
Interesting Story

knuckles - 7-21-2010 at 05:20 PM

I would have done this differently.

Hope I got this link correct posted correctly@!?

[Edited on 7-22-2010 by knuckles]

bajaguy - 7-21-2010 at 05:27 PM


You must be smoking some of your stash.......:lol:

Marc - 7-21-2010 at 05:52 PM

It may be to late. The cartel infrastructure is in place. If they can't deal drugs they will find any number of illegal activities to keep busy. At the end of prohibition in this country the Mafia just continued to grow stronger. With the current culture of corruption in Mexico there is no way to stop it.
I would not buy property anywhere in Mexico. Every title search is suspect. I would lease or rent and be ready to pull out when the "real owner" knocks on the door.

fishabductor - 7-21-2010 at 06:43 PM

I like the Author's name...... Elena Snortland.....she seems to forget that Cocaine is the cartels money maker. She should have followed her nose!!

knuckles - 7-21-2010 at 08:02 PM

I sure as hell wouldnt have dropped that amount of coin unless I was living there full time and for the long haul.

Ms. Snortland (Hilarious) didnt have the smarts or fortitude.

And yes, the cartels are either growing stronger or just more desperate.

I wonder how much she actually sold it for or if she walked away. No balls.