
FDA coverup on GMO Salmon

Russ - 11-10-2010 at 11:24 AM

I realize that this is not a Baja related problem but please take a peek and see what the almighty dollar can do to native salmon stocks. Very scary!

baitcast - 11-10-2010 at 12:50 PM

R Regan said that the worst thing you can hear is "We are from the goverment and here to help you"one wonders what goes on that we never hear about.
will send mine.

wessongroup - 11-10-2010 at 01:01 PM

Thanks Russ, it is a very important issue which is working through most of modern agriculture today (production of food and fiber) ... and must say... the court rulings thus far are really, really not inline with what one would consider even close to being legal...

It is one thing to deal with pesticide drift, bees visiting a crop, or a run away tractor ... but, dealing with genetically altered pollen ... and (it's) trespass into an adjacent neighbors crop... is really beyond any reasonable thinking I'm aware of .... unless one considers the call for the "MAJOR CHEMICAL COMPANIES" once again... something we need here in America... I think not...

And if you have been following the BP deal... it is working out just fine... NOT!!!

bajafam - 11-10-2010 at 03:53 PM

Just look at it the way Skeet's not really happening...and then you can sleep at night in your own fantasy world.

For me, this scares the crap out of me. I wish there was a way to get back to what is really important....and it's not money, people.

Old news

mcfez - 11-10-2010 at 05:28 PM

Originally posted by Russ
I realize that this is not a Baja related problem but please take a peek and see what the almighty dollar can do to native salmon stocks. Very scary!

Sorry to shock you.....
Domesticated salmon issues is a dirty secret for years:

* In a single incident in 2005, nearly half a million salmon escaped from a Norwegian salmon farm.
* One million farmed salmon in Chile escaped on one occasion in 2004.
* 600,000 salmon in the Faeroe Islands cleared pens during a storm in 2002.

Escaped fish transmit diseases and parasites to wild salmon, and threaten to establish viable colonies that could not only push wild salmon to extinction, but also related species such as steelhead salmon and sea trout.

Wait till "that modified corn" escapes!

Russ - 11-10-2010 at 05:39 PM

In the 80's around Bremerton/Port Orchard in the Puget Sound there were many "escapes" and the whole area was up in arms. The salmon fishery was open to all salmon fishing to try to stop the atlantic salmon from mixing with native stocks. It was a potential disaster that I never heard a word about after. ??

bajafam - 11-10-2010 at 05:46 PM already has. It is becoming more and more difficult to get any corn seeds that test completely free of any GMO's. And every year, the seed catalog we buy from has fewer and fewer choices. Thanks Monsanto.

Thanks Monsanto and others!

mcfez - 11-12-2010 at 09:11 AM

Originally posted by bajafam already has. It is becoming more and more difficult to get any corn seeds that test completely free of any GMO's. And every year, the seed catalog we buy from has fewer and fewer choices. Thanks Monsanto.

Look here. I live near this I am lucky. We have a farm that we are building currently, and we use this place:

It's amazing of some stuff that goes on.
Long term effects of man made alterations can take decades....then its too late. No no...I aint that sort that says "end of the world" stuff. I am just saying that to change the coarse of nature is playing with fire.......test it intensely by third parties!

Changing the fed protein for cows and other livestock/ pets... All the waste (including brain matter and other organs) of butchered cows was a "grind n dry" into pellets. For years. Well......mad cow disease didn't just pop up in mass for no reason.......transmitted to human beings / cows by eating food contaminated with the brain or spinal cord of infected carcasses with Bovine spongiform encephalopathy.

So what may this corn bring?

I know that replanted forests ( for after fires, after lumber harvesting) and farm forests use cloned stock. It is being said now...that there are signs that once a tree is hit with a disease...all of the same clones will be affected quickly. It's happening right now in New Zealand.

BajaBruno - 11-12-2010 at 10:14 AM

No offense, Russ, but that link is not very informative and reeks of inflammatory propaganda. Where is the alleged smoking gun FDA report? Where are the references to show who reported the cover up? Not there--just an empty allegation with an hysterical call to action.

I'm no fan of low quality food, but the jury is still out on GMO salmon. Bloomberg reports that the GMO salmon "eggs will be treated so that all fish that grow from them will be sterile females" and these "fish would be grown in land-based tanks, also minimizing the chances of escape." So, the escape concerns noted on this page seem to be unfounded.

For more information on the genes being inserted in the salmon, see NPR's interview with a university scientist who has studied GMO salmon.

mcfez - 11-12-2010 at 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Russ
In the 80's around Bremerton/Port Orchard in the Puget Sound there were many "escapes" and the whole area was up in arms. The salmon fishery was open to all salmon fishing to try to stop the atlantic salmon from mixing with native stocks. It was a potential disaster that I never heard a word about after. ??

..."potential disaster that I never heard a word about after"

Thalidomide was introduced as a sedative drug in the late 1950s, was called "one of the biggest medical tragedies of modern times". Thousands affected.
The thalidomide tragedy led to much stricter testing being required for drugs and pesticides before they can be licensed.

Mmmm.....lack of testing led to this disaster. Seems like a lot of lack of testing goes on still. Corn. Fish. Feed. Bla bla bla.

......."from mixing with native stocks.
Do you know what a "Blue ribbon" trout stream is? Not too many exist in today's time.

capt. mike - 11-14-2010 at 06:22 AM

just watched Food, Inc on blu-ray last nite from netflix.

Monsanto is fairly predatory in their chase for seed cleaners.

oh well.....time for some cherrios...

not sure if i am up for mechanically separated turkey dogs tho... hahahah.

i like Swansons.

better yet give me yellow chickens bagged in baja with the feet still on....crispy, yumm....:biggrin:

wessongroup - 11-14-2010 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by BajaBruno
No offense, Russ, but that link is not very informative and reeks of inflammatory propaganda. Where is the alleged smoking gun FDA report? Where are the references to show who reported the cover up? Not there--just an empty allegation with an hysterical call to action.

I'm no fan of low quality food, but the jury is still out on GMO salmon. Bloomberg reports that the GMO salmon "eggs will be treated so that all fish that grow from them will be sterile females" and these "fish would be grown in land-based tanks, also minimizing the chances of escape." So, the escape concerns noted on this page seem to be unfounded.

For more information on the genes being inserted in the salmon, see NPR's interview with a university scientist who has studied GMO salmon.

BajaBruno, sorry but what you're looking for does not exist... what it always comes down to is one body of science logging in with a pile of research which say's its better than sliced bread... and the other side with the opposing view, with the accompanying stack of research saying just the opposite..

When "genetic" engineering takes place.. just who has the "empirical data" down stream 100 years from now, or 1,000 years.. the overall impact to all species .... No one.. It's a best guess estimate via (computer modeling) with an "acceptable" risk factor built in.. Gee something which we ALL can vote on.....

Me.. leave it alone.. or do you think Monsanto and the other majors.. who snapped up the seed companies way back in the 70's were thinking about make a "better life" through genetics or, perhaps.. were only thinking of one thing... CONTROL OVER FOOD PRODUCTION.. as that is the way the courts have been ruling over "genetic" trespass ... at this time..

This will be decided within the Courts... now, lets see who wins in courts... oh, by the way how is it going with that escrow money from BP... Please...

This is once again, about MONEY... not the survival of a species... just a work around to where someone can control the "species" .. it will then belong to someone, like Montsano..

Don't think a lot of folks really understand the long term impact of the Untied States Government giving "patient" over "LIFE"

It is not allowed in our constitution.... check it out... there is case law on the subject... however, the interpretations have been changing very recently .. and it has been done with out a vote, by our Government... not a good deal in my book.

Hear folk ask, what do you mean we are losing rights... well, the government control over life in the "environment" seems about as big as it gets...

[Edited on 11-14-2010 by wessongroup]

monoloco - 11-14-2010 at 07:16 AM

It's a classic clash of the titans scenario, government control or corporate control, either way we lose.

Hold onto your livers!

mcfez - 11-14-2010 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by capt. mike
just watched Food, Inc on blu-ray last nite from netflix.

Monsanto is fairly predatory in their chase for seed cleaners.

oh well.....time for some cherrios...

not sure if i am up for mechanically separated turkey dogs tho... hahahah.

i like Swansons.

better yet give me yellow chickens bagged in baja with the feet still on....crispy, yumm....:biggrin:

From Wikipedia:
Much of Monsanto's seed products are specifically genetically modified, to make them resistant to Monsanto produced agricultural chemicals, such as "Round Up" herbicide. In a study published in the International Journal of Biological Sciences, researchers applied a different statistical analysis on raw data obtained from Monsanto and concluded that these GM corn (maize) varieties induced a state of hepatorenal toxicity. They suggested that the presence of the new pesticides associated with the inserted genes were responsible, although the possibility that this could be due to a mutation during the transformation process was not excluded.

Skipjack Joe - 11-14-2010 at 09:20 AM

An errant GMO salmon (radiation failed to make it sterile) grows twice as fast as the wild and produces eggs twice as often.

Let's see ...

In one year she produces twice the eggs of the others.

In second year she and her offspring produce twice the eggs of the others.

Third year she, her offspring, and grandchildren produce twice the eggs of the others.


How long will it take to replace a wild population?

Kinda scary when you think about it.

Actually the math isn't quite right ...