
Anybody know what happened to

chippy - 4-16-2010 at 09:06 AM

I can´t find their weekly all over Mexico fishing reports any more. Any body have any info? Thanks

castaway$ - 4-16-2010 at 09:14 AM

It's been gone for quite awhile, I don't remember the reason but Gene is done. There is a gal from Western Outdoors that is supposedly filling the void but her updates are few and far in between, she probably doesn't have the contacts. I have found BN to be the best resource now you just have to post your questions and yo wiil get plenty of current info.

DENNIS - 4-16-2010 at 10:36 AM

Originally posted by castaway$
There is a gal from Western Outdoors that is supposedly filling the void but her updates are few and far in between, she probably doesn't have the contacts.

She was here for a while, but I don't think it was what she was looking for.
Robin Wade.........She's still around:

chippy - 4-16-2010 at 10:37 AM

Thanks castaway$. I didn´t know that Gene was done. Bloody Decks has alot of Mexico reports also but I really liked Genes.

Pescador - 4-16-2010 at 04:44 PM

Actually what happened is that Western Outdoor News told Gene that he could not post the reports on and the WON site at the same time, and since Gene had a loyal following on Mexfish, he figured it was about time to pull the plug. There is no good weekly report covering all of the areas in Baja at this point. We had hoped that Robin Wade was actually going to fill that gap, but that has not really happened at this point. There are some reports on but nothing on a regular basis.

mulegemichael - 4-16-2010 at 06:20 PM

well....ok....gene is the guy; we all agree..i luv the guy.....he's no longer doing it and has moved on..that's ok; we all want to do that we have someone new, but it's not's robin! read; I like her and i think she's doing her best, under the circumstances...we're talkin' following in footsteps here guys...i say give her a break, excuse the fact that she is of the opposite sex, and let her do her thing...i'll bet you'd see a lot more "stuff" from robin if "we" would send her stuff....she's not gene...neither am i..give her a chance; she's really a pretty cool read.

David K - 4-16-2010 at 09:13 PM

W.O.N. Baja reporters...

Ray Cannon... Tom Miller... Fred Hoctor... Gene Kira... some pretty big shoes to fill!

[Edited on 4-17-2010 by David K]

castaway$ - 4-17-2010 at 10:41 AM

Don't have a problem with Robin, being a woman is irrelevent. I'm just looking for a good consistent report and it takes contacts, I think if she would solicit reports from the "fishing" nomads like Gene did she would have a great start to developing her own report, and if it is consistent I'll be a fan and regular visitor. Until then I'll just ask the Nomads myself.

wadeinthewater - 4-17-2010 at 12:44 PM

Okay guys-one last time. You may wish to go back to the 11-13 posting that I started in an effort to “set the record straight,” had a couple thousand hits-guess you weren’t one of them. You’ll see that both I, WON and DFG (for whom I had worked for many years) took a beating. Bottom line is and was that it was WON’s source list, started before Gene and which I continue to use and expand on.

If there are areas that have been dropped it is not because of “lack of advertising in that area,” but in case you haven’t noticed---times are tough down here and some areas just don’t have the cliental to report on and many were/are staying away from here. To take over Gene’s position just as things started to slide downhill has also been tough.

My reports are too long to cut and paste and put here as Gary Graham does. They have to be listed under the “favorite links site” and no one could find them. Many of the “reliable” Bloodlydecks reports are sent to me each week, as well as from Allcoast, WON readers and a FEW from here but I won’t “pinch” reports or use them without individuals permission. I gave out my address but can’t “make” anglers send in reports. ALL reports and photos are welcome!

I hit the “send” button as late as 3:00 a.m. on Sundays in order to provide the latest information I can. It goes online Mondays mid-day. As the week rolls by they scroll down as new articles are added. Can’t do any better than that, the site’s still a work in progress. It took years for my predecessors to gain their reputation, and years for me to get here, give me a break. You’re either part of the solution (like Mike, Shari and others) or the problem. I am here if you wish to send reports and will gladly take them, as I have said before.

DENNIS - 4-17-2010 at 12:48 PM

Originally posted by wadeinthewater

Is that a typo? Looks like an effing typo.

wadeinthewater - 4-17-2010 at 12:53 PM

Oppps-thank you Dennis! Got in a hurry. Supposed to be "working. That's:

chippy - 4-17-2010 at 01:21 PM

Sorry wadeinthewater I guess I missed your post. I was trying to access the old and kept coming up empty. I did not know about Gene or you. Now I do! I checked WON and found your reports. You are doing a great job. I´ll be checking weekly. Keep up the good work.

mulegemichael - 4-17-2010 at 01:43 PM

now that's more like it, guys..

woody with a view - 4-17-2010 at 03:54 PM

good work, Robin. we'll keep you posted next month, and every time.....

acadist - 4-17-2010 at 08:47 PM

Thanks Robin, I have now bookmarked your reports and will be a regular visitor again. Hopefully soon I will be able to get to Baja and get my reports on the board.

wadeinthewater - 4-18-2010 at 07:57 AM

I have noticed that the format online is not right-or maybe it's just me. Anyway, have let the paper know. Meanwhile, thank you all for your POSITIVE responses at

With such responses---I am back and here for you again. Note Don Eddie posting.

durrelllrobert - 4-18-2010 at 11:53 AM

Originally posted by wadeinthewater
Oppps-thank you Dennis! Got in a hurry. Supposed to be "working. That's:

glad to see you are still in the biz:coolup:


flyfishinPam - 4-18-2010 at 12:10 PM

Robin is the only person who is covering a very important issue for all bluewater sport fishermen this is the issue of our fight to keep the dorado as a protected species in Mexican waters from the coastline out to 50nm.

Dorado, Roosterfish, Tarpon, Sailfish and Marlin are protected under article 68 of the ley federal de pesca. This was done in order to stimulate tourism into Mexico, and tourism is the third largest contributor to our national economy (first is PEMEX second is remittances!). So it would follow that our legistators would do what they could to protect tourism correcto? Well this isn't what's happening so we have to fight back.

I joined the fight pretty heavy in January and we've been making progress and getting attention. Minerva of Cabo San Lucas brought me in and she's been fighting this for over 25 years nearly by herself. All our towns in BCS are becoming a united force and those behind CONAPESCA are feeling it!

So my hats off to Robin we really appreciate what you have been doing to help us down here. She has to walk a very thin line in doing so and she's been doing a brilliant job. Anyone who wants to give her crap will have to come through me first.

Robin you have a blog can you post the link?

shari - 4-19-2010 at 07:25 AM

Oh that typo was way too funny Robin!! Yep we all miss Gene but I too am part of the Robin fan club as she is doing the very best she can "under the circumstances" and is very active on the political front which is nice to see and as walking a tight rope.

Robin solicits reports just like Gene least hers get printed...unlike other fishing reporters who only print reports from paid advertisers. Reports are only as good as the fishermen who send em please contribute to WOMEWS....hahahahah

castaway$ - 4-19-2010 at 08:04 AM

I stand corrected! Robin I just visited your page and your report is getting much better, I'll add it to my list of sites to be checking for information.

Skipjack Joe - 4-19-2010 at 05:06 PM

Originally posted by wadeinthewater

You’re either part of the solution (like Mike, Shari and others) or the problem.

Well, I for one, don't like your demeanor. Neither Tom Miller nor Gene ever wrote a line like that. Those who are succesfull in your field characteristically know how to communicate with people in a professional manner.

[Edited on 4-20-2010 by Skipjack Joe]

flyfishinPam - 4-19-2010 at 06:39 PM

Skipjack man I can't let that go. Neither Tom or Tim (I forgot the name oops) or Gene had to ever deal with the constant additional challenges that Robin has had to face and faces multiple times each day just for being a female of our species in her position. I can certainly relate to this but I have to say it builds character and makes ya stronger arrgggh. I know I try really hard to put on a smiley face despite what I've been through but sometimes when the guys are ganging up on ya, you just have to start fighting back once in awhile. sometimes its tactful sometimes not, oh well that's life. Give Robin a break. peace.

Skipjack Joe - 4-19-2010 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by wadeinthewater

You’re either part of the solution (like Mike, Shari and others) or the problem.

This is not a gender issue, Pam.

You can't blame your readers when they aren't happy with your product. That's suicidal for a writer. That's like a politician blaming the public for not being smart enough to vote for her. No politician does that. If she's being criticized the right thing to do is not to blame the reader but to look within and deal with the problems.

Furthermore the aproach is splitting your readership into those who are for you and those who are against you is also very self destructive. A person in power treats all readers as interested in what you write and say. Otherwise you are just antagonizing your own public. What I'm saying is that the attitude is a path to failure.