
Guadalupe Island

Loretana - 7-8-2010 at 06:49 PM

Here is a cool photo of a cloud vortex off of Guadalupe Island....


I have very fond memories of yearly 4 day fishing trips on Bill Poole's beautiful Sportfisher EXCEL to the "170 crossing" just northwest of Guadalupe. In 1997 my husband caught a trophy 200 pound bluefin tuna in those waters.

Back in the 90's we would anchor just off Guadalupe Island and pull in monster yellowtail and yellowfin tuna.

As I understand it, fishing close in to Guadalupe is prohibited now by the Mexican government.

[Edited on 7-11-2010 by Loretana]

[Edited on 7-12-2010 by Loretana]

Ken Bondy - 7-8-2010 at 07:57 PM

Loretana that's a terrific picture. I notice it was taken this 4th of July. I think Guadalupe is protected now, probably because it has become a world-famous destination for seeing these guys:


Loretana - 7-8-2010 at 11:12 PM

Ken, I just love your shark photo, as well.

Have you been able to dive/photograph at Guadalupe?
Please post some of your wonderful shots, if possible.

I saw a wild and crazy mako shark hookup ( a catch and release) performed by the talented and deft deckhands on the Excel one afternoon at Guadalupe. It was unforgettable to see a 175 pound mako come over the rail, jumping and flailing, with jaws snapping, and get unhooked and tossed overboard in a matter of seconds. Those boys were talented!!

Ken Bondy - 7-9-2010 at 07:44 AM

Thanks Loretana. I was at Guadalupe in September of 2007 on the Andrea Lynn out of Ensenada. It was a fantastic experience seeing these animals, they are so beautiful and graceful. And the island itself is magical.

Curt63 - 7-9-2010 at 09:21 AM

That was quite a dive! Great pics Senor Gran Cojones!

Ken Bondy - 7-9-2010 at 09:40 AM

Thanks Curt63, but my cojones weren't too big to fit into the cage :)

baitcast - 7-9-2010 at 01:30 PM

That line of clouds on top always got our attention in the morning,always thought I saw Godzilla coming out of those clouds:lol:

The island reminded me of King Kong,s home port.

acadist - 7-10-2010 at 06:50 AM

Very cool picture and site...thanks for sharing

BillP - 7-10-2010 at 08:07 AM

I too made my only trip to Guadalupe on the Excel in the early-mid '90s. It was a Carl Newell three day charter.

We were fishing off San Martin and only getting peanut yellowfin. Bill Poole talked to Tommy on the Polaris Supreme and was getting a pretty good whack on the larger yellowfin. Bill decided to go for it. We only had a half day fishing there but had an awesome bite on 40-70 class yellowfin at the south end.

I understand private boats are getting permits to fish there, just not the for hire fleet.

Awesome Great White pics!

baitcast - 7-10-2010 at 10:57 AM

That pic of the island brought back some great memories.....1963 on the first Red Rooster,seven days,back when men were men and the fish knew it.

Blue fin on the south end and huge yt,s,BSB at nite:o a bit of fishing trivia in those days Mako,s were called bonita sharks on the west coast for some reason.

In four days at the island we only saw one shark,a Mako of five# and I got him on a jig that was bigger than he was:lol:

A great spot if your into fishing!

Expedition "Great White"

Loretana - 7-11-2010 at 04:14 PM

Watch Captain Brett McBride and his crew get up close and personal with great white sharks at Guadalupe Island on National Geographic Channel's new show "Expedition Great White" broadcasting today, 7-11 at 7 and 10 pm pacific time.

Brett and the crew visited Loreto this May on board their enormous research vessel MV OCEAN.

Everyone in town was buzzing about the ship while she was sitting offshore. What fun!! :yes:

bacquito - 7-12-2010 at 08:22 PM

Thanks for sharing, great photos.