
Good News ? Or Not ?

MrBillM - 8-24-2010 at 04:53 PM

Depending on point-of-view, I suppose. Interesting in any case.

Transit deaths by (PC speaking-wise) Itinerant Foreign Pedestrian Hikers Northbound through the Arizona Desert may, or may not, reach a record level this year. Who they are remains a mystery since Sixty-six percent remain unidentified due to extended time in the Summer Sun resulting in shriveled, mummified corpses resembling, according to the news story, (very large) raisins.

Bajahowodd - 8-24-2010 at 05:03 PM

Sad fact is that while the total numbers of folks transiting the border is way down, the "success" of our border initiative has forced the remaining crossers to the most remote and unfriendly areas. Most of these folks are desperate to make a buck to feed their families. Our success might be considered a pyrrhic victory, at least in terms of humans.

DENNIS - 8-24-2010 at 05:09 PM

Why did they go out there without a good sunscreen? I mean...their government gives them funny books to guide them to remittance heaven , so why can't they give them a little tube of Sea and Ski?

toneart - 8-24-2010 at 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
Sad fact is that while the total numbers of folks transiting the border is way down, the "success" of our border initiative has forced the remaining crossers to the most remote and unfriendly areas. Most of these folks are desperate to make a buck to feed their families. Our success might be considered a pyrrhic victory, at least in terms of humans.

Sadly, these economic warriors are cannon fodder in "The War on Drugs", as are all warriors. :(

SPF 90

MrBillM - 8-24-2010 at 06:13 PM

MAY have helped, but maybe not.

As far as what these "raisin" remains mean, who can say ?

Since 66 percent have not been identified, they "could" be anybody. As to the other 34 percent, there was no breakdown in the news story.

One "positive" note especially important in Hot Arid Summer-Time Arizona is that preservation of the bodies is less of a challenge with Time and the Sun having performed a service in that regard. Fresher remains preservation would have been more energy-intensive.

Of course, the economy realized in that respect may be offset by the additional efforts and manpower (via DNA testing, etc) required for identification so it's hard to say what the net cost effect might be.

Regardless of what these unknowns were up to, we can say with certainty that they have been deterred and won't be trying again.

Russ - 8-24-2010 at 06:34 PM

Makes me sick! Instead of making fun of the hard working good family folk that die for their efforts you should be making fun of the inefficient governments that can't seem to get a work permit program together or any plan other than armed personnel. I know go to "Off Topic".

tjBill - 8-24-2010 at 06:38 PM

Today's LA Times headline,

Border deaths in Arizona may break record

BajaBlanca - 8-24-2010 at 06:39 PM

well said Russ.... coudn't have put it better.

And, the NEW record stands at 72.

MrBillM - 8-25-2010 at 12:20 PM

Bodies. Surpassing the previous record of 55.

These are Mexican records, though,and do not, count towards any record points for total bodies discovered in the U.S.

MEXICO CITY, Aug 25, 2010 (AFP) - Troops uncovered at least 72 bodies, including those of 14 women, on a ranch in northeastern Mexico after a clash with gunmen, the Mexican military said early Wednesday.

The gruesome find came after a shootout between troops and suspected drug traffickers near the town of San Fernando, in Tamaulipas state which borders the southern U.S. state of Texas, in which one member of the military and three gunmen were killed, according to the Mexican Navy.

It said "the lifeless bodies of 72 people were found" after the navy went to the ranch when a man suffering from gunshot wounds approached a nearby military checkpoint and said he had been attacked on the ranch by suspected drug traffickers.

The operation, which included military air support, netted one "underage suspect," but the rest of the gunmen who were not killed managed to escape.

The military seized 21 rifles, about 6,600 rounds of ammunition, and four trucks including one bearing Ministry of Defense markings, the navy said.

Mass graves have been turning up with increasing frequency in Mexico's drug war, which has claimed the lives of an estimated 28,000 people since 2006 despite a military show of force in Mexican cities by the government of President Felipe Calderon.

Tamaulipas is among Mexico's most violent states and is currently riding a wave of deadly attacks blamed on drug cartels.

On June 7, 55 bodies were uncovered in a mass grave outside a mine in the southern state of Guerrero, the largest find of its kind in Mexico.

On July 23, 51 bodies were found in a residential area on the outskirts of Monterrey, the capital of the northern state of Nuevo Leon.

Records ARE made to be broken, as they say, and who knows how long this one will last.

Anybody interested in a Pool ?

[Edited on 8-25-2010 by MrBillM]

Terry28 - 8-25-2010 at 01:40 PM

Mr. Bill, your are and will remain an buttcrack......

Russ - 8-25-2010 at 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Terry28
Mr. Bill, your are and will remain an a--hole......

I choose just to ignore his statement. He maybe trolling for a response and you certainly did respond. I'm not saying I disagree.

Pompano - 8-25-2010 at 01:51 PM

Knowing the OP's prediliction for fanning the flames, why would you respond to this obvious troll?

The subject of this thread is not worthy of any comment, nor does it need any. I'll just ride the Fence.

Bajahowodd - 8-25-2010 at 04:06 PM

Comments from racist trailer trash. Anyone that spends any time in the off-topic forum would know that. I stopped doing that quite a while ago. Not sure what his meds consist of, considering they they might be blamed for his blather, but he sure loves to provocate, as long as he can throw in enough sometimes thinly veiled and sometime not so thinly veiled racism.

THANKS, I neede that.

MrBillM - 8-25-2010 at 04:07 PM

They say you're known by the Enemies you make.

Which makes me look good.

I'm not looking for friends. My quota is filled in that respect.

Mexicorn - 8-25-2010 at 07:41 PM

Very sad!

A Raisin in the Sun ?

MrBillM - 8-25-2010 at 10:41 PM

Nah, that was Sidney Poitier, wasn't it ? Not much chance we'd ever be mistaken for each other. At any point in our lives.

OR, is the Inference that some of these Nomadians are Murderers or members of some Cartel ?

Doesn't say much for them, but it's your story and you can stick to it if you want.

Not much chance that I would actually offend any of the real Cartel guys. I don't really care what they do or WHO they do.

But, those Murderous Nomads ? Quien Sabe ?

Russ - 8-26-2010 at 06:35 AM