
Mision Santa Maria - Return of the Loser

Neal Johns - 6-6-2010 at 07:47 AM

To all the gang on the Mision Santa Maria Trip:

Well, here I am, back at home. The first thing done was to shuffle the calender pages so that the long shower taken appeared to be the one and only shower that real Aridologist take once a year. :lol::lol::lol:

Then, I was overwhelmed by the thought of all the people that got me here. In no particular order, here are the particular ones that stand out:

Baja Cactus, and his staff who spent countless hours finding the right parts and getting them to me and turning over the facilities of the Motel (particularly Isela - WiW # hidden) - and Tele) to Chris and I.

Chris, who had seconds thoughts about leaving me to die at Mile 8 and returning with outer tie rods and being the brains behind changing them after my brains had turned to 80 year old mush.

Art, whose Miraculous Machine towed me over some very rough spots. I thing we were all impressed with the combination of Art's abilities and the vehicle he crafted.

Paul, with his boundless energy and technical knowledge, who seemed to be everywhere on the mountain pulling winch cable, attaching tow straps, or plotting strategy. Judging by the companion with him, he even has sex appeal. :rolleyes:

All the rest of the gang who stuck together to spend hours in the middle of the night getting me out in the finest tradition of the Baja Nomad forum. Thanks, Doug, for making this comradery possible.

And then, there is David K, who led us into this Salsipuedes. I have special plans for him. Je, je, je.

The Roadrunner who crossed 50 yards in front of me at Mile 8, c-cked his head, decided I was was useless to his Plan of the Day and proceeded on his way.

Of Teddi Botham, my passenger, the Mule Queen, I can say nothing because as a gentleman of the old school, my lips are sealed. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

DianaT - 6-6-2010 at 07:50 AM

Glad to hear you are home safe and sound.

How is the truck?

Neal Johns - 6-6-2010 at 08:19 AM

Thanks, DianaT
The tie rods are replaced as is the stripped ring and pinion.
The crunched camper top has been turned in to the Discover Baja insurance while in Baja as per rules. Must call the Tijuana office Monday for further whatever. Will report on the insurance progress as many people are interested.

Barry A. - 6-6-2010 at 08:30 AM

"crunched camper top"????? Wow, had not heard that little tid-bit yet. You lost faith in your wheels and tried something else, eh? :lol:

What an experience!!! Glad to hear you're "out of there" and back home in one piece.

Do you think the ring and pinyon (sp?) failure was caused by "weight"? or something else?

----and you gotta explain that "crunched camper top"

I am thinking that some of the more timid WIW will be a lot more hesitant about you, now---------:spingrin:


shari - 6-6-2010 at 08:44 AM sounds like a WINNING combination of amigos to me!!! Ya lived to write about it and sounds like yet another baja adventure...way to go!

DianaT - 6-6-2010 at 09:06 AM

We must hear the story of the camper-----of course, you are allowed some poetic license in the telling of said story. :lol:

Seriously, we will be very interested in the response from the insurance company.

Bob H - 6-6-2010 at 09:15 AM

It's great to hear you are back!

Neal, I would not call you a looser, but I would call you a survivor!

I saw the photo of your camper - can't wait to hear the story.

Welcome home.

Bob H

David K - 6-6-2010 at 09:30 AM

Good to read your words here on Nomad, once again Mr. Aridologist!

In my trip report Part 3 or 4 (coming soon) I will give more details that I didn't give a blood oath to keep secret! :biggrin:

BajaNomad - 6-6-2010 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Barry A.
"crunched camper top"????? Wow, had not heard that little tid-bit yet.

Posted in this thread:

Neal Johns - 6-6-2010 at 09:51 AM

You have all heard of Jumping Cholla, well it turns out that the swamp held a primordial version of a palm called Jumping Palma. Trust Me.

It did not work on the Jumping Palma, but if you are confronted by a Jumping Cholla bud in the road, just honk and it will jump off the road. Trust Me again.

[Edited on 6-6-2010 by Neal Johns]

David K - 6-6-2010 at 09:56 AM

In this video taken by Zoom in hbmurphy's Tacoma, you can see just how close the palm trees are to the 'road'... turn up your volume... Zoom is priceless!

[Edited on 6-6-2010 by David K]

Baja Bucko - 6-6-2010 at 10:02 AM

Hay Sweety (directed to the great aridologist)-it ain't "Mule Queen"...I prefer "Baja Mule Diva".......but then again, you can whisper anything in my ear :lol::lol::lol!

When that palm tree jumped out at us it wasn't your fault-there was limited visibility. Same w the 2 foot tall palm tree stump that Art ran gotta see it to avoid it.

Neal Johns - 6-6-2010 at 10:08 AM

Baja Bucko,
Always good to have a satisfied customer....:o

BAJACAT - 6-6-2010 at 01:42 PM

WELCOME BACK NEAL, You are a inspiration to us,,, to bad a miss this trip like I said before I will never forget myself for missing the trip..

Neal Johns - 6-6-2010 at 02:06 PM

Sorry you could not make it, I know you really wanted to go. There should be another time.