Originally posted by bajafam
I believe the high rates of infant mortality are based on SIDS cases, and accidents where the infants are not properly restrained. Also, thanks to
corporations such as Nestle pushing formula, many developing countries are not breast feeding their babies, and are unable to afford the formula,
leading to many infant deaths due to malnutrition.
I agree with the recommendation of "The Business of Being Born" it is an eye-opening film and a declaration of the sad state that the US is in. I was
not lucky like Pam to have birthed at home, although I was ready to do so. I desperately wanted a natural (as much as possible in the hospital) birth,
but I instead opted out of pain meds for my induction.
One last comparison, and I tell you from experience that my care in Baja was on par with my care in the US. More so, in the fact that I was one of two
mothers giving birth, whereas in the US for my daughter's birth I was shuffled through a line of mother's awaiting the inductions, c-sections, and a
rare "come as you are" births. My son's bill was $750 total. My daughter's was $15,000. Hmmm. AND no one forced the idea of circumcision on me in
Mexico. I would NOT have been so lucky in the US. sad. |