
Good day to fish? before & after

Russ - 6-30-2010 at 05:59 AM

I've made lunch, filled the tank, threw the fishing gear in and hooked up to Bubba for the launch. Now only sun screen and a cooler full of Tacate. Lots of ice!

the launch went smooth
fishing was pretty good too. No monsters but a really wild variety.

After an hour or so of shaking off fish I zipped over to take pictures of this long linner acting really weird in the bay. He had two lines out and was trolling the bay between Punta Chivato and Mulege. I'm 90% sure that a boat this size is not allowed to work within a few miles of land and certainly not in the mouth of Bahia Concepcion or inside it. You can see the Mulege river light house just off his bow here.

I did keep 2 triggers & a pargo for tacos:yes:

[Edited on 6-30-2010 by Russ]

Frank - 6-30-2010 at 06:32 AM

I can feel the warm morning heat and hear my feet crunching on the sand. Good Luck Russ!

Meany - 6-30-2010 at 06:41 AM

Nice rig Russ. Get after the big ones.:biggrin: Let us all know what you get. :lol:

fishabductor - 6-30-2010 at 06:55 AM

Looks like my boat with the 4 rods sticking out. People make fun, but I like to be ready for action.

I sure wish the east cape was as flat as that lake behind you. I have to launch through the surf...Not always fun

Good luck...go ABDUCT some fish!!

Russ - 6-30-2010 at 04:48 PM

bumped for new Photos:spingrin:

wessongroup - 6-30-2010 at 04:52 PM

Thanks so much for sharing.. really great.. almost like being there.. really like your "Bubba" and good to see "super dog" in a relaxed state... nice job

Pescador - 7-1-2010 at 07:54 AM

The really bad part is that Russ has to drive such a long way from his boat garage to the ocean. I am sure he has to burn at least a shot glass full of gasoline to launch.

Russ - 7-1-2010 at 08:18 AM

:biggrin: Life can be a ... What was it Forest Gump's mom said?

Hook - 7-1-2010 at 08:23 AM

Wish we had barred pargo over here..........delicious fish.

fishabductor - 7-1-2010 at 04:24 PM

Originally posted by Hook
Wish we had barred pargo over here..........delicious fish.

delicious and stinky...just like a trigger...only prettier:lol::lol::lol:

mtgoat666 - 7-1-2010 at 05:06 PM

Originally posted by Russ
After an hour or so of shaking off fish I zipped over to take pictures of this long linner acting really weird in the bay. He had two lines out and was trolling the bay between Punta Chivato and Mulege. I'm 90% sure that a boat this size is not allowed to work within a few miles of land and certainly not in the mouth of Bahia Concepcion or inside it.

point of clarification: long lining is not trolling; and the boat in the photo is trawling, which is neither long lining nor trolling.

nice pics of the little fishies!

Russ - 7-1-2010 at 05:35 PM

mtgoat666 , I do appreciate the clarification. But this guy is rigged really different than trawlers I'm use to seeing. It appears like those I've seen out tending drift nets and long lines. So, is a shrimper a trawler? This guy really has me confused??? He doesn't have the rigging like a shrimper. More clarification please.

Russ - 7-1-2010 at 05:53 PM

I found this.. .. informative but the one in the photo still has me scratching my head.

fishabductor - 7-1-2010 at 06:17 PM

IMO He's a Trawler. I bet their deck is covered in bird droppings too!!

mtgoat666 - 7-1-2010 at 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Russ
mtgoat666 , I do appreciate the clarification. But this guy is rigged really different than trawlers I'm use to seeing. It appears like those I've seen out tending drift nets and long lines. So, is a shrimper a trawler? This guy really has me confused??? He doesn't have the rigging like a shrimper. More clarification please.

a number of things tell me he is trawling, but most obvious is the 2 heavy lines running astern from the winch on aft cabin roof.
all shrimpers in SOC are trawling. the shrimpers often use relatively small trawls so sometimes you'll see shrimpers using smaller boats and outrigger poles.

Cypress - 7-1-2010 at 06:55 PM

He's draggiing a trawl.

wessongroup - 7-1-2010 at 07:20 PM

Thanks to all.. it all helps.. you guys know your stuff... thanks again.. learn something here everyday .. just great

Pescador - 7-1-2010 at 08:33 PM

That is a shrimper that is pulling trawl nets. When he is at rest, it is easy o see the twin sets of planer boards, but you can tell from the configuration of the boat. The other part is the canopy on the deck which is where the hands all work when they pull the nets up. That is where they sort all of the stuff that gets pulled up in the nets.

fishabductor - 7-1-2010 at 08:34 PM

I bet they named that boat "Cuation or Caution " due to the slippery bird poop decks and rust infestation that is prevelent in the mexican fleet.

It'd sure be easy to slip on some bird poo and rip open your arm on a rusty rail. I doubt these guys have current tetenus shots.

Russ - 7-2-2010 at 05:30 AM

I don't know why He confused me. I guess the canopy and I thought those out rigger type booms looked too whimpy to handle the doors. Anyway I looked at some Photos I have and sure enough....:light:

Shrimper~2.jpg - 46kB

drzura - 7-2-2010 at 05:33 AM

Where's the dorado. Are there any being caught??

Russ - 7-2-2010 at 05:43 AM

Haven't heard of any since the 3 caught the day of the tourney.

wessongroup - 7-2-2010 at 05:40 PM

Hey Russ.. how were those "fish tacos".. ?

Russ - 7-2-2010 at 05:52 PM

No cilantro in the fridge but still taste!