
Bienvenidos a Mexico

MrBillM - 5-24-2010 at 04:29 PM

OR, at least, Sonora.

Drop dead funny

Dave - 5-24-2010 at 06:25 PM

I took it as a tongue-in-cheek play on current events. After all, it's a tourist website. I doubt it will have the desired effect, though.

Curious to know whether this was a U.S. or Mexican agency campaign.


I've got to get that poster. :lol:

[Edited on 5-25-2010 by Dave]

noproblemo2 - 5-24-2010 at 07:10 PM

Maybe a new "Mexico Motto" ?????????? Unfortunately, this could stereotype those with Arizona tags on there cars...

Woooosh - 5-24-2010 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by noproblemo2
Maybe a new "Mexico Motto" ?????????? Unfortunately, this could stereotype those with Arizona tags on there cars...


irenemm - 5-25-2010 at 12:38 AM

My good friend is coming down tomorrow. Let see how it goes. He is from arizona. Arizona plates. Lets see if he has any problems on the way.
oh well

Hook - 5-25-2010 at 05:36 AM

Over here in Sonora, you see quite a few commercially produced banners encouraging people to boycott Arizona over the passage of this law.

And the sponsor of the banners?..................the PAN political party, which is the current ruling party at the state and municipal level over here.

capt. mike - 5-25-2010 at 06:09 AM

yesterday the US Consul put out a warning to drivers headed to Penasco on Mex HW 8 to be concerned about reports of unauthorized check points especially at night.

i won't be driving....neither will i be going to RP.:lol::lol::lol:

NOW, There's an IDEA worth promoting.

MrBillM - 5-25-2010 at 09:31 AM

From Hook:

"Over here in Sonora, you see quite a few commercially produced banners encouraging people to boycott Arizona over the passage of this law".


IF they can convince the people in Sonora to boycott their travel (through the fence) to Arizona, we'd be halfway there.

THEY probably won't participate in the Boycott, though.

Oso - 5-25-2010 at 09:54 AM

Cruise the parking lot at the Walmart in San Luis, AZ and see how many tags are from Sonora. If there's been any slowdown it's imperceptible here. I'm usually the only gringo in the store and the lines are always long because they won't hire enough cashiers.

Woooosh - 5-25-2010 at 10:08 AM

Originally posted by irenemm
My good friend is coming down tomorrow. Let see how it goes. He is from arizona. Arizona plates. Lets see if he has any problems on the way.
oh well

I saw the Federales rifling through an AZ tagged sports car at the Rosarito-Ensenada toll road booth in Playas the other day. They were going through the car and taking everything out- while the two people just stood back and watched. Hard to tell if the incident was AZ tag related, but the action looked out of the ordinary and over the top to me- even before I noticed the AZ tags.

Woooosh - 5-25-2010 at 10:16 AM

Mexico is saying this is a two-part ad campaign. The next part shows a reflection of people on beaches in the soldiers binoculars and the line "Who are looking for a good time".


noproblemo2 - 5-25-2010 at 10:18 AM

And the second version says,

"Javier Tapia, coordinator of the Tourism Promotion Commission of Sonora, said the second version of the advertisement, which ran on Saturday, features the words "who want to have a great time" following the initial line "In Sonora we are looking for people from Arizona." A scene of beachgoers also can be seen in the reflection of the binocular lenses, an element that did not appear in the original "teaser" advertisement.

Tapia insisted neither the first nor second versions of the ad were intended as a threat.

"We want to be very aggressive in our push, but we're not trying to scare anybody," he told "We're looking for the opposite -- we want everyone to feel very welcome here in Sonora."

Joe didn't 'get it'?

Dave - 5-25-2010 at 10:30 AM

Originally posted by noproblemo2

Understandable. With his head in the normal position it's difficult to see. :rolleyes:

Well Stated

Bajahowodd - 5-25-2010 at 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Dave
Originally posted by noproblemo2

Understandable. With his head in the normal position it's difficult to see. :rolleyes:

M.B.S. ?

MrBillM - 5-26-2010 at 08:54 AM

As in Mex Bull-Scheisse ?

IF you were to accept their "revised" claims, you'd still have to give them a BoneHead award.

Talking to Tourists over the years regarding their impressions of Mexico, a recurrent theme is the unease they have over the Military and Military Checkpoints which often used to include young troops pointing guns straight at them. Something my wife still mentions whenever trips are discussed. Her first experience with having a Sub-Machine gun leveled at her is still a vivid memory.

Anyway, given that the Military experience is looked at as such a negative image, it would be idiotic to use that image to encourage tourism.

Call me a cynic, but I don't believe the latest version.

Listening to Javier Tapia, the Tourism Director for Sonora in charge of the Ad campaign last night (Tuesday) he said "The First Ad was to "GOTCHED" the attention of the Arizona Peoples" so they would see the following ads on Saturday and Sunday which made it clear that "We wanted Arizona People to come and have fun".

Now, who could possibly doubt that ? Just a misunderstanding and a poortly-designed campaign given that, while Friday is the newspaper edition usually MOST read, Saturday and Sunday are the editions least read, making a serial-presentation questionable.

But, I'm sure Javier is a truthful Boy-Scout.

Woooosh - 5-26-2010 at 10:55 AM

Yeah. It was a stupid marketing campaign- at best. Had it been a Lifeguard looking for people looking for fun (with the reflection of beach goers in the binoculars) it would have made some sense. Using a military guy didn't get the same result for sure... still stuck on stupid.

Dumb and Dumber

MrBillM - 5-26-2010 at 03:52 PM

Speaking of which, there was the full-page ad in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel titled "Put your Best (White) Face Forward" featuring a Male and Female 'Caucasian' Facial "Mask" to cut out and wear should you be Hispanic and want to visit Arizona.

Ok by me, though. The more of this stupid stuff we see, the better for our side.

Bajahowodd - 5-26-2010 at 04:13 PM

Define "your side". It's not like it's a two choice issue. Bush tried that and look how successful he was. Are you saying that you are an absolutist on all issues? I refuse to believe that as a nation, we have but two choices. Unfortunately for the Republicans, that's been their mantra recently. Problem is that there's a whole lotta distance between radicalism and mainstream. And that goes for both parties.

The View from OUR side

MrBillM - 5-26-2010 at 04:28 PM

RIGHT NOW, on this issue, OUR side is the one that can stir up enough interest using this issue to CHANGE the dynamic as a result of the November Elections which will allow us to (possibly) dig out of the Liberal Morass. THAT is my focus at the moment.

As far as the Merits of the Immigration issue itself, there IS more than one answer. Or, at least, more than one step to be taken.

1. Secure the Border to the extent reasonably possible.
2. Deny Taxpayer Benefits to those who aren't legally here.
3. Remove from the country those we find who aren't legally here.
4. Penalize and Incarcerate, where appropriate, Employers who knowingly violate the law.
5. Determine IF a Guest-Worker program is appropriate to fulfill whatever employment needs there are in the U.S. and take appropriate action to implement whatever is needed.

Difficulty with one or more of the above is NO reason for inaction and there is ABSOLUTELY No reason for simply giving up and allowing the situation to continue or law-breaking to be rewarded while society suffers.

Period. Is that Absolute ?