
fish report

1anadromous - 5-16-2010 at 07:21 AM

We are planning a trip next week to loreto...primarily to hang in the sun. But may fish if it looks good! Have there been any dorado caught yet? And can someone recommend a captain?

Russ - 5-16-2010 at 07:27 AM

1anadromous - 5-16-2010 at 07:59 AM

Not a lot on bajabigfish on daily conditions. Sounds like mulege is the place to find dorado currently. Thanks

Pescador - 5-17-2010 at 12:46 PM

No, the dorado are not really showing up at all, small pods of pretty small fish, and really scattered. The water is warming up in the Mulege/Santa Rosalia area but has not really passed the 74 degree mark with any consistency. There are warmer pockets of water, floating sargasso, but very few if any fish. We did see two today and played with them for over 1/2 hour but they would not eat anything, just kept circling the boat and looking curiously at everything.

Cypress - 5-17-2010 at 12:54 PM

Sometimes the fish are there but aren't hungry? Is it the phase of the moon, the tide, the temp.? It's just fish. They do what they do and we try to catch 'em.:biggrin:

1anadromous - 5-17-2010 at 04:22 PM

Thanks, pescador. It would be nice if things light up over the next ten days while I'm in loreto. But oh well, I'll have to enjoy the beer and sun ...not bad when you live on the Oregon coast.