
dt gets "snookered"

dtbushpilot - 5-6-2010 at 09:51 PM

Well, I knew something like this was bound to happen. Been here in the beautiful East cape for a few days now and made several runs up and down the beach with my fishing rod. I always bring my camera but since the beach fishing hasn't been too great I didn't bother to pick it up. I rode....I mean walked down to the North jetty at the new marina project in La Ribera and after 2 casts hooked into something significant. I was using my new Shimano Curado light weight outfit and had quite a nice fight with what I assumed was a jack creval. Imagine my surprise when I found it to be a Snook, a nice one of somewhere north of 10lbs. I've never caught a snook or seen one caught off the beach around here. I know you can find them in Bahia La Paz and Mag bay but it was a first for me.

I know, I know, no picture, no fish. Believe it or not, those who know me will believe it............or not......dt

Russ - 5-7-2010 at 05:25 AM

That's great! Since no mention of what a great meal it made I'm guessing you released it. So, how do you like the new Curado and what rod length rod & line did ya match it up with. I was out yesterday hoping for a dorado on mine but no luck at all.

woody with a view - 5-7-2010 at 06:26 AM

i don't believe it.

at least it isn't something like, "the one that got away!"


Osprey - 5-7-2010 at 06:52 AM

BM, Before the Marina, our local charcos and intermittant watercourses held nice snook. Like other fish, they have long birth memories so it is no wonder they might be hanging around the jetties now. I know DT and I know him to be a born fisherman so if he says he caught a big snook, then I say he did get a 3 maybe 4 pound snook.

dtbushpilot - 5-7-2010 at 07:24 AM

Thanks Jorge, I knew I could count on you for some backup.

There were 3 americano fly fishermen from Colorado there when I pulled...I mean walked up. They had been beating the water for quite a while with narry a fish. They didn't look too happy with me when I caught the snook on my second cast......dt

Pescador - 5-7-2010 at 07:29 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Thanks Jorge, I knew I could count on you for some backup.

There were 3 americano fly fishermen from Colorado there when I pulled...I mean walked up. They had been beating the water for quite a while with narry a fish. They didn't look too happy with me when I caught the snook on my second cast......dt

That is because they are from Colorado where they have you buy these little wimpy fairy wands that they call fly rods to make you think that the fish you catch are really huge. They tend to get a little on the snobby side and think that a fish caught on anything else is just a victim of "meat hunters". You can usually tell them from a distance because they spend more on their outfits than Jorge spends in an entire year on all of his fishing tackle.

dtbushpilot - 5-7-2010 at 07:33 AM

You're right pescador. You should see the look I get when I come out of the water right in front of them with my spear gun and a big fish.:lol::lol:....dt

shari - 5-7-2010 at 07:38 AM

well, since it was too windy to fish when DT was here last week, I have no pics of him holding up his catch...but he did manage to snag these incredible roosters!!

This is a painting his darling copilot commisioned from Nancy...dang I'm gonna miss it hanging in the dance room, I mean the gallery.

DSC05176.JPG - 38kB

dtbushpilot - 5-7-2010 at 07:43 AM

Thanks shari, those were the biggest roosters I've held up in a while and my first "double".

Nancy is truly a talented artist and Jill will love them....

dtbushpilot - 5-7-2010 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Pescador
Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Thanks Jorge, I knew I could count on you for some backup.

There were 3 americano fly fishermen from Colorado there when I pulled...I mean walked up. They had been beating the water for quite a while with narry a fish. They didn't look too happy with me when I caught the snook on my second cast......dt

That is because they are from Colorado where they have you buy these little wimpy fairy wands that they call fly rods to make you think that the fish you catch are really huge. They tend to get a little on the snobby side and think that a fish caught on anything else is just a victim of "meat hunters". You can usually tell them from a distance because they spend more on their outfits than Jorge spends in an entire year on all of his fishing tackle.

In all fairness I have to say that these guys were pretty down to earth and friendly. To answer Russ's question, I didn't eat it. I would have released it but the other fishermen asked me if they could have it. They were camping on the beach and I don't think they had caught anything to eat yet. I reluctantly agreed to give it to them as at the time I was still afraid they might kick my a$$.

After I caught it one of them ran back to camp to get a spinning outfit, kinda reminded me of the poster of the two buzzards sitting on the fence and one of them saying "scr#w it, I'm gonna go kill something":lol::lol:

I almost always release fish but would have kept this one to eat if Jill had been down here with me to enjoy (read cook) it with me. I've always heard that they are excellent eating but have never had one.

The rod I used is a 7' medium action Cabelas Salt Striker with 50# braid and a 15# flouro top shot......I don't believe in using light line for salt water fish, too much wear and tear....dt

Osprey - 5-7-2010 at 08:23 AM

I ran into some of those novice fly guys here on a guided tour. I stopped to chat with them and learned from their charming accent they were from North Carolina. Since they weren't doing any good with the flys I offered to run back to the house and get them a couple of Walkin' Worms. They smiled politely but it looked a little like those Driver's License smiles.

Nan&D - 5-7-2010 at 08:39 AM

Glad the pair flew the coop!

Now that D has gotten a boat that I'm not going to be (as) terrified to go out in, I'm gonna finally get my first fishing rod!
But I've got alot to learn---To me 50# braid and a 15# flouro top makes me think of a Big haired, well dressed 80's chick!

bajabass - 5-7-2010 at 11:20 AM

And the lure or bait used was???

dtbushpilot - 5-7-2010 at 04:52 PM

Originally posted by bajabass
And the lure or bait used was???

5/8oz black and silver holographic Crockodile about 3" long.

Caught a pan sized halibut today on a 1-1/2oz crippled herring. Never caught a halibut here either.....must be something in the water.....dt

Russ - 5-7-2010 at 07:46 PM

You're starting to pi$$ me off now!:lol:

acadist - 5-7-2010 at 08:31 PM

Hey. we're not all like my trout rod makes great bait in Mulege:lol:
Originally posted by Pescador
Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Thanks Jorge, I knew I could count on you for some backup.

There were 3 americano fly fishermen from Colorado there when I pulled...I mean walked up. They had been beating the water for quite a while with narry a fish. They didn't look too happy with me when I caught the snook on my second cast......dt

That is because they are from Colorado where they have you buy these little wimpy fairy wands that they call fly rods to make you think that the fish you catch are really huge. They tend to get a little on the snobby side and think that a fish caught on anything else is just a victim of "meat hunters". You can usually tell them from a distance because they spend more on their outfits than Jorge spends in an entire year on all of his fishing tackle.

dtbushpilot - 5-7-2010 at 11:03 PM

Originally posted by Russ
You're starting to pi$$ me off now!:lol:

Well russ, if it makes you feel any better the halibut was the only fish I caught today. I also had an equipment malfunction (read operator error) on my big gun casting rod, you remember the one that I posted the picture of the spectra birds nest from hell. I broke off my leader and new tandy topwater jig and puked up a $30 birds nest. Why $30 you ask? Because it was so bad that after picking at it for 3 hours and a six pack of beer I broke out the sissors and in a fit of rage cut out the line. It will cost $30 to refill it.

As if that wasn't enough, it was a nice calm day on the water and the roosters started to cooperate....with the fly fishing guys, not me. They were getting lots of shots at fish and I watched 2 of them catch 20 pounders. Another one caught a 20lb jack creval while I documented it on his movie camera for him. A school of roosters swam by as I was filming but I chose to keep on filming rather than grab my rod. These guys were on a fishing trip of a lifetime and were having a ball, I was happy to stay clear and watch them. I live here after all and can fish the beach any time I want......I got a bad sunburn too.

There, happy now?:lol::lol:....dt

Russ - 5-8-2010 at 05:45 AM

How to make a guy feel low 101....
Yes, I feel lousy now. I don't wish that kind of bird nest on any one.
How to fight a war... The first leader that untangles one those wins! If neither can do it they have to go home and behave.
All your kindness will come back in roses (code word for roosters). Hope they post your movie on U Tube. Good luck today! I get to figure why the belt on Bubba is screaming/slipping.

mulegemichael - 5-8-2010 at 07:13 AM

dt...i watched a buddy of mine beach a 47# snook at the lighthouse just south of punta colorada on live bait a few, or should i say quite a few, years was right around the time when you and jill first went fishing with me...THAT was a skookum fish!....roz and i and some of the boys will be down in two weeks for a poke at the dorado so maybe see you then. m.