
Land Rover dealer in Baja

rockman - 6-14-2010 at 12:31 PM

I am looking for a Land Rover dealership or source of parts and professional maintenance in Baja Sur.
I have heard that there is a dealership on the highway between Cabo San Lucas and SJ del Cabo, but I cannot find any web reference, nor have I seen it in passing.
Any suggestions ?

fishabductor - 6-16-2010 at 03:09 PM

Leave that POS in the states where you can get help, help and more help. I have had 3 of them and had nothing but problems.. I will never again own a Land Rover....Land that is a whole different animal.

LR's look pretty but they sure do stink!!

Here it's all about Ford and Toyota!! And I know lots of people have had success with dodges as well.

fishabductor - 6-16-2010 at 03:11 PM

and more and more help, parts..ect.

Loreto is a long ways from SJD and Cabo.

just my .02