

Russ - 9-15-2010 at 08:16 PM

This may not be a Baja related today but if our FDA approves this lab engineered Salmon I believe we're in deep do~do. This article touches some very touchy thoughts. The issue of farm raised fish has been discussed a few times here already so many of you already have a perspective on the seriousness of this.


mulegemichael - 9-15-2010 at 08:20 PM

you got it, russ...this is a bad, bad, deal...i have caught escaped atlantics in one of our local rivers here on the olympic peninsula in the past...not a good deal at all

Skipjack Joe - 9-15-2010 at 08:55 PM

<<It's simply against nature and is a huge step back in the worldwide movement to eat local, organic and sustainably>>

I wasn't as impressed with the article. His main premise is that everything that grows in the natural world is healthy and the rest is therefore by definition not.

By that reasoning we should get rid of all our pets because they came about by selective breeding. All of our barnyard animals are not wild either and have been bred for our own purposes.

I do see the danger of escaped frankenfish. One solution is that these new monsters should be sexually sterile - only be able to live out it's own generation. If they can combine genetic samples of different species they should be able to do the same with their love lives.

Cypress - 9-16-2010 at 05:23 AM

Yea, Sterilize the genetically engineered fish. And make 'em do something about the waste accumulation beneath the fish pens.

Russ - 9-16-2010 at 05:49 AM

How about the amount of real fish or fish byproducts it would take to feed these freaks? Look how much food it takes just for the pens in the Ensenada area.

Pompano - 9-16-2010 at 06:04 AM

Kind of reminds me of Jamaica's woes years ago. Remember the mongoose problem?

wessongroup - 9-16-2010 at 11:08 AM

Few years back President Bush, had the opportunity to effect a significant change, however he chose to end the chances for a return of the native population.. it was a difficult call, and I can understand the reasoning.. people and electricity over the "fish"... those in charge of making the "big" calls tend to make those calls, in that fashion .. just do.. unless the situation of our species is really negatively impacting the entire food chain .. "DDT".. then we will make a call to go another way... which also ends up with a lot of problems.. DBCP, increased Benzene usage, among many other precursors and breakdown components of the parent compound into our environment, and we don't really have a clue on their long term impact on the entire environment, so we do tend to foul our nests... just a fact of a living organisms..

This decision left only one way to go, for the "salmon" as we have know it... A new species, if one expects to have salmon around any more .. as the ones we have known in our lives are just going away...

Have been a number of really good examples on how these things "human species making calls on the environment" work out... long term... Rabbits in Australia to just name one....

Sorry to see it happening for a number of reasons..... environmentally, socially and how much we really do lack the ability to control the development of resources at home and around the world... which seems to have some real "hair" on it, regardless of what the "thinkers" say...

Me, I'm just some dumb old Okie... don't claim to know anything at all.... and my answers are usually pretty simplistic, opposed to all this complex stuff I read about...

Thanks for the link.. and update... and its good to know others have strong balanced thoughts on these "effort".... and their implications ...

Paula - 9-16-2010 at 11:50 AM

Thanks for posting this Russ!

Here is a link to an online petition to the FDA. If you want to have a voice on this issue you can do it here~~ for what it's worth:yes:

Russ - 9-16-2010 at 02:08 PM

Thank you Paula. I did take a few moments to put in my 2¢.