
NORRA Race Pictures

TMW - 5-13-2010 at 08:33 PM

Jan the Man sent these to Tony who posted them on his cheezer list. I don't know who Jan is but his pixs are great. Enjoy.

From: Jan The Man Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:14 PM
Subject: 2010 NORRA PICS
To: Tony Tellier

hey gang

so here they are - finally!

i arrived home monday night after the race with a speeding ticket in O.C. and a friend on my couch that i hadnt seen in 9 years.
needless to say i didnt get much done till after mothers day.

i will be passing this link on to DIRTSPORTS, Petersons 4 WHEEL, Mike Pearlman (NORRA) and thats why the pics are "watermarked" also there are a few pics i omitted for the same reason.

but not to worry - you can have any photo you like & i have several more that are only cool for some B/W film that hasnt been processed yet.

also, ive digitized all the video & the trailer is COMING SOON!!

torch - 5-13-2010 at 09:23 PM

nice pics, what a nostalgic ride through baja. My friend Byron is Mark Posts pilot. I wish I liked to fly

baja-chris - 5-14-2010 at 07:16 AM

Jan is the cinematographer that I mentioned in my race report that TW posted. He does exceptional work. I really like some of the black and white polaroids he took. Jan is working on a trailer now for the short film he is compiling from our trip. He has a fair amount of high-def video to edit.

BTW, we won our class and had a faster time than all but one vehicle in all the 4x4 classes (getting lost for over an hour did not help). Here is a link to my finish line video.

Chris Wilson

David K - 5-14-2010 at 07:22 AM

Thank you!!:bounce:

TMW - 5-14-2010 at 08:57 AM

Thanks Chris for the interview link. You sure looked good for a guy who had just finished a long three day rally race.