

bajamedic - 6-13-2010 at 05:19 PM

Is anybody else missing Is anybody else missing Pompano’s photo posts… did I miss something. JH

tiotomasbcs - 6-13-2010 at 05:54 PM

He must be visiting the Canyon Of Lost Souls or possibly joined GreenPeace to protect La Bahia de Mulege!! Co-Pilot has dragged him off for shopping in Los Cabos?? Pleaswe send us a Photo essay, amigo! We all are spoiled by your photo posts! Tio

capt. mike - 6-14-2010 at 06:00 AM

he's probably quietly left Coyote for the season as it is getting very hot and sultry there for off grid living.
the great north west is where i would be heading.

Bob and Susan - 6-14-2010 at 07:25 AM

all the "snowbirds" leave in the winter

actually the BEST part of the year is right now

95 in the day
76 at night
3mph breeze


the italians are comming;);)