
Spearfishing in Bahia Asuncion

DianaT - 11-13-2010 at 08:36 AM

As Manuel from Kalicos Loco in Bahia Asuncion does not write English, he once again asked us to post his pictures to show off some nice yellowtail nailed by some spear fishermen. He said they weighed from 19.5 to 21 kilos---40+pounds. It happened last weekend.

Now these fishermen are smiling :biggrin:

Manuel thanks you for looking.

[Edited on 11-13-2010 by DianaT]

tiotomasbcs - 11-13-2010 at 09:15 AM

Those Yellowtail are Grande. Biggest of the season?!! What type of spearguns were they using? Long line w/floats? I'm sure everybody was happy!! Buen Provecho. Tio

can you say?

woody with a view - 11-13-2010 at 10:15 AM


castaway$ - 11-13-2010 at 10:51 AM

Nice fish I would love to hang any one of those.

OCEANUS - 11-13-2010 at 02:49 PM

I thought this area and south were off limits to diving because of the abalone coop regulations. Am I wrong....?

dtbushpilot - 11-13-2010 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by OCEANUS
I thought this area and south were off limits to diving because of the abalone coop regulations. Am I wrong....?

Only if you come up with an abalone on the end of your spear:lol::lol::lol:...dt

Lauriboats - 11-13-2010 at 08:32 PM

Those are amazing yellow tail, glad to see that the bite is finally on.

woody with a view - 11-13-2010 at 08:48 PM

Originally posted by dtbushpilot
Originally posted by OCEANUS
I thought this area and south were off limits to diving because of the abalone coop regulations. Am I wrong....?

Only if you come up with an abalone on the end of your spear:lol::lol::lol:...dt

unless, of course, if you flip the bird and use a sling!:light:

shari - 11-14-2010 at 07:33 AM

The local cooperativas dont much like the fact that the public is allowed to dive here but it is legal if you have the proper permits. You can only spear fin fish free diving (no tanks) and the limits are 5 fish a day with band hawaiin sling types.

We also have some very good husband Juan Arce Marron....just received the first scuba diving permit for this area...he is so excited as diving is his passion. So now visitors can bring thier scuba gear and dive the kelp forests at the islands...the diving is excellent here when the visibility is good.

WOOO HOOO those are some awesome yellowtail!!!! the yellowtail are spreading out now this week too...some at san roque island and dave even caught one trolling in his litte tin boat at asuncion island...finally.

Pacifico - 11-14-2010 at 08:00 AM


We also have some very good husband Juan Arce Marron....just received the first scuba diving permit for this area...he is so excited as diving is his passion. So now visitors can bring thier scuba gear and dive the kelp forests at the islands...the diving is excellent here when the visibility is good.

Shari, Does Juan have a compressor for filling scuba tanks or does anyone in Asuncion have the capability?

DianaT - 11-14-2010 at 08:49 AM

These fish were all near Asuncion island. One young local we know likes to spear fish right near the shore---no boat. The co-op tried to stop him, but he was within the law and continues to spearfish there----he has gotten some amazing fish very close to the shore.

As dtbushpilot said, don't come up with an abalone on the end of the spear---that or a lobster would not be a good idea. :biggrin: