
9/8 little fish

Russ - 9-8-2010 at 12:12 PM

Wasn't sure what the wind was up to this morning so I tried in close just south of the hotel. No birds or bait working and my spotter in the house (Harry) didn't help much either. I got some really small cabrilla types and kept the sierra, pargo and largest cabrilla. Not a bad day but I was hoping to fish a boil with dorado & roosters in it like was reported two days ago. "Snooze you loose". There's always mañana.
The launch is deceptive. There was a pretty good surge this morning


Sierra off the hotel

One of many small Cabrilla

A few small triggers too

Keeper pargo

Keeper cabrilla

only 2 needle fish and no lost tackle.:wow:

Cypress - 9-8-2010 at 12:20 PM

Not bad! Looks like you caught enough for dinner.:D

Gaucho - 9-8-2010 at 12:39 PM

What a perfect way to start the day! What's the water temp right now?

Arturo - 9-8-2010 at 01:14 PM

Nice... Only two slimy Lizards and no lost Tackel. Is it better to fish the bay early morning or late afternoon? I usually fish off the Rock about 6 houses west of the hotel just as the sun goes down. Lots of fun, cant wait to get out there again.

Russ - 9-8-2010 at 02:25 PM

Water temp 85º +
Program I use? I use an iMac and drag all the photos I want to post into Image well and re size them to 1300 x 900 then upload them into Photo bucket for posting more than one pic on a thread. If just one pic then Image Well and size it to 500 x ? and the lower the quality to about 47kbs or less.
Best time to fish? I'm told that late afternoon until dark is best. I just can't get my lazy bones to do it. Definitely more surface action North of the hotel then. I know you're right when you say 'West' but my gyros don't work so I use N & S.

Iflyfish - 9-8-2010 at 08:52 PM

Looks like a lot of fun!!


Sallysouth - 9-8-2010 at 09:27 PM

I'll take that Sierra if you don't want em!! Ceviche, yum!

Cochi - 9-9-2010 at 07:46 AM

I will take the cabrilla and great you didn't loose the yozuri. Hows your inventory? Packd n ready to go. Meany make it?

Russ - 9-9-2010 at 08:07 AM

Originally posted by Cochi
I will take the cabrilla and great you didn't loose the yozuri. Hows your inventory? Packd n ready to go. Meany make it?

I just got a big supply of YoZories. Most the fish were caught in the spot you showed me in front of Summers house in 15' to 20' of water. That's also where Harry saw the roosters and dorado tearing up the bait. See ya soon if you get down before the 20th.
Edit: No Meany yet.

[Edited on 9-9-2010 by Russ]

wessongroup - 9-9-2010 at 09:48 AM

Thanks much... looks like you had a pretty good day... and the weather would appear to be just great for getting a line wet.... eating my heart out.. aaahhh so nice...