
High-tech park planned for border

Anonymous - 7-20-2004 at 11:00 PM

Mexico City, Mexico, Jul. 20 (UPI) -- U.S. investors and Mexican officials Tuesday announced a plan for an industrial park on the California-Mexico border.

El Universal reported Silicon Border Development, the private company that intends to build the industrial park, is hoping computer chip companies will build multibillion-dollar factories on a 15-square-mile site in Mexicali instead of exporting production to Asia. Mexicali is a Mexican border town about 150 miles from San Diego.

Mexican President Vicente Fox agreed to forgo taxes for 10 years for companies that relocate to the park. Federal and state governments will offer other financial incentives and assistance.

"We see no reason that operations can't be set up in Mexico and have all the cost advantages of Asian countries and compete equally or even better than them," said Ron Jones, Silicon Border's chief executive.