
Started my Bucket list

baitcast - 10-23-2010 at 11:26 AM

As we enter our twilight years we all start to think about these kinds of things but most do nothing about them well after seeing the movie "Bucket List"I got to thinking what a great idea and started thinking about my own.

Haven,t got to far with mine because of the cost,took a big hit the last two years so will have to scale back alot.

Fishing being my main passion tops the list.
A month or so in Costa Rica prowling the beachs rod in hand.

2. Still fishing just one afternoon on the east cape,just me on a loney beach,warm clear water with a big Rooster in flight,after a long brawl I wade out and after a short look-see let him go.

3. Just one more afternoon in Germany on the Nurburgring race track in my favorite sports car,the beautiful and racy Lamborghini Callardo,lap after lap going faster and faster,by now the people will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the speed I,m at:lol:

4.This is as far as I,ve got so far its X-rated so can,t tell you much about it other than I probably couldn,t pull it off even if I had the chance:lol:

I,m sure some of you have had these kind of thoughts why not share a couple with us.

woody with a view - 10-23-2010 at 11:44 AM

#2 is on my list.

surf Salsipuedes at 10' and no one out. CHECK!

surf scorpion bay for 4 days in a row with multiple sessions by myself. CHECK!

i'll have to think about the rest....

Skeet/Loreto - 10-23-2010 at 12:04 PM

Skeet/loreto Bucket List.

To see the Day when Monoloco starts to listen to Rush Lumbaugh.

To see the Day he finally relizes that he has been betting on the Wrong Horse!

To see a Different President in 2013.

To see Less Govt Control.

To see Loreto Bay Villages and all other nearby structures removed from Loreto.

To see Jerry Brown fail.

To see the Paddle returned to the Schools

To see PETA and the Sierra Club Closed down.

To see Academic Merit Awards instead of Sports

Last but not Least; To see all my old Girls friends "Just One more Time Baby" Let me have that last Waltz with you!!

comitan - 10-23-2010 at 12:50 PM

You might add and be able to think with a clear head. :o:o

[Edited on 10-23-2010 by comitan]

wessongroup - 10-23-2010 at 12:58 PM

The paddle... man does that bring back memories from school... my dad would come in to the VP office and give me what ever the VP gave... what a guy...:lol::lol:

mtgoat666 - 10-23-2010 at 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Skeet/Loreto
Skeet/loreto Bucket List.

To see the Day when Monoloco starts to listen to Rush Lumbaugh.

To see the Day he finally relizes that he has been betting on the Wrong Horse!

To see a Different President in 2013.

To see Less Govt Control.

To see Loreto Bay Villages and all other nearby structures removed from Loreto.

To see Jerry Brown fail.

To see the Paddle returned to the Schools

To see PETA and the Sierra Club Closed down.

To see Academic Merit Awards instead of Sports

Last but not Least; To see all my old Girls friends "Just One more Time Baby" Let me have that last Waltz with you!!

your bucket list is very negative, seems your quest for enjoyment is all about seeing others fail. what's the matter? you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?
perhaps smoking some pot would take your edge off.

The Bucket (Dead) List

MrBillM - 10-23-2010 at 01:42 PM

The whole IDEA of a Bucket List is Negative. It means you KNOW you're in the Express Checkout Line.

My Bucket list has always been dominated by NAMES.

Those who would face extinction if I were given a date-certain exit time.

In all likelihood, it's pure fantasy, of course, BUT you just never know and it's a good thing to keep in mind. Just in case opportunity and circumstance arrive. And, it does give give me a warm and fuzzy feeling just thinking (in graphic color) of how I would implement it.

It changes on a regular basis and some names drop off. I deleted my Ex-Wife when I found out from my son that the formerly obsessively Svelte Witch was now a 300 pound Diabetic confined to a Wheelchair. Her continuing that way for as long as possible is a vision to enjoy.

sanquintinsince73 - 10-23-2010 at 01:47 PM

My bucket list is to do most everything, eat most everything, and meet most everyone that I read about on this site. Lastly, to leave this earth knowing that my United States of America is once again the shinning beacon on a hill. God Bless America and God Bless The United States Marine Corps.

DavidE - 10-23-2010 at 01:50 PM

Yeah! Inhalation of distillates of burning vegetation sounds like something to "take the edge off" and likely much more...

For a fact much of the cynicism we old farts have is due mainly to deaf ears. That's right! Deaf ears...

Older people patiently explain to younger people "That Was Tried And It Didn't Work".


And Over

And Over Again

I'm at the point where I gave up listening to Mr. Limbaugh. Then there is Al Franken, Congressman Barney Frank, Barbara Boxer, Moonbeam, and Newt Gingrich, remember him, the man that wanted to put all of social security assets into the stock market. I remember two hours on a Limbaugh broadcast where both the host and guest agreed that it would be "a pretty good idea".

Cynicism is cumulative. A person experiences just so much stupidity, selfishness, and arrogance and then something snaps. Living in a teepee and inhaling aromatherapy per Al Gore wears thin. So does being subjected to diatribes about disappearing himalaya glaciers where this year over SIXTY FEET of snow has fallen.

Republican war chants about less regulation and taxes have been compromised by business, industry and financial sectors that did something that has never been done before --- they looted the economy and burned the furniture. Tea Party? Excuse me, but that should read ME PARTY. The party of I (not one, the letter I eye)

Making the List

MrBillM - 10-23-2010 at 01:58 PM

Well, to paraphrase BD, "I'll put you on my list and I can be on yours".

Skeet/Loreto - 10-23-2010 at 02:08 PM

Oh! Goat; My requests would go for you as well!

I do not listen to Russ He is too Positive!

But just think about How much better off we would be if Jerry Brown was not allowed to run California again!!

Think about How much Nicer it would be if Loreto Bay Villages had not have been Built.

Just Think How many Children would be Paying Attention to their Country if they had Had their Little Butt Spanked when they were instead on their Cell Phones!!!!!

No Goat. You are Negative along with Mono/ Always Crying and Whining about "Rich Folks, and Corps with all the Money.

Whats in your Bucket__I know!!

A Photo of you Kissing Michael Moore and George Soros.

Barbareno - 10-23-2010 at 08:19 PM

So far I have not seen one thing that you guy's have done that is on my bucket list.

Barbareno - 10-23-2010 at 08:21 PM

I have a ton of things I would still love to do.

Barbareno - 10-23-2010 at 08:28 PM

Learn how to do Brazilian Embriodery

Barbareno - 10-23-2010 at 08:30 PM

Learn how to spell

Barbareno - 10-23-2010 at 08:33 PM

I would love to learn about the constellations stars and planets. I wanna know where Jupiter is. And who's got more moons.

mulegemichael - 10-23-2010 at 09:04 PM

oh, you guys just HAVE to politicize EVERYTHING, don't you...remember the original question?...let's come up with something positive folks....geezus, are you folks a bunch of drama queens

Phil S - 10-23-2010 at 10:02 PM

My bucket list is to wake up every morning, alive & well.

krafty - 10-23-2010 at 10:05 PM

snap my fingers and be in New Zealand?:lol:

capt. mike - 10-24-2010 at 06:23 AM

go to Cuba.
in fact i have been invited via a Canadian friend of a partner who is doing biz there.
hope to make it happen after spring.

wessongroup - 10-24-2010 at 06:51 AM

"A person experiences just so much stupidity, selfishness, and arrogance and then something snaps."

I resemble that remark... thanks...

I take it day by day... and make the best of it.... not much else I can do at this point in my life and no real complaints...

It just keeps turning... that's the way it works, always has always will, with wobble, solar spots, no whales, carbon dioxide, Al Gore, warts and all....

Its been a fun ride and .... and Rob... remember those days in the PI with an ice cold San Miguel ... and some of that other stuff, that you just couldn't keep away... the only time in a man's life that he is "hit on" my women... constantly

Hope your doing fine.... keep your sprits up... know how it gets when you can't do what you have done your entire life... get up and go.. do things.. make plans and make them happen...

Again, I sure in hell missed the lecture about old age in school, but then I missed everything anyone was trying to TEACH me.. was and still am a real "knot head".. something genetic I have concluded as my son is much the same.. and from reading up on my family of the past years would appear it was a trait of the Wesson men.. they just did not like anyone telling them what to do... in some cases with rather dramatic effect on those individuals...

If I make my next birthday, I will be the longest lived male Wesson ever...

My mom's side of the family is Scottish ... seems ya can't kill them off, my mom is 90, her dad made it to 104, her grandfather to 106.... she still drives, and took a plane ride and a car tip to Pine AZ to burry her brother and my uncle this year... he was 87... my aunt in Pine made it to 97...

Again, take it easy... enjoy the day... its all good..

[Edited on 10-24-2010 by wessongroup]

[Edited on 10-24-2010 by wessongroup]

Positive ? You Betcha !

MrBillM - 10-24-2010 at 09:22 AM

I'M VERY Positive about WANTING to do everything on my List.

baitcast - 9-4-2015 at 10:25 AM

10-23-2010 and a bump for some new lists.


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  • posted on 10-23-2010 at 06:26 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote

    Started my Bucket list

    As we enter our twilight years we all start to think about these kinds of things but most do nothing about them well after seeing the movie "Bucket List"I got to thinking what a great idea and started thinking about my own.

    Haven,t got to far with mine because of the cost,took a big hit the last two years so will have to scale back alot.

    Fishing being my main passion tops the list.
    A month or so in Costa Rica prowling the beachs rod in hand.

    2. Still fishing just one afternoon on the east cape,just me on a loney beach,warm clear water with a big Rooster in flight,after a long brawl I wade out and after a short look-see let him go.

    3. Just one more afternoon in Germany on the Nurburgring race track in my favorite sports car,the beautiful and racy Lamborghini Callardo,lap after lap going faster and faster,by now the people will be shaking their heads in disbelief at the speed I,m at:lol:

    4.This is as far as I,ve got so far its X-rated so can,t tell you much about it other than I probably couldn,t pull it off even if I had the chance:lol:

    I,m sure some of you have had these kind of thoughts why not share a couple with us.

    Anyone can catch fish in a boat but only \"El Pescador Grande\" can get them from the beach.

    I hope when my time comes the old man will let me bring my rod and the water will be warm and clear

    woody with a view - 9-4-2015 at 10:39 AM

    good to see ya Rob! there is still a big Spotfin with your name all over it.

    David K - 9-4-2015 at 11:25 AM

    How about a more Baja related bucket list, beyond Skeet's wish the Loreto Bay development would vanish.

    I have been so fortunate to fulfill many of my Baja Bucket List wishes... here are just some I have checked off:

    1) Went to the lost mission of Choral Pepper's writings (the walls near Las Animas, she thought was Santa Marķa Magdalena).

    2) Drive to Mission Santa Marķa in all three of my Tacomas.

    3) Discover petroglyphs not before published, to my knowledge ('Petroglyph Park' east of San Quintin).

    4) Search with friends Baja mysteries like Melchior Diaz' grave and the Lost Mission of Santa Isabel, for fun.

    5) Clear up the confusion about the old missions' names, dates, locations, etc.

    For the future, I guess finding the 1930's Walter Henderson Rockpile that he thought might me Melchior Diaz' Grave is on the top of the list!

    Traveling along more of El Camino Real is another wish... I have to admire Baja Bucko fulfilling that same wish. Now, if she would only write a book about it!!!

    bajacamper - 9-4-2015 at 12:36 PM

    What Skeet said!

    Skipjack Joe - 9-7-2015 at 07:22 AM

    Quote: Originally posted by woody with a view  
    good to see ya Rob! there is still a big Spotfin with your name all over it.

    And mine, hopefully.

    Marc - 9-9-2015 at 10:16 PM

    Quote: Originally posted by bajacamper  
    What Skeet said!
