Originally posted by DENNIS
Quote: | Originally posted by BajaRat
And another thing,
I can't wait for the Mexican Government to pose the same stringent laws at the border to prevent F#@ks like so many of us from entering the country
easily, having our way,pressing our beliefs, wills and desires on this land and its people.
There is a large segment of Mexican society which can traverse the border with similar ease that we enjoy with Mexico. They can enter the states for a
shopping trip and, before they leave, be the proud new owner of all they can buy, including land.
They can voice their political opinions and insist on all of the rights we as citizens are guaranteed, except the vote, and I'm not so sure about that
It's ludicrous to think that Mexicans haven't "pressed their beliefs, wills and desires on our land and our people." Just look around.
As far as ease of entry into the US, we all have to wait in the same line.
Why arn't these advantages which some Mexicans enjoy ever discussed? Why are we always the uncompromising villain in the comparison?
I wish I had the statistic, but I'd be willing to wager there are more Mexican nationals with SENTRI than US nationals. Does that indicate a biased
Under all circumstances, I think a balance has been achieved in the controlled aspect of cross-border traffic management....especially when
considering that the mixture is, from a standpoint of national economys, oil and water. |