
Cd. Constitucion?

Bajahowodd - 10-19-2010 at 02:09 PM

we spent the first two weeks in Baja, traveling the entire length. Not quite ready for a full trip report, but did want to chime in on our experience in Cd. Constitucion, noting that nothing much has been written recently about the crooked cop problem.

First off, we did manage to get through unscathed in both directions, but we had very different experiences each way,

Southbound on Monday 10/4, we entered town mid-day, noting quite a bit of traffic. Up until the last moment, wasn't sure whether to take the center lane, or stay to the side. My decision came, as I noticed a late model sedan with CA plates ahead of me, going into the center. Figured that having some possible diversionary company could not hurt.

Almost immediately, I noticed a police truck that was parked on the side, pull out. They literally paced me from slightly behind, all the way through town. But, I used extended caution with the stops and kept my speed to a crawl. Amazingly, the CA plated vehicle in front of me made a sudden left turn onto a side street, rolling through a stop sign. Thought for sure they'd be chased. Nope. But, we continued on through, with the police truck pulling over about a block before the end of the divided highway.

Round two: Return Northbound mid-day Sunday 10/10. It was a ghost town. Zero traffic, no police in sight. Seems folks in this part of Baja take their Sundays seriously. In that same vein, found out that in Cd. Insurgentes, you cannot buy alcoholic beverages on Sunday. You can in Constitucion, however.

BAJA.DESERT.RAT - 10-19-2010 at 03:15 PM


drove through constitucion on thursday with lite traffic and didn't see any cops but stopped at all intersections, stopped at a pemex and bought gas and got through town unmolested.


gallesram - 10-19-2010 at 05:00 PM

I went through about 2 weeks ago (both north and southbound) and took the side road that runs parallel to the east of the main highway about 4 blocks. There is only one traffic light and a few stops signs, but thankfully no cops anywhere. Someone had posted that as an alternative and I intend to take it every time from now on; otherwise my stomach starts to knot up when I see the yellow street lights and traffic signals on approach from either direction. Who goes to Baja for that?

Iflyfish - 10-20-2010 at 05:04 PM

We went south through Ciudad Constitution on Tuesday driving in the right hand lane at 18 miles per hour, 23 is the speed limit. I stopped at all stop signs, lights and at any sign of a person even thinking of crossing the street. I saw no police, only a couple of soldiers.

It is good to hear that others have been having the same experience. It is also good to be prepared.

Drive the speed limit
Stay in the right lane
Stop at all intersections that have a stop sign
Stop at a light if is flashing green, Orange is a violation
If stopped by a policeman for mordida stay calm
Be polite and say that you want to go to the station
If pressed that the station is closed, let them know that you have all the time in the world and will be happy to spend the night and go to the station tomorrow.
Follow through with your statement and be ready to go to the station.

Many Nomads have contacted people they knew, called the abuse number 78, sent reports to various agencies, contacted local businesses and made news. The people of Ciudad Constitution took to the streets to protest corruption in their police department and now we are hearing reports that people are successfully driving through Ciudad Constitution with out harrassment.

Now is the time to reinforce this by spending some money in Ciudad Constitution and letting them know that we appreciate what they have done to stem the extortion by local police on the only highway that connects north and south Baja.

Thank you Bajahowodd for again bringing our attention to this important issue and regards to those who are sharing their experiences with us.
