
Estimating arrival of Baja 1000 to my area?

oladulce - 11-3-2010 at 11:10 AM

Is there a way to estimate when the Baja 1000 racers will be passing through our area (San Juanico)?

They say that usually the bulk of the racers pass through here in the middle of the night but there's rumor that they might come through earlier this year. We're a few miles outside the viewing area and I've been hearing pre-runners go through over the past few days, but by the time I hear them, they're on the way out of town. If we wait til we hear engines to run over there, we'll see a bunch of dust trails only. It would be great to have a ball park idea when we'll start to see them.

CP - 11-3-2010 at 11:49 AM

Last time the race came through SJ first bikes started arriving around sundown and trucks around 9:00pm. But don't miss the Herbie LoveBugs coming through the next morning!!!

Start time looks the same but there is more pavement on the course which could mean earlier passthrough.

C'mon OD, hanging out by the road with the townfolk ALL NIGHT is the thing to do!!!!

David K - 11-3-2010 at 06:35 PM

San Juanico (Scorpion Bay) is approx. Race Mile 670... The fastest racers do about 50-60 mph average. The rest will be following long behind to the slowest at about 25 mph average.

The bikes usually start at 6:30 am one every 30 seconds. There will be a 4 hour delay from the last bike to the first Trophy Truck.

Start getting ready for the m/c classes at 5:30 pm and the Trophy Trucks around 10 pm... Just as CP said, but adding an hour to the trucks, as it was a 3 hour delay last time.

EDIT: Those are PACIFIC STD. times, which is what the entire race runs on, your local time will be an hour later...

If 60 mph average speed, 670 miles would just over 11 hours, if the first bikes off the line are also the fastest and indeed can maintain 60 mph average, then they will be there just after 6:30 Mountain Time... However, that would be the earliest time per the math. Most will be coming across far later and well into the morning for the slower classes!

[Edited on 11-7-2010 by David K]

LaTijereta - 11-7-2010 at 07:38 AM

Based on rm 670 location..
Bikes start at 6:30PST > Coming through around 9:30 CMT

First Trophy truck off the line 11:15am PST > Arriving around 1am CMT.. Put an extra log on the fire..

David K - 11-7-2010 at 12:17 PM

Originally posted by LaTijereta
Based on rm 670 location..
Bikes start at 6:30PST > Coming through around 9:30 CMT

First Trophy truck off the line 11:15am PST > Arriving around 1am CMT.. Put an extra log on the fire..

One thing for sure, it will be a L-O-N-G night!!:bounce::biggrin:

bufeo - 11-15-2010 at 07:51 PM

I know the class is not as "exciting" as the bikes, TTs, and Class Is, but son-in-law, Andy Grider, will be driving the Honda Ridgeline (#760) from Bahia de Los Angeles to San Ignacio...and maybe on to Loreto, so be on the look out. Yeah, it'll be later than late, " the wee small hours"...

Allen R

David K - 11-17-2010 at 12:20 AM

The fastest racers average between 50 and 60 mph.

The bikes start at 6:30 am (Pacific), 1 every 30 seconds.

The full size 4 wheeled vehicles will start approx. 11:30 am... also one every 30 seconds.

Find your location for the race and see the Race Mile for that location. Take the race mile, divide by 50 to 60, and get the hours to that point (for the first racers)... add that to the start time... Remember to add an hour if in Baja Sur for Mountain Time!

hey Allen

capt. mike - 11-17-2010 at 05:00 AM

Originally posted by bufeo
I know the class is not as "exciting" as the bikes, TTs, and Class Is, but son-in-law, Andy Grider, will be driving the Honda Ridgeline (#760) from Bahia de Los Angeles to San Ignacio...and maybe on to Loreto, so be on the look out. Yeah, it'll be later than late, " the wee small hours"...

Allen R

glad to read Andy is racing.

David K - 11-17-2010 at 06:48 PM

Ready? It is tomorrow!

David K - 11-18-2010 at 04:30 PM

About 3:30 pm and the first Trophy Truck is nearing Puertecitos... The first Class 1 racers are passing San Felipe...

The bikes with trackers are on the L.A. Bay highway... Bill Nichols is about 3rd place of the bikes with trackers.

oladulce - 11-19-2010 at 09:55 AM

Originally posted by bufeo
I know the class is not as "exciting" as the bikes, TTs, and Class Is, but son-in-law, Andy Grider, will be driving the Honda Ridgeline (#760) from Bahia de Los Angeles to San Ignacio...and maybe on to Loreto, so be on the look out. Yeah, it'll be later than late, " the wee small hours"...

Allen R

Here's #760 in San Juanico 11/19/10 8:00am

Another photo can be found on this post

bufeo - 11-20-2010 at 10:35 AM

A belated "Thanks for posting"...

Allen R