

DENNIS - 6-23-2010 at 12:49 PM


(Phoenix, AZ) Pamela Gorman, conservative Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Arizona has called out the Mexican government for political grandstanding after it was announced that Mexico has sued Arizona over a bill she sponsored in the Arizona Senate (SB 1070) that would make it a state crime to be in Arizona illegally, in addition to being a federal crime.

"It is obvious that this is nothing but political posturing by Calderon designed to provide a little back up for his good buddy President Obama," said Gorman. She said that she would be shocked if the courts found that the country of Mexico had standing against a state law. "President Obama is not getting the warm fuzzy response he had hoped for when he engaged in his own Arizona bashing. The country is actually on our side and we are getting tourism promotion internationally that our tourism department can only dream of!"

This is on the heels of a he-said-he-said between President Obama and Senator Jon Kyl who said that Obama had tried to use securing our borders against the violent crime of the drug cartels and terrorism as a bargaining chip to secure votes for amnesty. President Obama later denied having made this offer in the pursuit of votes for amnesty. Gorman commented, "He wants amnesty and was hoping that SB1070 would provide him the `crisis' he needed. That backfired. So here comes President Calderon to the rescue with this marooonic lawsuit."

Gorman does not believe Mexico will prevail in the suit. But, she pointed out that the cost of defending this unwarranted suit would give Mexico one more way to drain funds from Arizona taxpayers. "If Calderon really wants to extract cash from Arizonans, maybe it would save us all some time if he just set up a charity and gave us the address to send our checks." Gorman added that he could use the charity funds to pay the invoice we will be sending to reimburse Arizona taxpayers for the costs associated with jailing, educating, and providing hospital care for Mexican citizens

Pamela Gorman, one of the original sponsors of SB 1070, has sponsored and supported several pieces of legislation designed to protect Arizona and the country from the ravages of the open southern border while serving in both the Arizona House and Senate. She is now a candidate for Congress to replace U.S. Representative John Shadegg in CD3. More information about her can be found at

Bajahowodd - 6-23-2010 at 02:24 PM

The piece you posted happens to be political propaganda being spun by Gorman, as far as I can tell. First, existing lawsuits filed against the AZ law were filed by a number of US entities including the ACLU. These suits are civil filings. My understanding is that attorneys retained by Mexico ( make them US civil attorneys) have filed a brief on behalf of Mexico in one or more of the outstanding lawsuits. Rather than draining Arizonans of money, Mexico must pay their attorneys for their work. But it sure does sound inciteful as it was posted!