
i saw on travel channel that in Singapore

capt. mike - 6-22-2010 at 04:53 PM

they eat turtle.

are those raised in captivity for slaughter or??

is there a legitimate market in turtle meat?

Pescador - 6-23-2010 at 05:56 AM

They also commercially raise turtles on the Cayman Islands and have a market for those that either die or when they need to thin them out. They also have a store that sells shell items like jewelry and other things. From what I understand, they also release a lot of those turtles into the wild.

capt. mike - 6-23-2010 at 06:56 AM

i have been to Grand Cayman diving and plumb forgot about the turtle farm there - we didn't get to it although it is touted as one of the touristy things to do there.
thx for the info - i want to find where one can obtain some meat properly, legally.
i once saw one in the fish market in town at Guaymas, a whole one just out of the shell on ice. wish i would have bought some but we were on the way home and weren't planning on packing fish or meat.

wessongroup - 6-23-2010 at 07:07 AM

turtle meat.. really funny.. I was dating my wife, at the time.. and had stayed over at her folks house for a weekend on the 4th..

Thought I would help out, I'm an early riser .... so I started doing the dishes in the kitchen.. was a mess left over from the previous day.. and thought I would give a hand.. found the "foulest" smelling pot of something.. I thought it had spoiled from being left out.. and pour it down the garbage disposal.. not thinking a thing about it...

Well, seems I tossed my mother-in-law to be, Mock Turtle Soup.. OH MY GOD!!

So, when I read about turtle meat .... that always comes to my mind..

They used to eat whale meat too, along with just about everything.. on top of a new thing I had just been introduced to MENUDO !!!!


fishabductor - 6-28-2010 at 08:16 PM

I just saw 2 turtles on my evening fishing adventure.. No one was eating them!!

bajabass - 6-29-2010 at 06:14 AM

Originally posted by fishabductor
I just saw 2 turtles on my evening fishing adventure.. No one was eating them!!
But were they holding dodos?:?:

capt. mike - 6-29-2010 at 06:25 AM

i found all kinds of turtle for sale on line exotic meats markets but they are for the most part fresh water types harvested in the south. yechhh...
nada avail from the sea. Guess then key is to hang at fresh fish markets and be the lucky guy to buy an accidental catch?

Bajahowodd - 6-29-2010 at 11:22 AM

I had the perhaps dubious experience of eating a turtle burger at a restaurant in George town, Grand Cayman several years ago. It was ground meat, just like regular burger. Wasn't bad, but not worth the trip!:tumble:

Cypress - 6-29-2010 at 11:42 AM

Have eaten various kinds of turtles down south in the states. It's Ok, but nothing to get excited about. Alligator snapper is sorta stringy. :D

fishabductor - 6-29-2010 at 12:13 PM

No dodo's. the floating milk jug half full of pee had one near it, when I came by, but it wasn't a taker.

off to the garage to make up some more lures.. maybe tonight they'll be takers:bounce:

AmoPescar - 6-29-2010 at 12:42 PM

Ate Turtle in Illinois with my cousins...

We made a special trip to a tavern in a little town 25 miles from their house just to eat turtle. It was deep-fried in batter and was pretty tasty...though maybe just a bit strong tasting. The turtle we ate is farm raised. The other choice of the night was Muskie, cooked pretty much the same way and very tasty.

Miguelamo :bounce: :) :yes: :spingrin:

bajabass - 6-29-2010 at 01:05 PM

Here we go. Muskies are the marlin of freshwater, or sharks possibly, and
should be released! :yes:

AmoPescar - 6-29-2010 at 11:17 PM


Take a deep breath and relax...I didn't catch the "Fish of the Day Special" and I didn't order it either!

It was a few years maybe it was Walleye!!

Miguelamo :lol: :P :O

fishabductor - 6-30-2010 at 06:57 AM

saw 3 more turtles last night and this time they were holding dodo's and eager ones!!

I left the turtles and focused on the dodo's

acadist - 7-2-2010 at 05:40 PM

In '76 when my parents moved us to CA from Philly on the 747 they accidentilly started serving the cabin the first class meal. I was the last person to get it (none of my brothers and sisters or my parents got the 1st class meal). This wonderful first class meal started off with turtle soup. I don't remeber the rest but I know it was good;D

msteve1014 - 7-2-2010 at 06:13 PM

Originally posted by bajabass
Here we go. Muskies are the marlin of freshwater, or sharks possibly, and
should be released! :yes:

My great uncle was known as " Mr muskie" on lake St. Clair. Homer Le Blank. Ran a guide service, ran whisky from Canada to Detroit, for 40 years. Ever hear of him?

[Edited on 7-3-2010 by msteve1014]