

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 7-19-2010 at 12:42 PM

Hola, this was posted on the bajaponyexpress3 and may be helpful in resolving the mordida issue.


Anyone who have been having problems with the police in Constitution do send me a short report on the incident indicating what happened and date or as close as possible,
I will personally present said complaints to the Municipal President during my next visit in Constitution,
Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne,
612 348-9793
I remain,
Cel: (612) 348-9793

DENNIS - 7-19-2010 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT

I will personally present said complaints to the Municipal President during my next visit in Constitution,
Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne,
612 348-9793
I remain,
Cel: (612) 348-9793

Pretty impressive....

BajaNomad - 7-19-2010 at 01:44 PM

Originally posted by DENNIS
Originally posted by BAJA.DESERT.RAT

I will personally present said complaints to the Municipal President during my next visit in Constitution,
Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne,
612 348-9793
I remain,
Cel: (612) 348-9793

Pretty impressive....

That's the same Eddy that's posting here regarding the El Cardonal property/business north of La Paz:

DENNIS - 7-19-2010 at 01:50 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
That's the same Eddy that's posting here regarding the El Cardonal property/business north of La Paz:

Which, with his credentials, makes his statement about zero crime all the more ludicrous. Makes me wonder how much fantasy there is in his self-promotion.
Thanks, Doug.

bajajudy - 7-19-2010 at 02:14 PM

Originally posted by BajaNomad
That's the same Eddy that's posting here regarding the El Cardonal property/business north of La Paz:

No to be picky but this property is actually south of La Paz.

Bajahowodd - 7-19-2010 at 02:31 PM

Kinda figured that was our same friend Eddy when I saw the first post. He's sure getting around, eh?:lol:

[Edited on 7-19-2010 by Bajahowodd]

Bajahowodd - 7-19-2010 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by bajajudy
Originally posted by BajaNomad
That's the same Eddy that's posting here regarding the El Cardonal property/business north of La Paz:

No to be picky but this property is actually south of La Paz.

Picky is OK. I knew where the property was. Actually been there. Just had a brainfart when writing the post.

Iflyfish - 7-19-2010 at 03:06 PM

Important that people do what they can. One never knows where the ripples from a pebble will land and with what force. Butterfly wings in Brazil and winds in Kansas etc.


BajaNomad - 7-19-2010 at 03:24 PM

Originally posted by bajajudy
Originally posted by BajaNomad
That's the same Eddy that's posting here regarding the El Cardonal property/business north of La Paz:

No to be picky but this property is actually south of La Paz.

Ooops... I knew that too.... south of Muertos (or Suenos depending on which way you "look at it"). Driven that road through there too... DOH.



BajaNomad - 7-19-2010 at 04:56 PM

I will personally present said complaints to the Municipal President during my next visit in Constitution,
Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne,

Someone has communicated to me their concerns about how ineffective this might be towards achieving positive results if this individual is involved - and given me permission to repost the following comments they shared with me:

"I went there at the behest of the seller to initiate a fideicomiso on a land purchase four years ago. On the initial visit, I provided Beaulne the paperwork proving taxes were current and no outstanding liens existed on the property.

He demanded just over $2,000 USD and told me he'd call when the paperwork was completed and ready to sign. Two months later he hadn't done any work on the fideicomiso at all. The documents I'd given him had expired and he told me I'd have to provide current documents. I refused and requested he refund my $2,000+ since his firm had done nothing toward initiating my fideicomiso. Beaulne's lack of actions nearly cost me my $160,000 peso down payment and the purchase of that land. He refused to refund my money, told me that our dealings were over and walked out of his office.

My personal experience in legal dealings with Lic. Jacques-Edouard Beaulne have proven him to be unscrupulous, dishonest, unethical and unprofessional."

DENNIS - 7-19-2010 at 05:31 PM

As "unscrupulous, dishonest, unethical and unprofessional" as this man seems to be, I can't help but doubt his offer to help was made without an ulterior motive. it doesn't seem that altruism is part of his game.

bajabass - 7-19-2010 at 06:01 PM

Gosh Dennis, you read all of that between the lines? I was gonna have the missus go give it a look-see! Just joshin ya bud. :saint: Seriously though, thanks for sharing that info Doug. Just one more person to steer clear of in the future!

DENNIS - 7-19-2010 at 06:06 PM

Originally posted by bajabass
Gosh Dennis, you read all of that between the lines?

No...I ripped off this part from Doug's post:
"unscrupulous, dishonest, unethical and unprofessional"

I don't know that many big words. :lol:

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 7-19-2010 at 06:49 PM

Hola, i didn't give the post i forwarded any thought as to whom it was from. due to this thread, i looked up past posts by this individual on bajaponyexpress touting his services and also through reading his posts at the time, they were very well written and did give advice on various subjects promoting his services through his office in la paz and sounded very professional AND ARE ONE AND THE SAME.

lately however, in the past few months, he discontinued his promotion.

thank you for disclosing his shady dealings as to the legal profession.

Doug, may i have your permission to post your disclosure through a second party on losbarriles.ning, a consumer website regarding good and bad business practices ?

please u2u me if you will be so kind.

thank you,


longlegsinlapaz - 7-19-2010 at 07:26 PM

Jeeeeeeze, it's as hard to force myself to respond to DA RAT as it was for me initially to address responses to oldlady!:lol:

This guy still does advertise, I think he's just migrated to different venues & I saw something of his in the past month or so on the Yahoo La Paz Gringo Group site.

All the articles/ads that I've seen over the years have always struck me as reeking of self-promotionalism.

Friends who had fideicomisos created through his business inevitably had problems & went to extreme lengths & cost to get them resolved. A friend from Loreto made repeated trips to La Paz & never made progress & ended up selling; closing through a different Notario; & went back to the states. This guy was the straw that broke the camels back in my friends disillusionment with Baja. But we all know it's not for the faint of heart!;)

chnlisle - 7-19-2010 at 08:04 PM

His website. Looks like he may be a lawyer in Canada, but certainly not in Mexico.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 7-19-2010 at 08:31 PM

Hola, this WEASEL has finally been brought out of the bushes and everyone needs to know not to use his i am sure there are more of his lot out there taking advantage of unsuspecting gringos but we can start with this one.

longlegs, may i post this in the losbarriles.ning as well as i am waiting for permission from doug to do the same to alert people ?

please u2u me with your response.


mike odell - 7-20-2010 at 10:35 AM

Eddie is quite WELL Known!!
Usually under the moniker, Fast Eddie Bones:lol::lol:

Baja&Back - 7-20-2010 at 08:06 PM

Well, his website explains it all:
- he's Quebecois AND spent 18 years providing shoddy service at Scare (Air) Canada!!!


DENNIS - 7-20-2010 at 08:11 PM

Originally posted by Baja&Back
- he's Quebecois

Arn't they the ones who make French sound like Russian, or something like that?

longlegsinlapaz - 7-21-2010 at 07:54 AM

Originally posted by chnlisle
His website. Looks like he may be a lawyer in Canada, but certainly not in Mexico.

Chnlisle/arrowhead/all other aliases, past present & future....

Granted it is his own website & anyone can put anything they choose on their own website unless & until they get called on it....but based on the information posted on this website alone, following is cut 'n pasted directly from his website for the benefit of others who might not have taken the time to go read it:

"Having received the Certificate from the "Chambre des Notaires du Quebec" which attested of his knowledge in Law he provided legal counseling to international real estate investors and administered his own international real estate companies which led him to immigrate to the State of Baja California Sur, Mexico in 1989 where he was eventually invited to teach law at the "Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur" (UABCS).

With the growing real estate development in Mexico more and more investors were seeking legal advise but the local legal offices in Baja were not adequately formed and lacked the required international law knowledge thus the need to provide recognized university level courses under the wing of the UABCS in different parts of Mexico to real estate salespersons was made and led to the decision to open the first "Professional Services Center" in the capital city of La Paz in the State of Baja California Sur, Mexico. This decision was followed by the next necessary step which was to apply for his license to practice law in Mexico.

The request was presented to the "Secretaria de la Educación Publica" (SEP), having done extensive studies in Law and possessing the knowledge of the legal system in Mexico he was admitted as a lawyer in Mexico and given the honor of being the first person, who had studied Law outside of Mexico to be recognized as having all the required qualifications to practice law in Mexico."

How did you arrive at your conclusion of "Looks like he may be a lawyer in Canada, but certainly not in Mexico" :?::?:

DENNIS - 7-21-2010 at 08:17 AM

4112 Lawyers and Quebec Notaries
Lawyers and Quebec notaries advise clients on legal matters, represent clients before administration boards and draw up legal documents such as contracts and wills. Lawyers also plead cases, represent clients before tribunals and conduct prosecutions in courts of law. Lawyers are employed in law firms and prosecutor's offices. Quebec notaries are employed in notary offices. Both lawyers and Quebec notaries are employed by federal, provincial and municipal governments and various business establishments or they may be self-employed. Articling students are included in this group.

chnlisle - 7-21-2010 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
Chnlisle/arrowhead/all other aliases, past present & future....

Granted it is his own website & anyone can put anything they choose on their own website unless & until they get called on it....but based on the information posted on this website alone

My dearest *****, that is your name isn't it? You are correct that anyone can put anything they choose on their own website. That is why an intelligent person would check out the information before making a fool of himself on a public forum. It just so happens that the Secretaría de Education Pública keeps a public registry of professional cedulas so people can check them out.

For instance, on Fast Eddie's website, it says he has an associate named LIZET SAHARI MANZO RODRIGUEZ, with a cedula number 4458404. When one goes to the registry, sure enough, it says that cedula number belongs to LIZET SAHARI MANZO RODRIGUEZ.

When you check out Fast Eddie's cedula [0086], it says it belongs to a certain RAFAEL CASTRO RODRIGUEZ.

Hasn't it been clear enough from all the other comments from people here about Eddie that something is terribly wrong? Do you need to get hit over the head with a brick to understand what is going on around you?

[Edited on 7-22-2010 by BajaNomad]

ligui - 4-13-2015 at 06:07 AM

Wow :( ... Thanks for everyones in put . And thanks for those of you that let me know more thru u2u .

I'm looking for a lawyer that can give me answers about future taxes and mexican laws dealing with corporations .

I have a bunch of ?'s i need answered in order to plan ahead.

Thanks again nomads ! Ligui

carlosg - 4-13-2015 at 09:54 AM

Quote: Originally posted by chnlisle  
Originally posted by longlegsinlapaz
Chnlisle/arrowhead/all other aliases, past present & future....

Granted it is his own website & anyone can put anything they choose on their own website unless & until they get called on it....but based on the information posted on this website alone

My dearest *****, that is your name isn't it? You are correct that anyone can put anything they choose on their own website. That is why an intelligent person would check out the information before making a fool of himself on a public forum. It just so happens that the Secretaría de Education Pública keeps a public registry of professional cedulas so people can check them out.

For instance, on Fast Eddie's website, it says he has an associate named LIZET SAHARI MANZO RODRIGUEZ, with a cedula number 4458404. When one goes to the registry, sure enough, it says that cedula number belongs to LIZET SAHARI MANZO RODRIGUEZ.

When you check out Fast Eddie's cedula [0086], it says it belongs to a certain RAFAEL CASTRO RODRIGUEZ.

Hasn't it been clear enough from all the other comments from people here about Eddie that something is terribly wrong? Do you need to get hit over the head with a brick to understand what is going on around you?

[Edited on 7-22-2010 by BajaNomad]

...seems like the link to the SEP website in NOT working*, it is campaign time in Mexico (just like US) and that's what probably is going on with that website. However, just as longlegs mentions its very easy following up with these unscrupulous sob's trying to ripoff ony one who stands on their path, this so called fat eddie is a total rat: in Mexico to be a licensed attorney you MUST learn Mexican Law in a registered school (university not academy) before even thinking of getting a "cedula profesional" from SEP. Lizet Sahari Manzo does have a valid "cedula profesional" vs. Rafael Castro Rodriguez (0086) belongs to RAFAEL CASTRO VILLAGRAN in the state of Zacatecas... and it was issued back in 1945!!!... this guy is outliving the Chinese in TJ and Mexicali!!! (you know they "recycle papers") research any other Professional Licenses just click on the upper right hand corner on "Consulta de Cedulas Profesionales" tab and you can enter the full name or number of license; use this to research anyone who says he is a registered professional service provider (doctor, architect, lawyer...) before committing to a business and/or professional relationship.

*WOW... I JUST NOTICED THIS THREAD IS FROM BACK IN 2010.... it's monday... and like the mexican saying goes: 'los lunes ni las gallinas ponen"

[Edited on 4-13-2015 by carlosg]