
1200 National Guard Troops to patrol the border

The Gull - 5-25-2010 at 08:42 PM

Check the news today from the White House.

Why send troops? There is no illegal immigration problem. DC said there wasn't a problem, so there is none.

Go Arizona go!!!!!

Calderon, what now? You are going to have to keep your unemployed, your drug cartels and your criminals. Calderon, what now?

bajaguy - 5-25-2010 at 08:47 PM

1,200 is a good start.........

wessongroup - 5-25-2010 at 09:21 PM

Gee, and they all looked so happy at dinner.... just a few days back... :):)

durrelllrobert - 5-26-2010 at 10:58 AM

patrol the border:?::?:
they will be spaced at least a mile apart:lol::lol:

oldjack - 5-26-2010 at 11:40 AM

It is all crap unless we know the "Rules of Engagement"... will it be profiling if the border buster is detained on the north side of the line and asked his/her status??? This is probably just some posturing to support the anticipated federal challenge to AZ...

dtbushpilot - 5-26-2010 at 12:05 PM

None of the troops should be deployed along the California-Mexico border, California doesn't have a problem, they want to boycott AZ for even suggesting such a thing.

Deploy them in AZ and TX where a problem exists......dt

Hadji Hussein Speak with Forked Tongue ?

MrBillM - 5-26-2010 at 05:18 PM

AFTER the Chicago Kid held his meeting with the Repubs and spoke of the necessity of comity, compromise, cooperation, bipartisanship and brotherhood (all meaning agreeing with him), later in the afternoon he announced his intention to send 1200 National Clerks for border paperwork and other "support" (not enforcement) functions WITHOUT having mentioned it at all to any of those Congressmen at the meeting.

That IS Funny. Dare we say "Insincere" ?

Woooosh - 5-26-2010 at 06:12 PM

The biggest risk to Mexico is that one of these guys gets shot, or worse.

Cypress - 5-26-2010 at 06:14 PM

CA doesn't have a problem? :lol:

bajabass - 6-7-2010 at 07:45 PM

What are the estimated #'s of illegal entries per state? Seems TX, AZ, NM have a lot more ground to cover.