
Where can I get on a commercial fishing boat near Rosarito?

bajalearner - 9-4-2010 at 08:45 AM

A newbe here so forgive if I ask what has been asked before. Where can I get aboard a commercial fishing boat close to Rosorito? I live in TJ. I want a half day trip for me and my 12 year old son. I am not much of a fisherman so I woujld like to have the experts take us. Where and how do I get a Mexican fishing license?

desertcpl - 9-4-2010 at 10:22 AM

I really dont know about finding anything in Rosarito.

but I have gone out in the past with this outfit from ensenada,, had a great time,, and you can rent the fishing equipment that you want, they will provide any thing you want

Maybe This is What You Want

Gypsy Jan - 9-4-2010 at 04:37 PM