
Asuncion's First Wine Tasting Fiesta Feast

shari - 7-20-2010 at 10:34 AM

Well, we're getting pretty uptown now!!! Miss Zoe hosted the first wine testing party in her home complete with fancy invitations, fantastic food, way too much wine and wonderful conversation.

Most of the expats who are here in Asuncion attended and it was really great to get together for some quality we all come from diverse backgrounds, the converstation was delightful and we all laughed so hard for hours, our stomachs hurt!!! i learned lots about wine and a host of other other things in the course of the evening.

Sirenita & Adrian provided the pizza, a carnivore delight and super veggie with artichokes, capers, mushroom and veggies...outstanding! Adrian also made his famous seared yellowtail and I brought scallop sushi.

Of course most of us are loyal Nomads so we had fun discussing various threads...Kevin has some particularly hilarious party game ideas for Skeets Party (perhaps I wont get into those right now).

We were all so happy to have gotten together for this fine wine event and it was suggested by Chris the plant guy to have Wine Wednesdays which was unanimously agreed upon to be held at different houses each week...woohoo, more parties!!! Look forward to seeing more of you here soon. (PS: bring wine!)

Oh and if any of you were wondering where Kevin is...he took the group picture and struck his classic end of party pose for this.

[Edited on 7-20-2010 by shari]

capt. mike - 7-20-2010 at 10:38 AM

now that's my kinda party! wish im could have imbibed.
best pizza i have ever seen i think - WOW.
the pizza at the place next to the bank in mulege is pretty good too, right Pomp??

shari - 7-20-2010 at 10:40 AM

yeah Mike, it would have been right up your alley...sirena & adrian will be making pizza in their new eatery and will deliver too!! they are gonna do real well.

Iflyfish - 7-20-2010 at 10:42 AM

Put me in for Oregon Pinot Noir and California Zin!

Life is too short to drink bad wine!


Iflyfish - 7-20-2010 at 10:44 AM

My favorite Pizza

Artichoke Hearts, Tomato and Fresh bazil on thin crust with lots of parm!!

Be still my heart! ......and arteries!

Good on them! That is a wonderful idea, a Pizza Parlor in Asuncion. I love it.

How about a sushi bar?


shari - 7-20-2010 at 10:50 AM

the new Tide Pool eatery the kids are opening soon will feature sushi, sashimi, seared fresh fish of the day, abalone burgers, pizza, fish tacos, fresh juices, espresso coffee, and more daily delights!!!


BMG - 7-20-2010 at 11:02 AM

Those pizzas look mighty tasty.

Best of luck to the new Tide Pool Eatery! We are really looking forward to sampling everything.

Iflyfish - 7-20-2010 at 12:00 PM

Be still my heart!! One of each please!


Geo_Skip - 7-20-2010 at 09:54 PM

Shari, Juan, Sirena and Adrian....I am feeling sad that I could not manage another spring trip back...but perhaps my next will be better.

The Tide Pool restaurant is a great idea. I WILL mak it down either this Fall or next Spring. I would LOVE to get (paid) lessons on preparing local fish, abalone, conches and anything else I might catch (from shore or with Juan).

It's hard to stay sharp cooking for one, but I love cooking and learning new seafood recipes. Can Adrian consider that as an add on to the restaurant? I would enjoy it.

Geo_Skip - 7-20-2010 at 09:59 PM

OOPSIE I posted by miss-keying before finishing my whole message. I hate cramped laptop keyboards.

I can imagine a perfect day, fishing with Juan, or from the shore... finish with a cooking class with Adrian as the catch is prepared for us and any friends...

I'll bring the wine.

My idea of a perfect day in Asuncion.

Best wishes to all...I must say Sirena is looking ready to pop...Congratulations All!

wessongroup - 7-20-2010 at 10:03 PM

Hey, Cheer up you guys... great shot.. the look of having a really good time... good for you.. made me smile.. thanks...

eetdrt88 - 7-20-2010 at 10:59 PM

Originally posted by shari
the new Tide Pool eatery the kids are opening soon will feature sushi, sashimi, seared fresh fish of the day, abalone burgers, pizza, fish tacos, fresh juices, espresso coffee, and more daily delights!!!
seriously,that sounds to good to b true...when is the grand opening???

shari - 7-21-2010 at 07:17 AM

Nice to hear from you Skip...and that is a capital idea about Adrian giving cooking classes....he's taught me a thing or three. He does prepare gourmet fish dinners at your casa and you can just watch and learn that way or get in the Tide Pool kitchen with him as a helper!!!
Sirenita still has a couple months to go but is in fine form.

Grand Opening is planned for the 1st weekend in August on the 6th to cooincide with our Surf Competition on Aug.7th which will be a blast. We hope to see some gringo faces in the line up this year...there havent been any yet and its the 3rd annual surf hey eetdrt...get yer surf butt down here for it and the opening!!!! There is also a dance after the surf competition with a live band which is actually the quinceanera of Jaime's daughter...they are one of the big surf families's gonna be an awesome weekend.

David K - 7-21-2010 at 07:31 AM

Great, great, great!!!

desertcpl - 7-21-2010 at 05:41 PM

YUP,, really great,, cant wait to get down and experience your great village

Bob H - 7-21-2010 at 06:42 PM

Wow... it's all GOOD! Can't wait to come back!
Bob and Audrey H