 4-18-2010 at 07:30 AM

Capt....ask anyone who has experienced Juan's famous sheepshead chowder. I'm not a chowder lover but this dish is simply outstanding as this fish has the perfect flavour and consistancy for a soup...and feeds lots of visitors!!

woody with a view - 4-18-2010 at 08:12 AM

sheephead eat crabs, urchins and other good stuff. guess what? they kinda taste like crab.....

boe4fun - 4-18-2010 at 10:38 AM

Years ago Shelley used sheephead (after steaming the meat over crab) on a tossed salad. All of the guests thought they were eating a crab salad! BYW Shari, how's the new road going? Shelley wants to know if it'll be finished by the time we come down.

shari - 4-19-2010 at 07:38 AM

whoa...I thought we just had an earthquake...but it was actually rolling thunder which is very rare even rained a bit last night!!

Our quiet little village has been taken over by loud rolling thunder sounds of the water trucks that are working on the new road...jammin through town a few times a day to fill up with sea water out here at the point...pumps running all day...sheesh! Luckily the pounding swell drowns out that nasty sound.

The good thing is the road is racing along and is to be completed by Aug.15 at the latest....but I dont see any work being done on the last teeny bit into town????

Here is a picture for Shelley who is the shore fishing queen...halibut for dinner mommy?

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