
Launch ramp Puerto Los Cabos - SJD information needed

elskel - 4-29-2010 at 11:23 AM

To All: Looking for some informationon boat launch / ramp out of the new marina.
thanks brian

bajajudy - 4-29-2010 at 02:42 PM

There are two ramps
One the pangeros use and you would have to check with one of them for permission. Or that was my understanding the last time I checked
The other is by the new dry storage building and I would guess that you have to go through either them or the marina office. The marina office monitors channel 22 if you have a VHF. I do not know anyone who has used this ramp since the dry stacks have been finished. Maybe go on the Puerto Los Cabos website for telephone numbers.
You will go right by my building on the way to either. Look to your left after crossing the arroyo or the bridge, if it is open, for a tall brown building with LIBROS BOOKS on the side. Stop in if you have time

elskel - 4-29-2010 at 03:58 PM

Thanks for the info, it is for a couple of my buddies. They are towing a boat down for a couple of weeks. I am flying out next tues. it go work on my place in Pescadero.

BajaBruno - 4-29-2010 at 04:31 PM

Elskel, I'd be curious to know what they charge you to launch. My experience is that the glitzy marinas have outrageous launch fees, but there may be an exception somewhere.

elskel - 4-29-2010 at 05:17 PM


bajajudy - 4-29-2010 at 08:37 PM

The last time we launched a boat it was 200pesos. That was one year ago.