Originally posted by durrelllrobert
am I hijacking this thread
The Obama Administration is determined to control communications, particularly through the Internet. In 2009 the Obama Administration tested a
data-gathering apparatus through Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and other social networking sites. They did so without notifying anyone of what they
intended to do. They arrogantly invaded the privacy of millions of citizens who use these sites in order to gather information about them, and to
enter their email addresses in a national database.
Here is what the investigation uncovered:
The National Legal and Policy Center* (NLPC) has uncovered a plan by the White House New Media operation to hire a technology vendor to conduct a
massive, secret effort to harvest personal information on millions of Americans from social networking websites. The information to be captured
includes comments, tag lines, emails, audio, and video. The targeted sites include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr and others – any space
where the White House "maintains a presence."
This database was discussed in the previous article in the series. It is provided by Oracle and it enables the government to have broad, sweeping
abilities to spy on average citizens as a matter of routine.
The goal of this database is the development of something called 'Data.gov.' It's objective is to 'redesign the government' using Internet
technology. But with the manner in which the Obama Administration has been using the technology already, the whole thing amounts to
'techno-terrorism. '
The website for 'Government 2.0 Club' provides the details about Data.gov.
The problem with this scheme is encapsulated in this:
"Data.gov has to be comprehensive and timely. While the Constitution calls for separation of powers, we do not believe that Data.gov, run by the
Executive Branch of Government, should be limited to only Executive Branch information. It should encompass all branches of Government and every
independent agency. (p.s. an OPML based list of all government agencies represented in the natural hierarchy of Government should be a data feed!) And
it should constantly be growing.
In other words, in the thinking of those who are developing Government 2.0, Data.gov, and other such far-reaching advancements in the ability of the
government to snoop into our lives, the restrictions of the Constitution are a non-issue. They pose absolutely no roadblock for the technocrats that
sit behind the scenes proposing and implementing these Orwellian plans.
Separation of powers? No problem. That is just a relic from a different era. Obviously, according to the prevailing wisdom of the totalitarians,
consolidation of power is not only preferable, but it is so, well... practical.
Dig deeper, for there is much, much more shocking information- -too much to publish here. But the information contained in the links below will only
serve to confirm the dire, ominous nature of the present push toward centralized government control of all of life.
Threat Level 'Emergency Powers' The Infamous NEA Conference Call Startup Lessons for Gov 2.0 The Platform for Government 2.0
*The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) was founded to promote ethics, and to give the Code of Ethics for Government (authored by Sen. Paul
Douglas (D-IL) who served from 1948 to 1964). The Code of Ethics for Government "Sense of Congress" resolution was passed by Congress on July 11,
1958 – it urges adherence to the Code by all government.
A main thrust of the NLPC is to give the Code the visibility it deserves. NLPC promotes ethics in public life through research, investigation,
education and legal action. |