
Name of new hotel at playa Los Cerritos?

ears - 8-18-2010 at 08:16 PM

Does anyone know the name of the new hotel located on top of the rocks overlooking the point at Playa Los Cerritos just south of Todos Santos? Thanks


sanfelipebob - 8-18-2010 at 08:20 PM

ledge - 8-18-2010 at 08:59 PM

Thank you very much!

monoloco - 8-22-2010 at 06:47 AM

We went to Los Cerritos yesterday and noticed that PROFEPA had posted a big CLAUSURADO sign on the hotel. The local scuttlebutt is that they encroached on the federal zone when they built it. There is no way that that thing is 50 meters from the high tide line. They also encroached on ejido property. They bought a beautiful piece of property, but that wasn't enough for their grandiose plans and they used property that wasn't theirs. Personally, I hope they make them tear it down.

capt. mike - 8-22-2010 at 07:11 AM

you can see and read all about it at Rip to the Tip baja moto challenge run.
an unbelieveable stay experience for those with the means.

Hacienda Cerritos

Loretana - 8-23-2010 at 11:56 AM

Originally posted by monoloco
We went to Los Cerritos yesterday and noticed that PROFEPA had posted a big CLAUSURADO sign on the hotel. The local scuttlebutt is that they encroached on the federal zone when they built it. There is no way that that thing is 50 meters from the high tide line. They also encroached on ejido property. They bought a beautiful piece of property, but that wasn't enough for their grandiose plans and they used property that wasn't theirs. Personally, I hope they make them tear it down.

Monoloco, you have bad information.

Those same PROFEPA guys were hanging out drinking and partying at Roger's Cerritos Beach Club recently. I wouldn't count on anything serious happening there.

Roger will give Narciso a call and the whole thing will probably blow over. :yes:

monoloco - 8-23-2010 at 08:13 PM

I saw the clausurado signs with my own two eyes. As far as I know Tony Cordoba owns the Cerritos Beach Club, Not Roger. Most of the people I know around here are hoping those two kill each other, I'm wondering who is going to protect them come February when Narisco is no longer governor. Maybe their days of chain link fences, open sewers, loud generators, and encroaching on the federal zone will be over.

Bob and Susan - 8-24-2010 at 05:12 AM

looks pretty nice...

[Edited on 8-24-2010 by Bob and Susan]

ho.jpg - 44kB

oldlady - 8-24-2010 at 05:39 AM

Curious, we drove up to it from the beach several months ago. The managers, caretakers, whatever gracioulsy gave us a tour of the entire place. It's a beautiful property, the finish work and detailing is wonderful. Obviously took a chunk of change to build. You'd think appropriate preliminary work would have been done before making that type of investment. Something seems a little odd.

monoloco - 8-24-2010 at 06:02 AM

Look at the photo that Bob posted. See the little beaches on the right? Does it look like the house is 50 meters from the high tide line?

oldlady - 8-24-2010 at 07:31 AM

No. And, while I'm no great judge of distance, it didn't look like 50 meters when I was there either. Nor did I intimate that in my post. I was confirming the previous post. It not only looks pretty nice, it is pretty nice. Geeeeez.

monoloco - 8-24-2010 at 07:40 AM

Sorry Oldlady, I wasn't commenting on your post, I was just drawing attention to the photo to make the point that he is encroaching on the federal zone.

vandenberg - 8-24-2010 at 07:43 AM

Nothing that a little drug money can't resolve.:biggrin:

Or...get one of those contraptions that suck up the seabottom and deposit it on the beach and make yourself a new hightide line.:yes::?:

[Edited on 8-24-2010 by vandenberg]

Sunman - 8-24-2010 at 08:27 AM

I seem to recall them posting here on Nomad last summer during the Jimena watch maybe they will chime in? Or not. Why jump into the viper pit.

shari - 8-24-2010 at 10:44 AM

perhaps they have the federal zone concession which would allow for some structures

Loretana - 8-24-2010 at 12:06 PM

I stand corrected. As I understand it, Tony Cordoba owns the Federal beach concession, but it was Roger's $$$ that built the Cerritos Beach Club.

And yes, you are correct that there is a clausurado orden against the Hacienda Cerritos. But knowing Roger, and how tenacious he is, this is just a bump in the road on his path to build his beautiful development at Cerritos.

monoloco - 8-24-2010 at 01:20 PM

Loretana, I wouldn't imagine that it took a whole lot of money to build that plywood shack they call the Cerritos Beach Club, which is just a vehicle to sell real estate. Sometime when you are driving in there, stop and check out where their sewage goes, it's the big gaping hole full of sewage about 100 yards before the gate right next to the road on the north side. In the winter I've seen it full to the top and overflowing the tanks on almost a daily basis. It's in an arroyo and the first time it flows all that poop will wash right on to the beach. Those guys care nothing for the environment or the esthetics of the beach or the ocean, all they care about is making money and will step on anyone who gets in their way. The beautiful development you refer to is just another real estate scam. I have heard that Roger is already trying to unload that white elephant he built on the point. i have been using that beach for 30 years and as far as I'm concerned they have completely trashed the place trying to turn it into Los Cabos. Oh, and by the way, when Roger was building that grand monument to himself on the point, banks were taking a haircut to the tune of millions of dollars on his real estate developments in Oregon.

[Edited on 8-24-2010 by monoloco]

SurfDude - 9-7-2013 at 10:21 AM

Hola, forum members, spent some time in Cerritos recently and heard most of what I've read so far from locals and the townspeople. Definitely a beautiful place, but looking at the website video, its obvious that it was taken years ago, the places are covered in rust and maintnetance is only done when absolutely necessary, and sometimes not even then... ran into this roger dude at pool at the hacienda, there was a line of guests waiting to get his attention to ask about power/water and maintenance issues, he entertained none of them, instead kept his attention on two prostitutes that he brought in for he and another of his much older guests, (Gross). Didn't get a good feel for him or his organization, his staff trying to keep up the place was very nice but obviously overworked and less than capable with what little they had to work with. The comments of sexual abuse and flat out not paying the maids there from people in town also is very disheartnening. Of course I understand that there are two sides to every story, which is why I would have liked to talk to the man that I was helping to line his pockets, but we were not able to gain an audience, nor catch up to him at any other point, so I only have the point of views that we have heard from locals, other guests and timeshare owners. When all the comments and information from different people from all different walks of life add up to the same picture, it would seem reasonable to believe at least a little of it....
Overall, there is no question to the beauty of the place, its just a shame that looking over the railings, (Any of them) at the hacienda rewards you with a view of trash and bottles littered everywhere, and now there's an added bonus of roof tiles strewn all over the beach and rocks from the workers tossing them off the damaged roof onto the cliffs, instead of the trash?!
A little class goes a long way, and at this point, we didn't see much. Sounds like its just a matter of time before this roger is removed and the government comes in and takes over and restores it to it's former glory. The place looks great in that first video, considering the shambles that it is in right now is a direct reflection of the one who owns it. Restore it to a decent place to stay and we'll consider buying in and helping boost the local economy in the process!

monoloco - 9-7-2013 at 10:53 AM

Roger has plenty of class, unfortunately, it's all low. I don't know if it's true, but several real estate people and ejidatarios have told me that the ejido has gained possession of the property as a result of their lawsuit over his encroachment on ejido property and his failure to reach a settlement with them. Due to incompetent ownership, and the prospect of years of litigation, I fear that the property will continue to deteriorate and end up being a ruinous eyesore and an attractive nuisance on Los Cerritos point.

Lee - 9-7-2013 at 11:30 AM

Originally posted by SurfDude
The comments of sexual abuse and flat out not paying the maids there from people in town also is very disheartnening. Of course I understand that there are two sides to every story, which is why I would have liked to talk to the man that I was helping to line his pockets, but we were not able to gain an audience, nor catch up to him at any other point, so I only have the point of views that we have heard from locals, other guests and timeshare owners.

Two sides to every story but unfortunately, in the Cerritos case, it's one sided. This place has always had bad juju. The Tony and Roger show reflects everything wrong in the area. It would be nice to see these hustlers disappear. One day.

bledito - 9-7-2013 at 07:59 PM

When i was there in april I took a walk around the rocks below and found a lotof trash there as well and a open pipe spewing who know what onto the rocks below. my wife loves the cerritos beach and it has changed alot in just 6 months since the last time we we're there in october of 2012. fences had been put up now you have to pay to park unless you buy stuff at the beach club. definatly a downer compared to before. and i just see it getting more and more commercialized a shame to see. we were even thinking of buying a lot there glad we didn't and chose los barriles instead.

CortezBlue - 9-8-2013 at 10:48 AM

Originally posted by SurfDude
... ran into this roger dude at pool at the hacienda, there was a line of guests waiting to get his attention to ask about power/water and maintenance issues, he entertained none of them, instead kept his attention on two prostitutes that he brought in for he and another of his much older guests, (Gross).

So let me understand, the only way you would know if these ladies were prostitutes would be if you paid for services? Otherwise, you must allegedly, assume, they are actually paid for ladies.

Which is it? :cool:

Hook - 9-8-2013 at 11:51 AM

What does it matter if they were paid for, or not, in the context of the story?

Let's say they weren't paid for. Is it, then, OK for the owner to ignore his businesses responsibilities in the face of customers, while keeping all his attentions on the ladies?

[Edited on 9-8-2013 by Hook]

monoloco - 9-8-2013 at 12:11 PM

I just spoke with someone who was at the hotel in the last couple of days and reported that the pools and fountains were full of green water and roof tiles, the landscape plants were dying, all the iron work is all rusted and ruined from lack of maintenance, and that the place is generally looking shabby and run down. Book your reservations soon before the meth heads move in and take the wiring and plumbing.

Lee - 9-8-2013 at 01:10 PM

If a sewer is draining into the ocean, is the water polluted? Wouldn't surfers be in the middle of it? Anyone?

SurfDude - 9-8-2013 at 10:49 PM

It's really a shame that it "Is what it is" there now, knowing/seeing all that could be...

We were so unimpressed, that we took a stroll down to Tony's place to look around. Saw all of about 6 people in the pool, and talked to a guy that didn't ID himself. We asked about amenities and what the prices were, he mentioned going up to the front to talk to the girl there, but in the meantime, they were all booked up and we would have to leave the property. Now, I have to say the Mrs' is very easy on the eyes, and doesn't have a problem getting us access most places, and I certainly hold my own, (To the guy asking about my knowledge of knowing a hooker when I see one, let's just say working in LA in the entertainment industry, I can spot them a mile away!;), yet he was adamant about us leaving. While I can respect keeping out the riff raff, the vibe we got put her off right away. Fair enough, it's their place to run how they want, and so we left. Can't say we have any interest in returning, so we'll take our $$ and make it "Rain" elsewhere..! The general theme across the board for both places was that customer service was lacking, too the point where several other guests we spoke too were so upset that they have zero interest ever returning and being treated so poorly, (Rogers place, not Tony's).
We also saw that money is being pumped into some kind of "Huts" there, with little or no services to them...WTF??
Seems like that money would be better spent on the crown jewel they already have, not building "Ghetto" accomodations. Seems like the equivalent of building homeless shelters in Brentwood or Malibu, great for the poor, but not what the people paying the big $$ want to be next to. Not a slam on poverty by any means, just pointing out that the general theme of roger's deameanor and lifestyle choices, doing Republican dinners and such, it seems like he prefers to cavort with those who can elevate him, and the huts seem like a total waste, especially when the regular places are on a groupon/deal chicken/daily deal,etc for ludicrously cheap non stop as it is. How much is a hut going to be a night, $20?
I dunno, I don't mean to only sound disaparaged, like I said, the area is beautiful, met lots of great, down to earth locals on the beach and at the local eateries, but it's a bummer seeing what could be, and where it's actually heading...
Ok, here's my pledge, "When" I hit the lotto, (Powerball!) I'll buy the place and get all the locals together to bring the places back up to what they should be, pay the people there an honest wage, and give the people coming in their moneys worth. Win win for everyone :)