
Bahia Asuncion

Pescador - 9-7-2010 at 07:25 AM

Since the temperatures are running slightly higher than 100's during the day, I and a friend decided it might be time to visit friends at Bahia Asuncion. Well, this is truly a jewel of a place even though the road is a bit of a challenge to get there. When leaving Vizcaino it looked like paved road most of the way, but paved road with man-eating potholes is a different story and you have to be very focused and attentive to avoid the big holes. The road looks like it was covered with at least 1/2" of asphalt which promptly went into total disrepair, so you probably have to drive slower than you might if it was just a dirt road through the desert.

The desert and salt flats were a complete change from our desert by Santa Rosalia so it was fun to observe. When the fork in the road came up and you turn to Asuncion, the road was fantastic and you found yourself breathing again.

The town seems to be mainly supported by two fishing cooperatives and while I am sure there are lots of positives and negatives about that situation, it seems to have had a very positive effect on maintaining the fishery at a sustainable level and not overfishing the resources. Lobster, Abalone, and Caracol, seem to be doing well and the abundance of fish show that they are healthy as well including yellowtail, halibut, calico bass, and offshore stuff like Tuna. I talked to a lot of the fisherman and they indicated that the yellowtail were there, but they were not biting very well. Let me translate that into they mainly troll and jig for these fish and if someone were to really work with live bait the fish are there and chewing, but need live bait presented in the right way and at the proper depth. Since fishing is so good later in the season, there has been no real need to learn good live bait techniques, but it would certainly add another aspect to the fishing in the area.

While a few have lamented the fact that people (especially gringos) are flocking to the area, I did not find that to be the case and there is a good mix of new people and natives as well. In fact that is one of the beautiful parts of this great town as there did not seem to be a sharp division and I saw a great intermingling between the two that you do not experience in other places I have traveled to.

I have talked with Shari for years on Baja Nomads so it was a special treat to finally put a face with a name and get to know her a little better. She certainly has a high energy level and we had the special treat of eating at the Tidepool Restaurant the last night we were there where her daughter Sirena made us a great Baja Lime Pie. Adrian is a true addition to the family and what an amazing cook this young man is, we had sushi that could only be expected in the finest restaurants in the US. Shari even got into the spirit of things and made some smoked Bonita dip that was beyond outstanding. The only things that are still left to do is have a guitar session and go fishing with Juan, but you have to save some things for the next trip.

I think that this area will be a really hot destination for kayak fishing as it would lend itself very well to that kind of fishing, so I am getting the gear ready and will have to report on that when it happens.

What a great trip, we were overwhelmed by our welcome there and spent all of our time getting to meet old friends as well as some great new ones too.

[Edited on 9-7-2010 by Pescador]

Udo - 9-7-2010 at 07:37 AM

I did not know you were such an eloquent writer, pescador:light:


adonde estan las fotos?

dtbushpilot - 9-7-2010 at 07:44 AM

Yea, that shari is a spunky one that's for sure.......she's a tiny thing though, I thought she'd be bigger......:lol:

DENNIS - 9-7-2010 at 07:50 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Yea, that shari is a spunky one that's for sure.......she's a tiny thing though, I thought she'd be bigger......:lol:

She gets big when she has to. Wouldn't want to be standing in front of her when it happens. :o

Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 08:17 AM

Well said Pescador, well said.


bill erhardt - 9-7-2010 at 08:23 AM

Good report, Jim. Sounds like a good time.

bajajurel - 9-7-2010 at 08:46 AM

It is a great place - good report.

I have found that along this part of the coast that the fish coops take conservation seriously. Each Coop employs a Marine Biologist to help them cultivate their resources. It is unlike anywhere else in Mexico that I have been.

Headed to La Bocana next week - woohoo!

shari - 9-7-2010 at 09:18 AM

It is always so interesting & fun meeting Nomads face to face. We had a nice visit and enjoyed seeing how they reacted to our village as it was their first time here. It was real nice Pescador could chit chat with the locals as his spanish is excellent.

Here we are at the Tide Pool with Mulegena too...Adrian is amazing everyone with his culinary prowess...he keeps coming up with new stuff...try Adrians amazing sushi balls next!!

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shari - 9-7-2010 at 09:23 AM

just got a call from Juan...yellowtail are biting and they got some nice big ones in the is ON now!!! exraps rock.

here are the fried sushi balls...should be illegal.

Glad you had a good visit kids and look forward to seeing you both again.

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BajaBlanca - 9-7-2010 at 11:10 AM

Sirenita !! when is that baby coming ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shari - those sushi balls look so delicious, oh my gosh, you are lucky

Adrian - por favor, venga a la bocana hacernos una comida :)))))))))))))))

all this writing about Asuncion made me want to escape and visit again !!

Iflyfish - 9-7-2010 at 11:25 AM

Be still my heart!! That kid can cook!!!


woody with a view - 9-7-2010 at 12:24 PM

that's a nice tundra in the background..... wish it was mine.

30 days:yes:

p.s. can someone get the fish to commit to my days, PLEASE!!!!! i don't want to change my trip up at the last minute due to no fish!

Mulegena - 9-7-2010 at 01:08 PM

Pescador, to finally meet you was an unexpected treat... and to find we already have mutual friends in San Bruno, too kool fer skool.

A delightful evening at the Tidepool Bistro with you & friend, Shari, Serena & her little Baja Pak and Adrian and his "to die for" cuisine! Thank you again, one and all.

Enjoyed some jurel, yellowtail, last night cooked by Adrian; scrummy and just what I needed...

hmmm, the sun's out now with a mellow wind from the west. I believe I'll pad my bare feet over to the Tidepool and see what's cooking today!

SiReNiTa - 9-7-2010 at 02:37 PM

It was really great to meet yet another wonderful nomad!! We always enjoy meeting new interesting people and sharing laughs and stories...

As for the question about the baby...well I'm hoping he decides to pop out any day now...although it could be as long as another 2 weeks, I'll be staying in G.N. until he arrives (sigh) I guess he's just too comfy in his water castle!!!

I'm really glad that everyone has liked Adrian's food (and my pie:yes::yes: ) and we hope to keep pleasing everyone that comes to visit us!!!

BajaDanD - 9-7-2010 at 05:10 PM

Cant wait We'll be there the last week of Oct.
Bringing my kayaks my fishing polls and my apetite
Sushi balls sounds delicious Yumm!!!Yumm!!!

shari - 9-7-2010 at 07:54 PM

this is for you woody...things just got ALOT better today...wide open yellowtail bite...10 big boys 20-35 lbs. and huge toad calicos and some crazy big barracuda....happy fishermen for sure!!!

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Pescador - 9-7-2010 at 09:07 PM

Shoot Shari, we use those for bait on this side for the big boys.:D Glad to hear that the yellowtail are moving up into the strike zone that is needed for catching them with trolled plugs. I would imagine that Juan had a big smile on his face , for sure.

Skipjack Joe - 9-7-2010 at 10:44 PM

Big barracuda are on my list of fish to catch.

So are white seabass.

BajaDanD - 9-7-2010 at 11:12 PM

White seabass like to hang out below the barracuda just hard to get past the barracuda. White seabass are vary lazy eaters not vary aggressive.
Barries are also vary slimy, hate bringing them in the boat.

shari - 9-8-2010 at 08:26 AM is that barracuda...they are quite delicious filleted and we had no trouble giving them away.

Toay is another perfect fishing day, calm, sunny,no wind...lots of fish...woo hooo.

[Edited on 9-8-2010 by shari]

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shari - 9-8-2010 at 08:35 AM is Juan's smile when they started hauling in the yellowtail...he was sooooooo happy. They were amongst the dolphin and birds less than 2 miles out right in front of our house.

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Iflyfish - 9-8-2010 at 08:44 AM

Love that smile!!! pretty good yellow tail too!


bajajurel - 9-8-2010 at 09:18 AM

Originally posted by shari
this is for you woody...things just got ALOT better today...wide open yellowtail bite...10 big boys 20-35 lbs. and huge toad calicos and some crazy big barracuda....happy fishermen for sure!!!

Hi Shari,

Great catch! What type of bait / lures were they using?

shari - 9-8-2010 at 09:35 AM

yellowtail were caught on with black spots,mackeral like and the purple rapalla.....calico took every silly old lure no one thought would work!

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woody with a view - 9-8-2010 at 03:12 PM

cmon tuna!

BajaRat - 9-8-2010 at 04:53 PM

Not a huge fan of balls, I think I just found the exception. Hang in there, he's coming.
Miss you guys, your food and your hospitality.
Oh and WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO Jurel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Russ - 9-8-2010 at 05:02 PM

Jeeze... Don't you ever get summer?

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Russ - 9-8-2010 at 05:03 PM

Oh, Nice fish (only in my dreams) and hell of a smile!

BajaRat - 9-8-2010 at 05:07 PM

Sure am glad I returned Juan's lure, it looks like the one in that jurel's mouth!

Pescador - 9-9-2010 at 07:22 AM

Russ, remember last winter when we actually wore a jacket to go fishing?

Russ - 9-9-2010 at 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Pescador
Russ, remember last winter when we actually wore a jacket to go fishing?

~~~~ :o NO! ~~~~:tumble: