
Tijuana - Mulege October 28-29, 2010

Pompano - 10-30-2010 at 06:31 AM

I am posting this from La Espinita internet cafe just north of the Eagle monument at GN.

Note: MUCHO FLIES HERE! I can't be sure that the toppings on my huevos rancheros did not have wings!

Anyhoo...the trip here from San Ysidro crossing went like this:

Entered TJ with another motorhome/trailer companion behind me. We pulled into the far right lane and waited there for 10 minutes while my companions got thier FMTs stamped. No problems there, other than an irate bus driver tooting his horn behind us. Tough luck, buddy...this is Mexico, learn to wait in lines.

The toll road was easy going...charging only 55 pesos 3 times to Ensenada.

South of Ensenada are some pretty bad stretches..detours around the new pavement construction zones. But not too bad as the water trucks were out in force. Just a mild inconvenience at worst. Take your time and it goes fine.

Leaving that stretch behind us, we rocketed down the Baja Road at 55-60mph.

Most of the highway is in good shape..except for some rough places where the semis have worn through the thin pavement. Not nearly as bad as it was in the early 70's though. Back then, Volkswagens disappeared into some truly big potholes. :rolleyes:

Overnighted at Rcho Sta. Inez near Catavina. Very peaceful again..with only one other camper. Cost was 80 pesos. I brought some firelogs and also collected ample firewood nearby for a nice evening campfire and c-cktails. (Odd thing..My fish always get BIGGER around campfires.)

Coyotes yodeled in the night...very Baja atmosphere.

Woke up early and tuned in FOX NEWS on my DirectTV satellite. I was rather proud of my tuning this in..from dead reckoning. Just cranked up the sat dish and fiddled a bit..and bingo! Fair and balanced CNN.

We had coffee at false dawn...and hit the road by real dawn.

Made it here by noon. Good breakfast...Bad flies.

Next stop is Marios at San Lucas Cove..then home for a toddy. Hasta pronto!

Mario was gone to Asuncion, so left a note for him to come to mi casa ASAP.

Now it was getting towards dusk, so decided to stay in town at Cuesta Real RV overnight and tackle opening the house tomorrow at first light. Cuesta Real has all hookups, nice cafe, near river, Internet, about 200 pesos or so... and is now managed by Pepe, an old friend whom I had not seen back in Mulege since 1987. WELCOME BACK, PEPE!

Met another amigo at Cuesta Real and we walked down the river road to have burgers and beers and La Jungla, which is just a couple hundred yards away.

All in all, it was a very pleasant trip with good company and moderately smooth roads. Total distance is 655 miles from da borda to mi casa south of Mulege. We averaged about 55mph per hour for most of the trip. No problems with fuel anywhere. Just one bunch of highway cows got in our way - mostly calves - near San Ignacio. (I would appreciate a good recipe for veal.)

Sitting around that campfire at Rcho Santa Inez, I tried to estimate how many Baja Road trips this was for me. I figure this one will be close to 145 round trips by now...where did all that time go?

[Edited on 10-30-2010 by Pompano]

vandenberg - 10-30-2010 at 06:42 AM

Welcome home Roger !!

willyAirstream - 10-30-2010 at 08:05 AM

A pleasure meeting you Roger!

toneart - 10-30-2010 at 01:29 PM

Originally posted by willyAirstream
A pleasure meeting you Roger!

Where did you meet up? Weren't you headed in opposite directions?

Welcome home, Roger! I get back sometime this winter...just don't know when, yet.:coolup:

woody with a view - 10-30-2010 at 01:32 PM

snowbirds.......:light::lol::P glad you arrived safely!