
Bahia Tortugaas 200 May23

rts551 - 4-29-2010 at 10:55 AM

The Bahia Tortugas off-road race has been moved to 23 May.

tiotomasbcs - 4-29-2010 at 11:19 AM

It would be a good time for a visit to the area and also see some racing! All classes? I have only seen pictures of the roads into Malarrimo beaches. Facilities in Tortugas like Hotels?? It is a beautiful drive from Abreojos up to Asuncion? Never noticed any Nomads from Tortugas. Tio

rts551 - 4-29-2010 at 01:04 PM

Nomads in Tortugas. no I don't believe so. The Few Hotels they have are probably going to be busy. It would be wise to get reservations early (I don't have any numbers). We will drive out to the hwy since we will be pulling a trailer for the Quad.

all classes except probably no trophy trucks..

shari - 4-29-2010 at 01:49 PM

there are a few hotels in tortugas but as mentioned will most likely be full. You could stay in Asuncion and drive out to the course in less than an hour from here...hey maybe we'll head out that's windier than hell here today and will be tomorrow too so make sure you are on the upwind side of the road!!!

DianaT - 4-29-2010 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by tiotomasbcs
It would be a good time for a visit to the area and also see some racing! All classes? I have only seen pictures of the roads into Malarrimo beaches. Facilities in Tortugas like Hotels?? It is a beautiful drive from Abreojos up to Asuncion? Never noticed any Nomads from Tortugas. Tio

We have a friend who is buying a home in Tortugas and will be renting it out at times. I will check with him, but I do not believe he has closed the deal yet and the sellers are still living in the house.

Will call him.


Desertbull - 5-5-2010 at 09:04 PM

Motel Nancy - Fine place to stay and happy family that runs it. I've stayed there many times and recommend it as a warm, clean and family run hotel.