
Tunaeater Finished the 500

TMW - 6-7-2010 at 10:45 AM

Bike 263x finished which is the good news considering we weren't sure it would even start. Lots of problems getting to the start line. There were engine problems with the original race bike so the forks, tires etc. were changed to Pauls bike and tech inspected. Then a coolant leak was detected and soon fixed. The racer to start had truck problems coming to Ensenada and had to trailer it home then come back but was too late to start. riders were switched around racing new sections. The summit rider crashed and was a little out of it for a while. Times were slow. To top it off we were not setup for lights on that bike. When Paul arrived at RM 419 I cleaned his goggles and off he went racing the sun as it was 8:10PM and he had 20 miles of crap, twist and turns to go and no lights. Using the spectators fires and lights he worked his way to the finish at 9:10pm. Tired, wornout and ready for an adult beverage.

bajalou - 6-7-2010 at 11:06 AM

Paul surely has the determination and skills to finish a race under whatever the conditions. Great job Paul!!

tunaeater - 6-7-2010 at 04:51 PM

Thanks TW for all your help and support.

263X is back from the SCORE Baja 500 ,safe, free from injury and no major damage to my bike. Our team had a long, hard fourteen hour ride this race. We had our share of Baja gremlins but we pushed on for a 12th place finish in our Sportsman over class out of a field of 28 starters. I'll write a race re-cap soon. It was one helluva adventure with a bunch of great memories with awesome friends and family. Stay tuned for the race report..


wessongroup - 6-7-2010 at 05:20 PM

tunaeater...congratulations on the race ..

David K - 6-7-2010 at 05:42 PM

Congrats Paul... I would love to hear all the details!