
Official Corruption is on both sides on the border

gnukid - 8-27-2010 at 10:33 PM,2933,280873,00.html

[Edited on 8-28-2010 by gnukid]

monoloco - 8-28-2010 at 06:36 AM

I found the Counterpunch article particularly interesting. It never ceases to amaze me how Americans can just stick their heads in the sand when it comes to the high level corruption in their own country.The fact that nothing has been done to prosecute the perpetrators is indicative that the current administration is every bit as corrupt as the last one.

BajaDove - 8-28-2010 at 06:41 AM

I always wonder why there is surprise at the uncovering of corruption, We're talking POLITICS

Bajajorge - 8-28-2010 at 08:30 AM

With the amounts of money to be made in the trafficking of narcotics, it is hard to believe that corruption would not run rampant on both sides of the border.

k-rico - 8-28-2010 at 09:59 AM

These guys were caught. How many aren't caught?

How to make $48K in a single night.

Who Dat Head in Da Sand ?

MrBillM - 8-28-2010 at 03:00 PM

Everybody's aware that there is official High-Level Corruption, but most would say (rightly) that they personally can't do much about it.

At the Lower levels, it would be "nice' if we could pay the ICE guys 20 bucks like we do the Mexicans to ignore those little rules infractions that we commit once in awhile, but the unfortunate thing about corruption in the U.S. is that it's not commonly available at the level the average Joe can use.

Too Bad.

gnukid - 8-28-2010 at 03:45 PM

There are topics which are untouchable, such as Hitler, N-zi Germany, Eugenics, 911, US complicity in running drugs etc... yet each of these subjects, and why we fail to be able to discuss them rationally, these subjects can teach us about humanity and why we fail.

These subjects affect each one of us, politics and policy everyday, yet we aren't supposed to discuss them...

An exert from Aldous Huxley's Brave New World Revisited which is referenced in this essay, Aldous Huxley on propaganda and why we fall for it states:

“All effective propaganda,” Hitler wrote, “must be confined to a few bare necessities and then must be expressed in a few stereotyped formulas.” These stereotyped formulas must be constantly repeated, for “only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea upon the memory of a crowd.” Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgment or to feel doubt. The aim of the demagogue is to create social coherence under his own leadership.

So, we see that following the orchestrated economic bubbles that encouraged to take on massive debt, we were lied into emotional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while simultaneously we were shown that these were lies, the dichotomy creates stress. Now ten years later we all have experienced the orchestration of a falling economy and a string of lies and created threats, that have increased our stress, emotion and have been used to change our perception of what is acceptable or reasonable, legally, politically, ethically and in every fashion that affects our familial lives and those things that we come into contact with most often.

Those most stressed, poorest and weakest are most willing to go along with the emotional arguments for torture, assassination, extra-ordinary rendition, wars, anti-terror and anti-drug tactics which justify an increasing police state.

However, at a distance, with a historical view, reviewing hundreds of years of history, we can see the pattern is clear, drug production and shipments are a piece of an economic pie, one piece that is not only profitable but serves to create a more malleable and stressed public. The drug production in turn fuels, other profitable pieces of the economic pie, funding for a military industrial complex, funding for policing, a police state, prison complex, prison labor, and even housing for portions of the population for example, subsidized housing and increased values for secure housing for non-offenders, money laundering, banking credits based on illicit deposits, occasional fines from high placed offenders; and overall and expansion of power of a totalitarian police state.

From a distance it's possible to see how chaos is used to create order, from chaos we get order. It's not exactly necessary to organize chaos we simply can create a vast range of scenarios which may degenerate, whether it's poorly inspected commercial food manufacturing resulting in eggs which are infected with salmonella which now requires we have greater control to pasteurize eggs, or murders in Juarez, from chaos an increase in political control, spying, regulations, taxes, fines, etc... occurs. Like a series of powder kegs produced that are poorly constructed, all we need is a spark and we have chaos which requires a solution, generally at the ready to be implemented, such as foreign troops in NYC, we have an increasing Government whose tentacles reach farther and farther into our lives while it's source of power and reasoning is farther and farther from our traditions.

Certainly, today marks a stage in the development of the totalitarian police state, which can be directly attributed to the steps taken over hundreds of years, an evolution of learning about what makes humans tick, from Stalin to Hitler to JFK to Reagan and now Obama, while we evolve we are devolving politically to become a mass both physically and emotionally who reacts emotionally, hysterically and irrationally to our own demise and against all that we know to be true.

It strikes me though that the human mind is powerful and so yet to be tapped for critical thought to address ourselves, even more so this is evidence of the need we have for education or the ability to think critically.But what is critical thinking? Some reference the word trivium- meaning comprising grammar, rhetoric, and logic or the quadrivium-comprising arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.

Sometimes I think our demise is related to the fact that we can not see the stars. I'm getting a telescope.

Bajahowodd - 8-28-2010 at 04:36 PM

You left out abortion and jihad.:no: I'm getting weary. Maybe you and I could just go out to the beach for a couple of hours......?

There Are THREE kinds of People.

MrBillM - 8-28-2010 at 05:10 PM

Those working to Address Problems.

Those Not.

And, those who contribute Endless Conspiratorial Verbiage on Websites like this and "Think" they're educating the masses and accomplishing something.

Reminds me of a Bunch of those Birchers sitting around in a room feeding on each others paranoia and thinking they're saving the World.

And, changing nothing.

monoloco - 8-28-2010 at 05:51 PM

At this point the only way to effectively address the problem would probably be a well placed nuke in DC.

gnukid - 8-30-2010 at 02:45 PM

Originally posted by MrBillM
Those working to Address Problems.

Those Not.

And, those who contribute Endless Conspiratorial Verbiage on Websites like this and "Think" they're educating the masses and accomplishing something.

Reminds me of a Bunch of those Birchers sitting around in a room feeding on each others paranoia and thinking they're saving the World.

And, changing nothing.

Each person must do their own research and make up their own mind and decide what action or what mode to take.

One must have information in order to understand motivations, influences and the basic history of the world and background of problems and solutions.

So, if you have anything to add, references, links, comments which may shed light or which may offer better information, please do contribute.

toneart - 8-30-2010 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by gnukid
There are topics which are untouchable, such as Hitler, N-zi Germany, Eugenics, 911, US complicity in running drugs etc... yet each of these subjects, and why we fail to be able to discuss them rationally, these subjects can teach us about humanity and why we fail.

These subjects affect each one of us, politics and policy everyday, yet we aren't supposed to discuss them...

An exert from Aldous Huxley's Brave New World Revisited which is referenced in this essay, Aldous Huxley on propaganda and why we fall for it states:

“All effective propaganda,” Hitler wrote, “must be confined to a few bare necessities and then must be expressed in a few stereotyped formulas.” These stereotyped formulas must be constantly repeated, for “only constant repetition will finally succeed in imprinting an idea upon the memory of a crowd.” Philosophy teaches us to feel uncertain about the things that seem to us self-evident. Propaganda, on the other hand, teaches us to accept as self-evident matters about which it would be reasonable to suspend our judgment or to feel doubt. The aim of the demagogue is to create social coherence under his own leadership.

So, we see that following the orchestrated economic bubbles that encouraged to take on massive debt, we were lied into emotional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan while simultaneously we were shown that these were lies, the dichotomy creates stress. Now ten years later we all have experienced the orchestration of a falling economy and a string of lies and created threats, that have increased our stress, emotion and have been used to change our perception of what is acceptable or reasonable, legally, politically, ethically and in every fashion that affects our familial lives and those things that we come into contact with most often.

Those most stressed, poorest and weakest are most willing to go along with the emotional arguments for torture, assassination, extra-ordinary rendition, wars, anti-terror and anti-drug tactics which justify an increasing police state.

However, at a distance, with a historical view, reviewing hundreds of years of history, we can see the pattern is clear, drug production and shipments are a piece of an economic pie, one piece that is not only profitable but serves to create a more malleable and stressed public. The drug production in turn fuels, other profitable pieces of the economic pie, funding for a military industrial complex, funding for policing, a police state, prison complex, prison labor, and even housing for portions of the population for example, subsidized housing and increased values for secure housing for non-offenders, money laundering, banking credits based on illicit deposits, occasional fines from high placed offenders; and overall and expansion of power of a totalitarian police state.

From a distance it's possible to see how chaos is used to create order, from chaos we get order. It's not exactly necessary to organize chaos we simply can create a vast range of scenarios which may degenerate, whether it's poorly inspected commercial food manufacturing resulting in eggs which are infected with salmonella which now requires we have greater control to pasteurize eggs, or murders in Juarez, from chaos an increase in political control, spying, regulations, taxes, fines, etc... occurs. Like a series of powder kegs produced that are poorly constructed, all we need is a spark and we have chaos which requires a solution, generally at the ready to be implemented, such as foreign troops in NYC, we have an increasing Government whose tentacles reach farther and farther into our lives while it's source of power and reasoning is farther and farther from our traditions.

Certainly, today marks a stage in the development of the totalitarian police state, which can be directly attributed to the steps taken over hundreds of years, an evolution of learning about what makes humans tick, from Stalin to Hitler to JFK to Reagan and now Obama, while we evolve we are devolving politically to become a mass both physically and emotionally who reacts emotionally, hysterically and irrationally to our own demise and against all that we know to be true.

It strikes me though that the human mind is powerful and so yet to be tapped for critical thought to address ourselves, even more so this is evidence of the need we have for education or the ability to think critically.But what is critical thinking? Some reference the word trivium- meaning comprising grammar, rhetoric, and logic or the quadrivium-comprising arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music.

Sometimes I think our demise is related to the fact that we can not see the stars. I'm getting a telescope.

As a result of exhaustive research, and fatigue derived thereof, I shall offer my concurring conclusion: YEP!:O:wow::smug::spingrin:;)