
going to Guerrero Negro...should be an eventful trip!

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shari - 9-23-2010 at 07:41 AM

Hopefully this beautiful harvest moon will bring baby Izaak into this world so I'm heading out today to be by Sirenita's side throughout her transition into motherhood. (payback time sweety!!!):lol: ....and to do a tent delivery.

So I should have an interesting trip report very soon...keep your fingers crossed everyone...oh yeah, about the pool...the last nomad guess was Lee today at noon today.

I cant wait to welcome baby Izaak to baja...patas saladas.

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windgrrl - 9-23-2010 at 07:44 AM

Best wishes to Sirenita for a safe delivery to welcome your grandchild to this wonderful world.

David K - 9-23-2010 at 08:13 AM

Ditto! Best wishes to the new family!

BMG - 9-23-2010 at 08:28 AM

Hey grandma, I imagine this trip will be one of your most memorable. Good luck to all of you.

Originally posted by shari

....and to do a tent delivery.

Sirenita won't be needing that maternity dress anymore?

Eli - 9-23-2010 at 09:07 AM

My heart swells for You, may your Izaak journey into this world be soon & safe, a harvest full moon is a good time to arrive.

pacside - 9-23-2010 at 12:16 PM

Is it too late to get in on the bet? I say 12:01am Sept 25th. Would be same day as my son's bday. Lookin forward to the arrival of Izaak. Have a fun and safe trip and good luck to the new momma.

On a side note...can't believe Serenita can still wear cute jeans with a belt in her 3rd trimester...oh to be a younger mother.


BajaBlanca - 9-23-2010 at 03:04 PM

goooo Sirena, goooooo Sirena, gooooo Sirena and congrats grandma !!!


Bajahowodd - 9-23-2010 at 04:28 PM

And just how does it feel to be a grandma? Mother nature, or whomever one may look to for comfort, somehow manages to see that mothers are able to birth their daughters. Happens all the time. Looking forward to the post that says all are well.

shari - 9-24-2010 at 08:37 AM

a quick update...Izaak is a true baja boy...taking his sweet time. I enjoyed a pyjama party with Sirena last night here in GN. Her tias, abuela y primas are sharing birth stories with us...some real doozies from nanna who had 17 children and birthed many of them all by herself...what a woman!!!

We have also been hearing lots of strategies for bringing baby on...sirena's tia rolled down sand dunes so today we are off to the dunes when the sun comes out. My strategy last night was driving over the biggest speed bumps at a good clip...didnt work though. So we will have a nice day of visiting friends and family, eating out, surfing sand dunes, walking at sunset out at El Faro for some bird watching and generally hanging out with my hija...have a great day nomads.

bigjohn - 9-24-2010 at 08:42 AM

Our solution was to have my wife have a nice big steak dinner and both of my girls arrived the next day! Good luck to all of you!

shari - 9-24-2010 at 08:44 AM steak dinner AFTER rolling down the dunes...any other suggestions out there???

David K - 9-24-2010 at 08:45 AM

Wear a catcher's mit!;D

bajamedic - 9-24-2010 at 08:51 AM

Just remember, breathe, breathe, don’t push, don’t push, pant, pant, breathe, don’t push, o wait you’re the grandma, just breathe. JH

shari - 9-24-2010 at 08:52 AM

hahahah...excellent advice bajamedic!!!!! gracias

BajaBlanca - 9-24-2010 at 11:26 AM

wow...and I thought for sure yesterday would be the day. This is DEFINITELY a Baja Baby .... manana manana y mas manana

David K - 9-24-2010 at 07:04 PM

waiting, waiting, waiting...

SiReNiTa - 9-24-2010 at 08:12 PM

And still waiting......:o:o:o

BMG - 9-24-2010 at 08:52 PM

Originally posted by shari

...any other suggestions out there???
Go to the tallest skyscraper in GN and take the express elevator up and down several times.

Sallysouth - 9-24-2010 at 10:25 PM

I am really not sure if I should be posting this but,I will.Is the Daddy there with you all?It worked for me two times.Mom and Dad need an evening "alone", for the last time before he is born!! Best of luck to you Sirenita. I can only imagine how much love this little boy will bring to so many.:bounce:

SiReNiTa - 9-25-2010 at 01:59 AM

Ok...well the moment we've all been waiting for!
As of 9:30 pm I started with pains and went to the hospital around midnight, we just got back and I am officially in LABOR!!! OMG!!! YAAAAAAAY!!!

Izaak's heart beat is between 120-140 and doc says he is healthy and ready to come meet everyone!

I've got another doc's appointment tomorrow at 8:00 am so if I don't update after that...well you all know the drill...send prayers and good vibes and think OPEN haha!

Much love to you all and thanks for all the support! Maybe the next time I write to you I'll do so from a momma's point of view!!!

Sirenita :)

JESSE - 9-25-2010 at 02:24 AM

Good luck sirenita, we will all be "monitoring the situation" closely.

noproblemo2 - 9-25-2010 at 06:26 AM

Good Luck Sirenata. Lots of good thoughts coming your way.

mulegemichael - 9-25-2010 at 07:41 AM

we're still's it going, gramma?

David K - 9-25-2010 at 07:46 AM

You go girl! :light:

MikeYounghusband - 9-25-2010 at 08:09 AM

pitter patter, pitter patter, little feet, good luck to all

SiReNiTa - 9-25-2010 at 09:36 AM

Sent me home again but things are on their way!!

If all goes good as grandma says little Izaak should be born very soon.

bajafam - 9-25-2010 at 09:51 AM

Here's to Izaak's arrival....very, very soon!! We love you guys!!

I think I'm in labour!!

shari - 9-25-2010 at 10:19 AM

sirenita is doing very well and is in good hands here...her abuelita is sharing her secrets and helping bring on the creatura. We checked out the heartbeat at the hospital and as they say at Cape's a go.

So today's plan is eat, drink grammas tea, sleep, walk, dance, breath, and celebrate being a woman.

Here is the star of the show!

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bajafam - 9-25-2010 at 10:45 AM

love that picture!!! May the celebration begin and never end!! Wish we were there with you guys, but we are there in spirit. Keep us posted, Gramma!! Woot woot!!!!

toneart - 9-25-2010 at 10:55 AM

Push and breathe! Seems like it is happening very soon. My love to you all! What a wonderful event!:yes:

Here...this will help>>>>>>>>>>:bounce::bounce:;)

noproblemo2 - 9-25-2010 at 02:53 PM

Bump for an update !!!!!!!!!!

Bajahowodd - 9-25-2010 at 03:13 PM

I suppose this could be considered inappropriate timing, but here goes. If the little mermaid and her hubby have considered having a family beyond Izzak, statistic reveal that the first labor is almost always the longest. it just keeps getting easier. I only post this because I know people who made a decision to not have more kids, based upon the first experience. As difficult as this may be, just don't allow it to alter future plans. I say this in all sincerity. You go girl!!!

woody with a view - 9-25-2010 at 03:15 PM

very cool. i remember the birth of my son was THE greatest event of my life.

BajaBlanca - 9-25-2010 at 04:49 PM

ditto. the birth of my son was THE greatest day of my life too. Altho' there are many in the running for 2nd place :bounce:

bajafam - 9-25-2010 at 08:09 PM

Originally posted by Bajahowodd
I suppose this could be considered inappropriate timing, but here goes. If the little mermaid and her hubby have considered having a family beyond Izzak, statistic reveal that the first labor is almost always the longest. it just keeps getting easier. I only post this because I know people who made a decision to not have more kids, based upon the first experience. As difficult as this may be, just don't allow it to alter future plans. I say this in all sincerity. You go girl!!!

Let's allow Miss Sirena to get through this first labor and delivery before we start planning more!!! :) And, for the record, my second child was a much more difficult and draw out pregnancy, labor and delivery. Stubborn Mister! He was two weeks late!! The best part about the pains of labor and delivery is that you forget all about how hard it was once that miracle of life is in your arms, looking up at you. It is all worth it!!! Love you guys!

Izaak, it's time. The world awaits.

windgrrl - 9-25-2010 at 08:39 PM

Hola, Sirenta!

What a wonderful photo. What a wonderful mom you will be. Sending you and baby good vibrations from the 49th parallel,

Baby Izaak and his timing...

Mulegena - 9-25-2010 at 09:22 PM

givin' ev'body th' blues.

Reminds me of Lightnin' Hopkins, old black American Blues artist.

Illiterate son of sharecroppers he picked up the guitar and began playing in his own personal style; whatever he felt, he played, came from somewhere deep inside-- suited him just fine. He was ahead of his time and at the forefront of the style of music later to be known as 12-bar blues.

Late on in his life he was playing a gig with a young man schooled in music, college educated. Lightnin' was rehearsing with the band, teaching them his now-famous songs, when the young guitar player stopped right in the middle of a number and said, "Mr. Hopkins, you missed the chord change there (at such 'n such place)." Lightnin' was a simple man, a modest man and a man of few words. He turned to the young man, drew a breath or two and in his gravelly old voice which spoke of a lifetime of hardship, of living out the the very words of that song said, "Lightnin' change when Lightnin' want to change!" and went back to playing.

Lightning does strike when it seemingly wishes.

Izaak will arrive when Izaak wants to arrive.

... but we're all wishing he'd come on soon.

SiReNiTa - 9-25-2010 at 10:42 PM

Hey everyone!

The gang's all here and ready for game time!!
Daddy, grandpa, grandma and myself are all cozy in the "Cowboy Hotel"

Pains have gone from 20 minute intervals to 10 minute intervals and have gotten a bit more intense...Izaak is slowly but surely down the birth canal and we are all anxious to meet him.
I'm doing best of everyone (mwuahahahaha) since Adrian has a bad tummy and mamma has one heck of a head ache, except for when the labor pains hit I'm as good as I can be, so I'm saving my strength and hoping for a speedy delivery when the time comes.

No doubt that the support from all of our friends and family present both in spirit and physically, has been a super important factor to us, I say this in all honestly...with out all of you and all of my family and friends here I don't know if this would have gone so well, so thanks from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to care about us!!!

I hope to have disappeared from the internet by tomorrow, but if I don't I'll be back with an update as soon as I have one!

Until the next time...

Un beso y un abrazo a todos!!!


David K - 9-26-2010 at 12:06 AM

Hooray Sirenita!

Beachgirl - 9-26-2010 at 07:32 AM

For those of us who are on the way down, and planning a trip to Ascuncion...what items are on the baby's wish list? Tiny sarapes? Mini sombreros? Something practical like Onesies?

Izzak is just doing his Libra thang...should I come out? Should I stay here?

Soon the little critter will be in your arms, Sirena. The joy of a baby's birth is beyond description. Without a doubt the most amazing experience on this planet. Mulegemichael and I are thinking of you this morning...give your Mom an Advil for that headache...or send her out for a celebratory Marguerita!

Beachgirl - 9-26-2010 at 07:32 AM

For those of us who are on the way down, and planning a trip to Ascuncion...what items are on the baby's wish list? Tiny sarapes? Mini sombreros? Something practical like Onesies?

Izzak is just doing his Libra thang...should I come out? Should I stay here?

Soon the little critter will be in your arms, Sirena. The joy of a baby's birth is beyond description. Without a doubt the most amazing experience on this planet. Mulegemichael and I are thinking of you this morning...give your Mom an Advil for that headache...or send her out for a celebratory Marguerita!

shari - 9-26-2010 at 09:41 AM

locked, loaded & ready to shoot....out we hope!!! We are all relaxing at Cowboy Hotel...just back from a checkup...might be tonight or tomorrow morning so we shall enjoy this gorgeous day...walking, pausing, smiling, drinking juice (OK, I might slip a gin & tonic in) and waiting for the big event...have a great day nomads wherever you may be.

BajaDove - 9-26-2010 at 09:52 AM

Shari you maybe should take Sirena walking with you. She can skip the gin.
Please tell her we all need to breath

BajaRat - 9-26-2010 at 03:29 PM

Love you all. Hang in there girls. Can't wait for our new play mate!!!!

shari - 9-26-2010 at 07:48 PM

we had a wonderful day.waiting for Izaak..a rare sunny, hot, windless day in GN. We walked to Las Cazuelas for a nice fruit and oatmeal breakfast....walked around town a bit, visited the tias, ate ice cream, then we had a lovely afternoon at the "beach" by El Faro and I had a terrific swim.

Then we went to a friends new restaurant for teriyaki chicken which I think will be Sirenita's last meal for a couple days as her contractions are gettin VERY intense...fewer smiles now...she said she feels like shes watching an old 8 mm flick...she's doing really well and handling like a real trooper...she's very brave.

It's gonna be a long night at the Cowboy Motel...keep pulling for her amigos....she's gonna need all your prayers and is now officially 48 hours she's been working on this "project".

Here she was at la posita this afternoon...this may be the last look at that big belly.

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David K - 9-26-2010 at 07:55 PM

Wishing all to go well!:biggrin:

bajafam - 9-26-2010 at 08:04 PM

Here's to a quick swim down the canal :) Hang in there girlie!! You are doing great!!!

noproblemo2 - 9-26-2010 at 08:20 PM

You're doing great little mama, hang in there your son is almost here now. Grandma, I know it's hard watching your "baby" become a mom, but soon you'll be holding him in your arms. Best wishes to all. How's dad holding up?

shari - 9-26-2010 at 09:13 PM

dad is like a rock...holding sirenita up...she's getting shaky now. We found out that nobody is allowed in the hospital with her...I'll talk about that later...I'm so we are going to have our labour support here at the Cowboy Hotel till the last possible minute so sirena has our help through this difficult time...thanks nomads for all your prayers and is much appreciated.

Sharrone - 9-26-2010 at 09:30 PM

Praying for a safe delivery.

noproblemo2 - 9-26-2010 at 10:14 PM

Many prayers for a safe delivery Sirena, dad and grandma.....

shari - 9-26-2010 at 10:32 PM

gonna be a long night...signing off now...contractions around 8 minutes and getting rather intense...good night irene.

shari - 9-27-2010 at 10:07 AM

buenos dias todos....well....can you say REHEARSAL???:no::no:

Sirenita was doing so well till at 1:30 a.m. she closed her eyes to rest...fell asleep and so did baby Izaak....all contractions ceased!!!!!! We just couldnt believe it but that little rascal decided he didnt like the doctor on call and chose to wait a bit longer. Baby seems fine, sirena slept like a baby and we are going for another ultrasound now to make sure there are no complications...maybe we should start another poll!!!

So anyone passing through GN can come and cheer us on at the Cowboy Hotel...the owner has been fantastic to us...hell, we feel like just having the baby here!!!

So, it's another gorgeous day more walking to do...more sushi to eat and waiting waiting waiting...

noproblemo2 - 9-27-2010 at 10:15 AM

Well he certainly has his own strong will already about chosing his own birthdate !!!! LOL

BajaBlanca - 9-27-2010 at 10:16 AM

ohhhhhhhhhh my goshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Izaak is an attention getter for sure hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

glad Sirena got some sleep, better to prepare her for today

ummmmmmmmm, we think today is THE day, right ???!!!!!! Wake up, Izaak!

Not even Adrian will be allowed in ??? IN Brazil, no one but the dad was allowed in ... but come on, AT LEAST THE DAD. It is such a bonding moment.

Well, Shari, maybe we have another project to add on ???? Enlightening the hospitals as to the importance of bonding and family being allowed in the birthing room .....

Good luck you all !!!!!!!!!!

shari - 9-27-2010 at 10:24 AM

Blanca...we have just been talking about that. Our experience with 5 emergency room doctors has been nothing short of exasperating and downright crappy...not what one wants for something as beautiful as a birth experience. Sirena just mentioned that maybe she should study midwifery to help anxious mothers to be like herself.

I just cannot believe there is NO clinic or doctor who attends births outside the "normal" hospital regs....and that the policy is so strict NOT to let ANYONE in the birthing area...that is just plain WRONG.

OK, I'm kinda tired and frustrated with the whole process...but sirena is in good spirits...thank goddess for magic jack as we could talk to friends of mine who are midwives and they answered our questions and gave assurance to sirena that all is well....izaak swims to his own drum...kinda like Dennis!

catch ya later amigos....pray for dilation!!!

BajaBlanca - 9-27-2010 at 10:30 AM

Sirena has had a fantastic idea .... no one should have to go thru this alone and we are in 2010 !! What a beautiful idea to study to be a midwife ..

I was so lucky - I went to a special birth center, not a hospital, to have my son !! It was fantastic, the rooms were beautiful and the philosophy of the center was: pregnant women are not sick, they are simply having a baby.

Good luck with everything GRANDMA, and yeah, we have to bring Baja Sur into the present regarding women giving birth.

pacside - 9-27-2010 at 10:41 AM

IMO: Monday September 27th 10:48pm....hoooollllaaaaa Isaak.

Sirena sounds so strong and what a fortunate one to have all you guys who love her around for support.

Must be difficult to not be in the room at the hospital but that's great you have midwives to call until then.

If Isaak comes around happy hour I say we all raise a toast to our new little nomadito.

Wishing Sirena and Isaak all the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


krafty - 9-27-2010 at 10:44 AM

Following this post with great interest, brings back many happy memories-maybe the weee one will hold off until manana-our son Wyatt will be 28 tomorrow!Best of luck to you all-

Beachgirl - 9-27-2010 at 12:55 PM

Shari - Mike's daughter and husband had twins in Japan six months ago. Same scene...not even the dad in the delivery room, but at a cool seven feet, he did a lot of towering over everyone and got his way. Guess that's pretty common in lots of other countries, a bummer for sure.

bajafam - 9-27-2010 at 02:34 PM

Shari ~ I was just thinking the same thing last night as I fell asleep thinking of you guys (and tossed and turned all night!!)...Sirena and I should both study midwifery along with our diaper biz. We could really turn Baja on its ear!!!

BajaRat - 9-27-2010 at 03:01 PM

Hola Sirena,
I guess I've got one more day to say it........Hey your pregnant!!!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about the crappy regulation. Hang in there, we love you all.

Cypress - 9-27-2010 at 03:08 PM

Don't sweat it till the water breaks! Expect next time the contractions start will be the bigee. Good luck with everything.:yes:

SiReNiTa - 9-27-2010 at 04:05 PM

Originally posted by BajaRat
Hey your pregnant!!!!

REALLY????? :o :o :o :o :o :o

The good thing is everyone (baby, daddy, mamma and me) are fine, nothing a few good naps and a shower can't fix!

But MAN O' MAN what a good dress rehearsal...I've got all my lines memorized to the letter that's for friggin sure!

Had a yummy ceviche lunch and then a nap and we are now off for a walk to the ice cream parlor in the rain!!
Still no more pains, except the sore tummy muscles left over from the ones last night, but when they come I expect them to come on strong...and this time make it down to the last little push so we can all welcome baby Izaak in to this world.

Thanks all for your support and prayers, I said it before and I'll say it again, it's great to be a part of the big nomad family and have such amazing people as all of you by our side during hard but happy times, I feel so lucky that we get to share this special moment with you guys!

noproblemo2 - 9-27-2010 at 04:09 PM

Sirena, We are the lucky ones to be allowed to share in your special moments.

BajaRat - 9-27-2010 at 04:51 PM

What the heck chick???????????

shari - 9-27-2010 at 05:16 PM

It has been sprinkling nicely for awhile now in GN and the crazy white girls were out there loving it...deeply inhaling the perfume of wet sand on our walk for ice cream and pepperoni sticks (sirena's latest craving).

So the saga is never simple is it! but here we are rolling with the punches and going with the flow...gin & tonic anyone?

SiReNiTa - 9-27-2010 at 05:17 PM


It's raining here in salty G.N. and we just got back from a walk to the store to get some ice cream and slim jims (yummy yummy slurp slurp chomp chomp)!

It looks like it'll be a quiet night...unfortunately!

Bajahowodd - 9-27-2010 at 05:42 PM

I've said it before, girl, the first one is the most challenging. From your posts, it's obvious that you have it all under control. Amazing. You go! It's gonna be great.

krafty - 9-27-2010 at 10:23 PM

my son Wyatt reminded me I was a day off-hope your boy is born-NOW Via con Dios- mi amiga-

shari - 9-28-2010 at 07:31 AM

this morning's update...sunny, warm, no contractions.....dang....tick tick tick

windgrrl - 9-28-2010 at 08:37 AM

Good morning;

Thanks for your news. Hope you are still enjoying eating, resting and storing energy for the big event!

Best wishes,

baja-spirit - 9-28-2010 at 09:51 AM

Thanks for keeping us informed..
Some babies just take their sweet little time... it will be worth it soon...

BajaGringo - 9-28-2010 at 10:23 AM

Sirena is pregnant???

Just kidding - wishing you the very best and look forward to pictures with lots of smiles...

BajaBlanca - 9-28-2010 at 03:16 PM

no news ... for a while now ......hmmmmmmm...that must mean good news is coming soon :D

BajaRat - 9-28-2010 at 03:25 PM

And yes, slim jims,
Now I'm certain YOUR PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!:yes::yes::yes:

noproblemo2 - 9-28-2010 at 04:11 PM

Originally posted by BajaBlanca
no news ... for a while now ......hmmmmmmm...that must mean good news is coming soon :D

Let's hope so, seems like we are all expectant family members awaiting the birth.... LOL

irenemm - 9-28-2010 at 04:41 PM

I think this no news is because she is in labor and mom is needed.
Yes it is gonna be today.
Shari the rain is Gods tears he is so happy that the day has come to send you, your new grandson.
let us know ASAP please

Beachgirl - 9-28-2010 at 05:31 PM

Jeez...I find myself checking this post ALL day long for more news. Well, at least we know he is not premature!

Keri - 9-28-2010 at 05:54 PM

Beachgirl, that's funny , I've been doing the same thing day and night. This is like a novela. lol Shari and Sirenta and baby I wish you the very best. Can't wait to hear Izaak is here with us:yes::bounce::bounce::tumble:,k

can-can, baby can you can-can?

Mulegena - 9-28-2010 at 06:07 PM

as per BajaFam: "Nothing like a 2 day dress rehearsal!! Miss Sirena and Izaak are now at a standstill and the doctor's are telling her it was a false alarm! Poor mama! Here's to hoping the real thing is a heck of a lot easier on you! "

lead me to think: Dress rehearsal. 2 days. Yup. When I was a dancer with the Golden Chain Theatre (19th century melodrama) we'd have 2 hellish days of dress rehearsal, false eyelashes and all... hey, maybe Sirena would like to learn the Can-Can!

Here's a couple reviews for your evening entertainment

SiReNiTa - 9-28-2010 at 06:26 PM

Sorry to disappoint you guys but nope I'm not in labor...or at least not in the heavy stages yet.
I've been feeling very tired, cranky and have had cramps and aches all day so I'm hoping all those yucky things are good signs.

We have a gynecologist appointment tomorrow morning so we'll have an idea of what's going on. Hopefully we can get this show on the road ASAP!!!

BajaKeela - 9-28-2010 at 06:32 PM

Another one here waiting for news ..and checking in three times a day!!!
Sirena wish for you is that you have your little one as easily as I had all of mine.Three hours start to finish..with and without doctors..A big fan here of you and your family..Best of luck and hopefully we'll meet next March .

noproblemo2 - 9-28-2010 at 07:14 PM

Sirena, cramps and aches are a good sign all a part of this. PS You have a right to be cranky right now all you want, you'll be smiling very soon now.

yeeha, little Vaquero Izaak

Mulegena - 9-29-2010 at 07:35 AM

While we're waiting for Baby Izaak at the Cowboy Motel here's a glimpse into the life of another sort of cowboy, another type of Nomad:

SiReNiTa - 9-29-2010 at 10:41 AM

Hey all!
Just got back from my doctors appointment. It looks like it'll be game on tonight!!
Baby Izaak just does not want to stick his head down so that I can start dilating, which (as the doctor said) means he is too big and it would take long long hours/days in order for me to start dilating and to be able to have the baby naturally, because of his size, they would probably take me in to C-section even after I had started natural labor because I'm too small...

So...I got a blood test done and the doctor (the one that I wanted to deliver my baby anyway) will revise those and check the babies weight once again tonight, if it's the same as the other ultrasound (3.950 kg) she will operate tonight so we should have baby Izaak in my arms by midnight if all goes well.

I know that I didn't want a C-section at first, but at this point, I'll suffer much much more if I try to have a natural birth and it would probably result in having an emergency C-section anyway because of my size. If I suffer, my family and friends suffer, and we don't want that, sooooo if all is well with my blood tests (no anemia or any other risk factors) we should have baby Izaak on his way home by this weekend!!!!!!!

This might be the last update I can give, I'll try to send off another right before leaving for the hospital.

Thanks everyone for your support, I ask for your prayers and good thoughts tonight so that everything goes smoothly and my baby and I come out of the operation OK!

Lots of love


sanquintinsince73 - 9-29-2010 at 10:48 AM

Good luck, sweetie. So excited for all of you.

David K - 9-29-2010 at 10:51 AM

Best wishes Sirena... we are all hoping for a healthy baby and mommy!

BajaRat - 9-29-2010 at 11:41 AM

Hang in there girl, can't wait to see pics of you and the boy.
Tell Shari I'll put five on today and five on tomorrow:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Love Lionel:cool:

BajaKeela - 9-29-2010 at 11:54 AM

This is a special time for you and your family ..Thanks for sharing it with all of us. Can't wait to see pic's of little guy .. (oh! oh! I mean big guy). Standing by ....tic tic tic

windgrrl - 9-29-2010 at 12:10 PM

Hola, Sirena;

Thanks for taking time for an update. It's a relief to know you and baby are fine and in good hands.

Good luck today and all the best wishes to you, el bebe and your family,

BajaGringo - 9-29-2010 at 12:13 PM

Good luck Sirena. We'll all be keeping you guys in our thoughts and prayers...

irenemm - 9-29-2010 at 12:14 PM

You are all in my prayers. May you and baby stay safe. God Bless

Nan&D - 9-29-2010 at 12:30 PM

Hi all.
Best warm thoughts to you, we can't wait to meet Izaak.
Love Nan and D

noproblemo2 - 9-29-2010 at 12:35 PM

Good luck Sirena, you will be such a good mom......

Keri - 9-29-2010 at 12:46 PM

You and your family are in my prayers. Good luck tonight.k

shari - 9-29-2010 at 02:26 PM

Well...I have never been a big c-section fan..... until today. We had rehearsed all the ways to avoid being pressured into the operation and were firm on going the distance with a natural birth.

Well...funny how the best made plans in baja seem to morph into something quite different. After seeing our favorite, sweet doctora, and finding out that izaak weighed in at 8.7 pounds, we realized that poor Sirenita would definately need to receive stitches "down there" anyway...which is like...super nasty..worse than any c-section and the doctora went through all the risks involved with trying to coax Izaak out.

So, I'm all over this cesarean option...I figure Izaak & Sirena will run much less risk and be happier to be together sooner than later..she's well overdue and Izaak just keeps packin on the kilos.

So we will go to hospital with our darling doctor and hopefully Izaak will be evicted from his comfy waterbed tonight.

thanks for hangin in there has been really fun for us to hear from you all and believe me, we feel your love and support and have enjoyed reading your posts. So next post will hopefully be some pics of the big bugger and proud mamma...I still have a few hours till I enter the sisterhood of grammas.

shari - 9-29-2010 at 02:32 PM

oh yeah, one more very important thing kids...I would like to thank a kazillion times over sister Mulegena for doing the shari dance in Asuncion. She stepped up to the plate and is running the show there making it possible for me to be by Sirena's side without stressing too much about our animals, plants & clients. She is doing an extraordinary job...above and beyond the call of duty and bless her loving soul!!!!! you da bomb girlfriend!!!!

aw, thanks Shari-mine

Mulegena - 9-29-2010 at 02:57 PM

Entirely my pleasure!

What's life without service 'cause when we help another in love we receive it back Big Baja Time!

Besides, I kinda like wearing this Shari-face (kinda like a Nixon-mask, only nice!)

I have the Keys to the City and have already given a raise to everyone, have freed the fish, let the dogs out, have painted the roses red and in my spare time am paving the streets in gold!

Sirena becomes a mama soon as she is so totally filled with love for this new life she brings and you get to enter the cloister, eh er oh, no, not quite that but you're becoming a grandmama!

Watching life weave its web from here in Beautiful Asuncion with love to you all, your Lisa Maria Mulegena

baja-spirit - 9-29-2010 at 03:46 PM

Hope all goes well and keeping your family in my prayers..
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