
La Bocana / Abreojos Fish Report

bajajurel - 9-22-2010 at 08:46 AM

I had been watching Terrafin for weeks before this trip and it looked like warm water was moving north but when we arrived it had receded back down south.

Water temp was around 67 to 69 degrees. Yellow-tail were being caught in good numbers by the coop in nets. But they were not biting on anything and we tried everything - bait, dead and alive, jigs, and every color of feather, rapala, and cedar plug you can think of. No shows were wahoo, and yellowfin.

Skipjack and Bonita were plentiful and were actually a nuisance after awhile but good for the Coop that is stocking up on bait for lobster season. Also we were catching barracuda and sand bass. Grouper and calicos are what we had to settle for.

Well there is always next month:(

The road south of Maneadero is torn up but will be nice when it is done. It seems like it takes longer, and longer to get through Ensenada and San Quintin as traffic gets worse.

Pic is from the Abreojos tournament which has created a discussion.

Gas is running P8.21 / liter. The new entrance to San Ysidro from the toll road is better than it used to be.

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shari - 9-22-2010 at 09:05 AM

thanks for the report...did you participate in the tournament?
Things about the same here ..water temps hovering around 70 although yellowtail have been taking rapallas but are spotty. Spearos have taken some nice size yellowtail too. There are still kelp beds out front which is rare for this time of year as the warm water usually nukes them...Got us all wondering if the tuna are gonna appear at all.:?:

We have 5 big seiners that have been working the area for a couple weeks now getting bonita too...I'm surprised to see them working so close to shore...wonder if it's legal. There was a big army helicopter circling the bay yesterday checking out the seiners looked like.

BajaBlanca - 9-22-2010 at 09:10 AM

Shari - I saw the huge helicopter too .. had no idea what they were up to.

The guys did not participate in the tournament, they opted out at the last minute - but thank goodness they went and took pics. I was busy getting ready to head north for 2 days.

We have 2 guys fishing the lagoon today since it is to windy to go out on the sea - we shall see what they catch for lunch :) I believe they cooked themselves a big halibut yesterday (they are in the Copa Cabana).

[Edited on 9-25-2010 by BajaBlanca]

kaybaj - 9-24-2010 at 05:33 PM

looks those G.D. seiners have finally left. for about a month now they have been fishing what looked like to me about 3 to 7 miles from shore? we'll see if there's anything left!!

[Edited on 9-25-2010 by kaybaj]

woody with a view - 9-24-2010 at 07:39 PM

give some reports over the next 10-12 days. we are making last minute corrections due to the lack of fish.

BajaDanD - 9-24-2010 at 10:52 PM

even if the fishing is spotty We are still comming down end of Oct.

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2010 at 04:38 PM

finally some yellowtail caught yesterday .... we had one for lunch and it was delicious !!

Freespool - 9-26-2010 at 11:56 AM

What a shame to kill all of those grouper....

Cypress - 9-26-2010 at 12:00 PM

Freespool, Careful, that sort of sentiment could get you in trouble. Welcome to the forum.