
Pets in Mexico

Passiflora - 7-27-2004 at 11:59 AM

I am traveling from Canada to Mexico this fall in a motorhome to spend a few months on the wondering how difficult it is to bring a dog across the border and then back again...can it even be done? Any illumination would be helpful thank you.

JESSE - 7-27-2004 at 12:02 PM

It can be done no problem, but i am not sure what paperwork needs to be showed, if any, i thing mostly you need vet paperwork in order to get him back home.

Pets in Mexico

Jack Swords - 7-27-2004 at 03:05 PM

Welcome to the board, Passiflora (edulis?). Dogs and cats are no problem. Birds are. For your dog you only need an "International Health Certificate" from your vet that attests to up-to-date rabies shots and good health. Your vet knows about it. When you want to leave Mexico see a vet and get one from them (about $8 USD). There are many vets around. Many will tell you they don't get one and have never been asked. We have twice, once going down, once returning. For the minor cost and trouble you avoid a major hassle if you are in Tijuana and must turn around and find a vet. Be aware that some towns throw poisoned bait out to reduce the number of strays and that puffer fish on the beaches are poisonous. We always have our dog with us and simply keep her on a leash except on an open beach. You will be glad you took your dog. Good luck!

You probably won't have problems, but...

Gypsy Jan - 7-27-2004 at 07:27 PM

take documentation to be safe.

Fred Metcalf has an excellent basic information page:

In ten years of going back and forth, and five years of living in Baja full time, I have never had a problem with the border questioning my dogs.

That said, I always carry their recent vac's records, their receipts for their microchips and they sport San Diego license tags as well as VIP pet insurance tags.

The only conversation I have ever had is with the Mexican Army guys at the checkpoints is to the effect of..."Que bonita perros, pasale, pronto!" (It helps that all my dogs are 100+ pounds and *smile* at the military.

And the only conversation I have had with US Customs, aka Homeland Security, is "Nice looking dogs, what are they (Rottweilers, Great Dane, German Shepherd) and the one and only, "If that mutt bites me, I'll shoot him right here." I had the mutt being mentioned under control, so I wasn't toooooo worried.

Take documentation, be relaxed, but please, please, keep your dog(s) under supervision, don't expect that they will act in a predictable manner to new environments/experiences.

Have a great time!

4baja - 7-27-2004 at 07:39 PM

all you need is a rabies certs. been taking my dog its full life and never a problem.:coolup:

David K - 7-27-2004 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Passiflora
...on the Baja...

Don't you just love the way Canadians say: 'in Baja California'?

Hi Passiflora, I have taken dogs to Baja (the Baja) for years. I may have been asked once to show proof of rabies vaccination. I am not sure what Jack was wanting you to do in Tijuana, but just get your dog's vet to sign an International health cert, incl. current immunization for rabies. This is only for U.S. customs... when you return to the Great White North, eh?

I have grown Passiflora edulis (purple passionfruit) here in San Diego county. There is a passiflora nursery in Vista (near me) called Kartuz and has hundreds of varieties.

International Health Certificate

Jack Swords - 7-27-2004 at 08:27 PM

This paper is required by international law, but as in all things rarely enforced. We had to fly to Guaymas from La Paz with our dog and we were not allowed to get our dog unless we produced this certificate (we had it). Just as you can travel all over Baja without ever being checked for a FMT (tourist permit), that one time they ask, it is best to have it.
I've never needed auto insurance in over 150 trips down the peninsula, but carry it just the same. Why worry? It's a minimal cost and inconvenience. By the way, La Paz now has an animal control, free immunizations, and a person in a truck picking up strays. Mexico is changing!

Passiflora - 7-28-2004 at 06:54 AM

;D Thanks to all that have replied. You have been very helpful, as the planning for this trip goes into full swing I am sure more questions wil arise and I think I have found the perfect place to have them answered. Thanks again, Passiflora