
Baja Nomad Sharks Restaurant

Iflyfish - 5-19-2010 at 09:20 AM

While not in Baja this wonderful restaurant is owned by Baja Nomad Sharks and there have been postings on the Oregon Coast so I decided to put on my fire retardant gear and post on this wonderful restaurant.

Sharks Seafood Bar

Sharks Restaurant belongs to Baja Nomad member Sharks. It sits in the historic district of the snug harbor of Newport, Oregon. This is one of the historic wooden structures in the old part of town that sits on this ancient bay. The bay is full of sailing and fishing boats and is a very active port.

Sharks exterior is rather non-descript save for its sign in the shape of a huge shark, can’t miss it, southern most building on the street. Inside there is a huge salt water fish tank that holds some impressive specimens.

The aquarium isn’t the only attraction to this sea food house, it’s the Italian Cioppino, a hearty sea food, and tomato based stew that is redolent of garlic and clam juice as well as hearty Italian spices. They are proud of their Cioppino, as well they ought to be. This famous Italian dish is served in large bowls that brim with Dungeness Crab, Red Rock Fish, Clams, and two kinds of shrimp. It can be served over spaghetti or on its own with lots of bread for sopping up the juices. There are other fine options on the menu including a French Bouillabaisse as well as fresh daily sea food options. The Steamer Clams were fresh, plentiful and delicious. The operant term here is fresh, fresh, fresh.

One is immediately hit at the door with the savory smell of this sea food mélange wafting from the small kitchen. The Cioppino here is a bit sweeter than the one I used to eat at the now sadly demised Little Joe, Baby Joes in North Beach, San Francisco. There one could watch the six chefs prepare your serving in front of you on gas fired grills as they danced their way thru various Italian dishes. The wine at Little Joe, Baby Joes was Chianti served in a juice glass. At Sharks the wonderful 2005 Guenoc Zinfandel is served in the more traditional stemmed ware. The wine list though not extensive is very appropriate to the fare and representative of the varieties served which include Cab, Syrah, a good Oregon Pinot Noir and an assortment of white wines.

There was an offering of local huckleberry ice cream of some sort of death by chocolate cake available for desert; however I was far too full to try any of it. Judging from the taste of the owners the desert was no doubt worth the price.

I became accounted with Sharks via the website Baja Nomads (Peace, Love and Fish Tacos) where he is a frequent poster. I was shown a series of photos of Shark’s beautiful home in Mulegé, Baja Sur, Mexico, and a place dear to my heart. Unfortunately the third major hurricane in the last five years has destroyed this beautiful oasis with its huge palm palapa and rock water fall feeding the oval shaped pool. This of course has been a huge loss for Shark’s but their love of Baja is unflagging and they, like most of us bit by that particular bug will surely return.

If you are in Newport, Oregon I would highly recommend Sharks Seafood Bar 852 SW Bay Blvd, Newport, Oregon. 541-574-0540. Shark’s wonderful Cioppino sauce is available over the internet so you can savor this amazing fish stew in your own home.

Mrsfish had the bowl of Cioppino, I the Cioppino Sphagetti and both could only eat half of our order. The entire bill came to around $60 including a bottle of very good Zin.


edited for spelling, the name is Sharks
edited again for spelling and no pun intended c-ck/rock fish error. the spell check godess had a day off. i don't know how she confused the terms. my apologies to any i offended and cudos to any who found the error. i can't write stuff like that on purpose.

[Edited on 5-20-2010 by Iflyfish]

[Edited on 5-20-2010 by Iflyfish]

David K - 5-19-2010 at 09:26 AM

Six chefs? I thought 'sharksbaja' did it all by himself! Or was that at Joes in Frisco?

Sounds yummy...

Thanks for the review... I wish he was in Newport, California instead of Newport, Oregon!

[Edited on 5-19-2010 by David K]

Iflyfish - 5-19-2010 at 09:47 AM

Poor writing David, Shark's does it by himself, with the able assistance of MrsShark who ably runs the front of the house.

Newport, California ain't shabby either!


David K - 5-19-2010 at 10:15 AM

Thanks Fly, it wasn't your writing that was poor... I just read it too fast the first time (I was hungry)! ;)

Bruce R Leech - 5-19-2010 at 11:00 AM

this is the best in Oregon I think and Sharks is a fine person also

We depart BSM

BajaRob - 5-19-2010 at 12:00 PM

bound for Newport on June 1st. It is a great place to spend the summer. Great friends, great food, and great weather. When we get homesick we head to South Beach which looks much like the beach that I am looking at out front now.

toneart - 5-19-2010 at 02:08 PM

Good post flyfishlovesshark'sseafood! I have met Sharks in Mulege and empathize with him in the loss of his house there.

One of these days I will take a trip up the Oregon Coast and Shark's restaurant will be a main destination. :yes:

I used to eat at Little Joe's too. Loved it! My principal North Beach hangout was at the bar at Vanessi's where they had maybe a dozen or more cooks in their tall white hats, black and white checkered pants and aprons. They were all Italian, very excitable and shouted, perhaps even argued with one another while putting on a high-flame olive oil show up into the ventilator hood. Those were the days when I would rub elbows with Mayors George Moscone, Willie Brown and also Carol Doda. Some interesting conversations to be sure, and the food was to die for. :o

[Edited on 5-19-2010 by toneart]

Sharksbaja - 5-19-2010 at 02:27 PM

I'm humbled YoFlyfish, Bruce! Thank you kindly. I'll be there 7 days a week in Summer. BYOB (bring yer own bib) actually we DO have a full bar. Cadillac Maggies a specialty. ;)


Sharks Seafood Bar & Steamer Co

Tony, hope you can make it sometime.

[Edited on 5-20-2010 by Sharksbaja]

Iflyfish - 5-19-2010 at 10:32 PM


Was it just the elbows of Doda??? She was of course very famous for those elbows, always bumping into people with them. Heard Lenny Bruce at the Hungry I down the street and of course Fennocios was always a hoot. Then across the street Lawrence Ferlinghetti held court with Jack Keruoac, and Allen Ginsberg who were regulars. Opera at the Tuscan Bar and Luciano Pavarotti eating an entire sacre pantena at Stella Dora! Brings back memories doesn’t it; the smell of garlic and strong espresso on the street, Tai Chi in the park, the ceaseless manipulation and massaging of the veggies on Stockton Street by the old Chinese ladies in their black pillowed caps. Fresh chickens in front of the store fronts in their little wooden boxes awaiting their fate, smoked long necked ducks hanging out their days in the windows and fresh fish swimming in the tanks behind the chickens. Oh, my, the memories that Cioppino summons Sharks. More power to you, these are your good old days!! Salud.


toneart - 5-20-2010 at 07:16 AM


Admittedly it was hard to get past the bumpers and get near Carol Doda's elbows. :lol: Here is a true story:

My then wife, Cathy, was a dress designer. We had a women's specialty shop on Polk Street and a small manufacturing business too. Since Carol couldn't buy costumes off the rack, Cathy custom made them for her. Well, there were times when Carol would stop in for a fitting when Cathy wasn't there. Someone had to do it. :rolleyes::saint::o:lol::bounce::coolup:

Sorry for the hijack. Back to Shark's restaurant- I will definitely get up there, the sooner the better. :yes:

lizard lips - 5-20-2010 at 09:01 AM

Carol had some big elbows. In fact she had the biggest elbows in North Beach.

Just remembering the Navy days!

The restaurants in San Francisco were the best! I hope one day I can make it to Sharks but I have not been north of San Diego in years.....

tripledigitken - 5-20-2010 at 09:16 AM


I too want to make your restaurant a must stop next time we are up that way. Whenever we get north of Monterey I look for Sand Dabs on menus, do you serve them? If so, how do you prepare them?

Cioppino is one of my favorite dishes too, I guess we will have to stay for two days!:lol:



Sharksbaja - 5-20-2010 at 01:45 PM


Wow, sandabs!? Love those little guys. So delicate and mild tasting. Awesome with eggs for breakfast!

When we lived at Two Harbors I would occasionally take our Radon out to fish for "Dabs" just off the old quarry on the island.

Lightly breaded and cooked for a minute. YUM!

Sorry Ken I only fillet and serve halibut.:biggrin:

I have done tons of them.
There are considerable differences though in halibut from Alaska down to Baja.

Frankly, I prefer the local flattys as they tend to have a creamier texture and perhaps higher fishoil content. The color however is not that attractive precooked. Not translucent like Alaskan halibut but rather an opaque off-white color. They get big here 50+lbs, nothing like those barndoors up noth!:lol:

Those giants are not that great to eat. I've heard stories!!!:o

Of course with all flatfish overcooking is the biggest problem. We have licked that problem with our unusual method of cooking.

Plus, halibut has a fairly bland flavor so one must add flavor(like those green lobsters).
I have developed many sauces and toppings over the last 15 years for halibut. All working on new ones.:biggrin:

I do smaller fish during off-season like Rockfish, bass, cod. Looking forward to summer, hope the Kings are plentiful.

We welcome all Nomads to visit We are also excited about NOAA calling Newport it's new west coast base.

btw, can you believe that in recent years NOAA was a supplier of halibut for our little restaurant and a handful of others. Interesting eh?:yes:

You will also notice the Bayfront has been upgraded with new utilities all underground and new streets and sidewalks etc. Tourism is competing on this working bayfront.

Time will tell.....
Until then, come down and buy a fish off one of the boats in the fleet and enjoy the awesomeness of Oregons' coastline.

DianaT - 5-20-2010 at 02:30 PM

We really like Newport and hope to make it up there again---soon, and we will for sure try this restaurant, and hope to say hi to the owner.

Nice write-up, iflyfish----should go into a visitor's guide for Newport. :yes:

vgabndo - 5-20-2010 at 10:09 PM

Oh, "flyfish", I was told by a mutual friend that we'd really get along! North Beach. The Fox and the Hound we could get in as minors, and Ferlinghetti is probably STILL my favorite poet..."The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don't mind happiness not always being so very much fun..."

Sharksbaja - 5-21-2010 at 12:24 PM

Diane, either here or there would like to meet ya.

A nice review indeed Rick! Mi esposa y yo dice " Mil gracias Senor y esposa" ."

Paula - 5-21-2010 at 01:11 PM

Originally posted by vgabndo
Oh, "flyfish", I was told by a mutual friend that we'd really get along! North Beach. The Fox and the Hound we could get in as minors, and Ferlinghetti is probably STILL my favorite poet..."The world is a beautiful place to be born into if you don't mind happiness not always being so very much fun..."

From "A Coney Island of the Mind", vgabndo!

I lived in this poem my last year of college in Carbondale IL-- literally! I liked it so well that one night when I should have been studying I decided to put it on the wall of my room in a beautiful old frame house shared by a group of friends. I got out a an of black paint, and the only brush to be found was a bit large for the job. As it happened the poem exactly filled the walls of the room. Nonetheless, I can't recall many lines, but "into it all comes the smiling mortician":dudette:

DianaT - 5-21-2010 at 01:14 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
Diane, either here or there would like to meet ya.

A nice review indeed Rick! Mi esposa y yo dice " Mil gracias Senor y esposa" ."

We have a nice guest room in Bahia Asuncion. :yes:

Still think that with permission, and I am sure it would be granted, you should copy at least most of that review and put it in a tourist brochure or at least the local newspaper---then cut it out and frame it for the front of your restaurant as the man does have a flare for very descriptive words.

Iflyfish - 5-22-2010 at 11:41 AM

Permission granted.


Pompano - 5-22-2010 at 02:57 PM

Corky..I just reread your site again. It's a good thing that I'll be traveling north in my motorhome, because I'm camping in Newport until I've eaten one of everything on that menu.

Is the marina RV park still the best place to stay neaby? I know I'll be doing a little charter-boating, too. 'Catch of the day' and all that stuff!

Paula - 5-22-2010 at 05:21 PM

This is a very worthwhile hijack we've pulled off, vgbndo!

Maybe Sharks could put the poem on the wall of the restaurant to make it legitimate...

vgabndo - 5-22-2010 at 05:54 PM

You're absolutely correct.

Copy it quickly Paula, and I'll take it down.

BajaNuts - 5-22-2010 at 07:21 PM

I'd like to add another YEAH! for Shark's cioppino and also point out that they do have their recipe packaged for shipping.

Shark's send a couple packages to us last summer, kind of a trade for some hot sauce. It is in foil-pack, a good size portion. One package worked for our family of 3. We served it over some pasta...........and MMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm..... it was GOOOOD!

So even though we haven't been to their storefront yet, we have enjoyed their specialty. (Sharks, we have not been back to Lincoln City, and trust me! When we get there, we WILL be visiting your place)

good stuff~

Yaquina River RV Park

Sharksbaja - 5-24-2010 at 09:31 PM

Hey Nuts, thanks. We enjoyed your salsas very much as well. Hope all is working out. It's a tough market these days. Shipping costs are big as is packaging.
What was really scary was/is the cost(s) of produce these days. The price for a 50lb bag of yellow onions hit almost 50 bucks!!!:o

Were still having February weather here so be prepared Roger! Man you shoulda seen the ocean here the last week. Not for the timid.:lol:

Roger check out this place,Sawyers Landing about 4 mi up the Yaquina River. Can't remember the name, duh.. Less extreme weather than the Marina near the bridge. Beautiful there with calm waters and a cheesy bar across the street!!:lol:


Dave - 5-25-2010 at 02:45 PM

Originally posted by Sharksbaja
The price for a 50lb bag of yellow onions hit almost 50 bucks!!!:o

That's outrageous! Who is your purveyor?

Corky...guess what we had for dinner last night in Baja?

Pompano - 5-25-2010 at 02:51 PM

Cioppino .. Italy/Baja style! Only they call it caciucco (ka-chew-co)

Stay tuned for the recipe and photos to come. Bon appetito!

p.s. buy those onions from ND farmers at reasonable prices!!

Sharksbaja - 5-25-2010 at 03:05 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by Sharksbaja
The price for a 50lb bag of yellow onions hit almost 50 bucks!!!:o

That's outrageous! Who is your purveyor?

Dave, I didn't say I bought at that price but for a week at Smart&Final they were outrageous.:wow::wow::wow:

Normally pay 6 or 7 bucks.:rolleyes:

Roger....EVERYBODY makes a cioppino type stew. But then again EVERYBODY makes a spaghetti sauce.:lol:

Did you check out that link I provided for RVers?