anybody familiar with what is the current standard trailhead for canon del diablo? The '88 schad map indicates to leave your car in the "care of a
nearby rancho". Is this still the standard practice?mtgoat666 - 5-8-2010 at 06:46 PM
Originally posted by Geothermal-Shane
anybody familiar with what is the current standard trailhead for canon del diablo? The '88 schad map indicates to leave your car in the "care of a
nearby rancho". Is this still the standard practice?
i think the nomads here don't hike that route very often. i have always come from west, and have heard that coming from east is problem as no
reliable place to leave a car (but never been to that trailhead area at foot of cyn, so ??).
may be best to get your gal to drop you off on east and pick you up on west. aint that what gals are for?
for more up to date info try sierra club desert peaks club, or try that climbing club in TJ (don't remember their name, but google climbing and TJ and
sooner or later you will run across it).bajalou - 5-8-2010 at 08:04 PM
There is a parking area in Diablito Canyon that most use. Then hike over a small hill (1/4 mile?) and start up Diablo. I have seen cars left there
by hikers. Don't know if they had problems.
I and friends in San Felipe have taken climbers to the canyon and picked them up so they could leave their cars in a safer place. One we took came to
San Felipe by bus and just needed the 25 mile ride to get started on the climb.