
Conferring Mayors across the Border

MrBillM - 9-25-2010 at 08:38 AM

Mayors from ALL over the Border area gathered in San Diego to discuss the mutual problems faced by our two countries.

The conference was held in a San Diego Phone Booth after deciding that the Juarez location might be hazardous to their collective health with all that kidnapping and murder stuff.

Well, OK, it wasn't in a Phone Booth since there were a staggering FOUR Mexican mayors in attendance along with ONE from the U.S. San Diego's own. I suppose it would have looked REALLY strange if he hadn't shown up in his hometown.

No point in discussing what they discussed since it doesn't matter.

woody with a view - 9-25-2010 at 09:00 AM

what's a phone booth?

like when we moved into our new house there are funny looking cover plates with a small square in the middle about chest high on the walls in the kitchen. i pointed and asked our agent, "what's that?"

she said, "phone jack!

my wife didn't see the humor......

The Mayors' Verdict is IN !

MrBillM - 9-30-2010 at 11:44 AM

AND, it's ALL our fault, of course. WE are SO Bad.

The Mex Border Mayors have decreed that the Border Violence is aided and abetted by the UNITED STATES Because:

We are DEPORTING Back to Mexico the Bad, Bad Illegal Aliens we apprehend thereby increasing the degree of violence in Mexico.

We should KEEP the worst of those Mexican Citizens and not send them back to their own country where the Mexican Legal System (such as it is) is unable to control them.

That dispensed wisdom alone justifies the Mayor's trip to El Norte.

[Edited on 9-30-2010 by MrBillM]