
Nomad DanD scores yellowtail in Asuncion!

shari - 10-28-2010 at 08:09 PM

WOOO HOOO...amigo DanD and msdanD were sporting BIG sonrisas when they returned after a perfect day of fishing. Finally the weather was terrific...seas layed down, no wind and yellowtail to be had...they caught 8 in the 15-25 lb range as well as calico and a nice sheepshead.

Nice to share a sashimi plate after a long day fishing.

and last but not is Izaak's reaction to a successful day of yellowtail fishing.

oh izaak-1.jpg - 45kB

dtbushpilot - 10-28-2010 at 08:57 PM

I like the hat.....:yes::yes:...dt

woody with a view - 10-28-2010 at 08:57 PM

good to see amigos having fun! same time last year that was us..... same time next year will be us!!!!!!

Zakito is a future fish finder, of that we are certain! can't wait to share a lancha with him and gramps.......

cbuzzetti - 10-28-2010 at 10:36 PM

WTG Dan and Barbara!!! Wish I was there with you guys.

Matt and I will be fishing SBI this weekend.

The fishing has basically sucked at the Channel Is. All summer.

Fill us in on the rest of the trip.

mcfez - 10-29-2010 at 08:17 AM

Great pics! Makes me wanna go back to Baja from last week!

shari we all get guaranteed catch like in the pictures above if we stay at your place? :-)

drarroyo - 10-29-2010 at 08:36 AM

while the concept of slaying far more of these beautiful creatures than is necessary, for personal instant use, makes me sick to the stomach ... it's nice to see a report of Mother & Son enjoying quality time. (even wrapped in blatant business advertising)

BajaBlanca - 10-29-2010 at 08:52 AM

wow ... those are some nice fish !! congrats to the fisherman/woman !!

Shari - I love the pic of Izaak with the ocean in the background .... really peaceful and beautiful.

[Edited on 10-30-2010 by BajaBlanca]

woody with a view - 10-29-2010 at 08:56 AM

Originally posted by drarroyo
while the concept of slaying far more of these beautiful creatures than is necessary, for personal instant use, makes me sick to the stomach ... it's nice to see a report of Mother & Son enjoying quality time. (even wrapped in blatant business advertising)

another marooon who has no cred here..... go back under your rock.

bajabass - 10-29-2010 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by drarroyo
while the concept of slaying far more of these beautiful creatures than is necessary, for personal instant use, makes me sick to the stomach ... it's nice to see a report of Mother & Son enjoying quality time. (even wrapped in blatant business advertising)
drarryo, I am sure not an ounce of that fish went unused! The people there manage their resources well.
Glad to see the fishing improving Shari! :yes:

SiReNiTa - 10-29-2010 at 09:00 AM

Originally posted by woody with a view
Originally posted by drarroyo
while the concept of slaying far more of these beautiful creatures than is necessary, for personal instant use, makes me sick to the stomach ... it's nice to see a report of Mother & Son enjoying quality time. (even wrapped in blatant business advertising)

another marooon who has no cred here..... go back under your rock.


Scuzzi....I believe you mean to say grandmother and grandson...

Maybe in the future it would be better to get facts straight before posting? Just a friendly suggestion from a fellow nomad ;D ;)

bajabass - 10-29-2010 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
I like the hat.....:yes::yes:...dt
It seems you've started a Baja fishing fashion trend dt!!! :biggrin:

mcfez - 10-29-2010 at 10:23 AM

Originally posted by drarroyo
while the concept of slaying far more of these beautiful creatures than is necessary, for personal instant use, makes me sick to the stomach ... it's nice to see a report of Mother & Son enjoying quality time. (even wrapped in blatant business advertising)

Okay drarroyo ...I understand your feelings for the fish. There is waste...but not here. My Uncle Allen was a great sports fisherman. He would bring home albacore, our family...and other families. No waste. I being a sport fisherman also... I take insult to your statement (based on assumption). Every fish that I eaten by me and the rest of my Viking clan, given to a family....or released (mostly released).

If you are so applaud by the pictures above....then get off your duff and do something worthy.


Japan is largest fish-eating nation in the world, consuming 7.5 billion tons. Sink a Japaneses fish freighter.

Form a country wide strike against McDonald's fish Fillets.

......"even wrapped in blatant business advertising"
I rather read blatant business advertising than read your stiflingly remarks. You are uptight here about obvious you are. Chill out and have a beer and fish bait nuggets with my buddy pictured below.

[Edited on 10-29-2010 by mcfez]

head.jpg - 9kB

durrelllrobert - 10-29-2010 at 11:17 AM

Nomad DanD scores yellow tail in Asuncion!
nope, I'm not going there:biggrin::biggrin:

drarroyo - 10-29-2010 at 11:26 AM

Originally posted by mcfez
If you are so applaud by the pictures above....

'scuse me while I pick myself off the floor!!:lol::lol:

Japan is largest fish-eating nation in the world, consuming 7.5 billion tons. Sink a Japaneses fish freighter.

Form a country wide strike against McDonald's fish Fillets.

I don't eat fish or Micky D's, but I get your point.

......"even wrapped in blatant business advertising"
I rather read blatant business advertising than read your stiflingly remarks. You are uptight here about Shari

I gots nothing against this gramms except the nondisclosural advertising. get it?

My apologies ... I made inaccurate assumption from photos.

[Edited on 10-29-2010 by mcfez]

Cypress - 10-29-2010 at 11:42 AM

Well, and that is a very deep well, the fish won't be wasted and there're some very happy fishermen/fisherwomen. The Pacific is a big Ocean and these fish aren't resident fish. Are they? Congrats on the good catch.:D

mcfez - 10-29-2010 at 12:14 PM

Originally posted by drarroyo
Originally posted by mcfez
If you are so applaud by the pictures above....

'scuse me while I pick myself off the floor!!:lol::lol:

Japan is largest fish-eating nation in the world, consuming 7.5 billion tons. Sink a Japaneses fish freighter.

Form a country wide strike against McDonald's fish Fillets.

I don't eat fish or Micky D's, but I get your point.

......"even wrapped in blatant business advertising"
I rather read blatant business advertising than read your stiflingly remarks. You are uptight here about Shari

I gots nothing against this gramms except the nondisclosural advertising. get it?

My apologies ... I made inaccurate assumption from photos.

[Edited on 10-29-2010 by mcfez]

I just glad you see a little reasoning in them pictures. Thanks!

Cultivation/consumption of wild and farmed animal is a real eye awakening. We have a farm up here and sees a lot of death. On the other hand...waste...good Gods(!) how the Japanese mega shrimp "ships not boats" raped the Sea of Cortez of her shrimp. Trawling in everything...heaving out all but the shrimp. ......leaving the Sea floor wasted.

I am bout to do a write up on Puerticitos ...there's a word about how a few there traded in their commercial shrimping license to swap for sport fishing vessels.....Mex Govt program to rebuild the Sea shrimp fields.

[Edited on 10-30-2010 by mcfez]

shari - 10-29-2010 at 07:43 PM

I really am baffled about the blatant advertising comment...I never even mentioned he stayed at OUR RENTAL casita or went fishing with CAPT. JUAN ARCE MARRON of CAMPO SIRENA....there..I did it...hell, if I'm gonna be accused of blatant advertising, I might as well be GUILTY!!!!

Many MANY people ask me to please post fishing reports so they can head our ummmm...that's what I am are welcome....all of those who request fishing reports. thing you know people will be wanting me to stop posting pics of my gorgeous grandson!

bajabass - 10-29-2010 at 08:01 PM

Nah, cute babies and fish pictures are always welcome Shari!! Lost count of how many people have posted about the great times they have had with you and Juan. Please, blatant or subliminal, keep going girl! I love the big calicos, and the sushi plate photos! :spingrin:

They both yellow, but one's a fin and one's a tail

Mulegena - 10-29-2010 at 08:21 PM

I emailed these pictures to friends this morning, including the one of Izaak coolin' his jets in Shari's front yard with the promise of yellowfin tuna. They were trippin' over their tongues waiting for the pictures and almost fell off their chairs when they saw these beauties... but, jeez did we laugh-- yellowtail ain't yellow fin-- different fishies.

Now I got to get this straight. Repeat after me, "jurel and aleta amarilla are different fishies, yellowtail ain't yellow fin..."

Hey, I'm a scuba diver. I look, don't touch.

Glad everyone had a great time-- especially Mr. Izaak!!

BajaDanD - 10-30-2010 at 10:44 AM

Just got home a few minutes ago I'll post some pics and a trip/fish report in a bit.
What is wrong with blatant advertising, this is the internet.
Lets see Shari has 5929 posts and you have 30
Trolls don't eat fish:lol:

woody with a view - 10-30-2010 at 11:52 AM

he just has a case of **** envy.....