
Did I die and go to heaven

Pescador - 6-9-2010 at 04:54 PM

I keep pinching myself wondering if I am living the dream or is all of this actually happening. We go out in the morning, make as much bait as we think we will need and go to the yellowtail hole and right now we are really into the big boys that will test the mettle of 60 lb line and if you are skillful/lucky enough you might get most to the boat, but they are pulling harder than I remember for the rest of the season. When they slow down it is so easy to slip off shore and look for Marlin (both Blue and Striped) and the Dorado are starting to show. Or maybe you are having people over for dinner and decide that you need a couple of real nice Cabrilla for the grill. This time of the year it is warm enough that you only need one fishing shirt and shorts and you don't need to wear 15 layers of clothing. The water is pretty enjoyable and does not have the winter waves pounding in from the north.
And now that it is warming up, the water is good for pulling into a secluded spot and snorkeling for awhile to clean the fish scales from all parts of your body. Then it is home to clean the boat and enjoy a nice adult beverage while you play pictures in your mind of how good the day really was.
I hear a lot about how bad things are in Baja and how the Drug Cartels have taken over everything, but I think I will just keep living the dream and not spend a lot of time worrying about all of that junk and concentrate on seeing what tomorrow might bring.

Bob and Susan - 6-9-2010 at 05:04 PM died...:saint::saint:

woody with a view - 6-9-2010 at 05:24 PM

we have the same experience, only on the other coast and whilst doing other stuffs.....

p.s. don't tell anyone!:light:

wessongroup - 6-9-2010 at 05:35 PM

It sounds good what ever your doing.. have a great time, but then that is what your doing.. good for you....

Pescador - 6-9-2010 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by wessongroup
It sounds good what ever your doing.. have a great time, but then that is what your doing.. good for you....

No I am miserable, I have sore muscles, sunburn, lack of sleep, and the boat keeps getting really dirty and needs constant washing. :lol::lol:

comitan - 6-9-2010 at 06:07 PM

Your sure making the NOB'S very jealous. :lol::lol::lol:

CortezBlue - 6-9-2010 at 06:15 PM

If you are in Baja, you are in Hell, but the Tequila makes it seem like heaven:biggrin:

On my way to hell tomorrow to stay in mi casa in SF. That is just a bit hotter hell.


wessongroup - 6-9-2010 at 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Pescador
Originally posted by wessongroup
It sounds good what ever your doing.. have a great time, but then that is what your doing.. good for you....

No I am miserable, I have sore muscles, sunburn, lack of sleep, and the boat keeps getting really dirty and needs constant washing. :lol::lol:

exactly... isn't that really good fishing.. plus, maybe a hangover too..

else you would be really bored and pizxing and crying about how slow it is.... the fishing is always greener ... or something like that... have 12 pack or 2 depending on how bad the sunburn .. you'll fell better in a while.. plus you'll go to sleep in the dirt.. and feel just fine in the morning.. you will have gotten some much needed sleep .. and the dirt will do the sunburn some good, old Indian trick.. sleep in the dirt..

tells us what you catch tomorrow... :lol::lol:

[Edited on 6-10-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 6-10-2010 by wessongroup]

bajabass - 6-9-2010 at 07:45 PM

If I wasn't already, these things you guys post would drive me crazy! My much better half will be in La Paz before the end of the month. I have 6-8 more months here, then I'll begin to understand! :bounce: Keep the stories coming, please.

classicbajabronco - 6-9-2010 at 10:23 PM

amen to death!!

Hell to me is LA or any other city for that matter....Now, spread the word, Drug violence is rampent, so is swine flu...more good times for the brave souls who venture south or live here:biggrin:

Hook - 6-10-2010 at 10:10 AM

Hey, Jim, I might be coming over again with a few boats for a day or so. Last trip, someone staying in the marina said one could load up on caballitos right at the SR breakwater entrance. I guess we'll try that but is there any bait off the cliffs south of SR? Looking for macs or cabs. Dont really want to run up as far as the Haystack or SLC as we would take these baits out to Tortuga on our return leg.

Alan - 6-10-2010 at 10:23 AM

Headed back to hell in one week from today! And this time I get to spend a whole month before family commitments force me back NOB. YeeHaww:lol:

[Edited on 6-10-2010 by Alan]

Pescador - 6-10-2010 at 12:03 PM

Originally posted by Bob and Susan died...:saint::saint:

That is only because I smell like I died after a full day on the water with all the fish slime and sweating. Really miserable.

Russ - 6-10-2010 at 12:07 PM

It just doesn't get any worse. Now if you could control the wind and cut it down to no more than 10mph it'd be hell:yawn:

Alan - 6-10-2010 at 12:08 PM

Just don't throw me in that briar patch ;)

Pescador - 6-10-2010 at 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Hey, Jim, I might be coming over again with a few boats for a day or so. Last trip, someone staying in the marina said one could load up on caballitos right at the SR breakwater entrance. I guess we'll try that but is there any bait off the cliffs south of SR? Looking for macs or cabs. Dont really want to run up as far as the Haystack or SLC as we would take these baits out to Tortuga on our return leg.

Big Eye at the Marina entrance, the Greenies are at the Cactus (shallow) and out deep, 300 feet, on a line between the haystack and head of Tortuga. Up at the cliffs, all we could find was the little orange fish.

Tortuga has really slowed down because we have gotten a return of the little squid. Some of the guys were netting them with a dip net and using them for bait. We got some on the last trip along with Baqueta but we were fishing in 650 feet of water. Not for the weak of heart. Cabrilla are moving a little but are doing prety well at Tortuga if you know any of the spots. The big yellows have returned to the north side of San Marcos and we are catching a lot of fish over 35 pounds right now.

Cypress - 6-10-2010 at 02:50 PM

Pescador, No. You're just a heck of a fisherman, smart enough to locate in an ideal fishing location.:biggrin:

wessongroup - 6-10-2010 at 04:04 PM

Originally posted by classicbajabronco
amen to death!!

Hell to me is LA or any other city for that matter....Now, spread the word, Drug violence is rampent, so is swine flu...more good times for the brave souls who venture south or live here:biggrin:

ditto's :lol::lol::lol: