
Constitution mordida update

castaway$ - 11-25-2010 at 10:50 PM

Seems the buzz has died down about this, we will be passing through in about 3 weeks, are they still harrassing people?
Last year this time we passed through 4 times with truck/camper/boat just went real slow and watched for signs VERY carefully didn't have any problems. Thats my plan again but just thought I would check and see if there are any new developments for the good or bad.:bounce:

Russ - 11-26-2010 at 06:19 AM

Keep in mind we're getting closer to Christmas. It may not matter where you are the chances of being stopped for some Xmas cheer is going to go up.

Iflyfish - 11-26-2010 at 08:16 AM

Glad you asked this question. I hope people will continue to post their experience with police extortion of foreign travelers on the only Federal Highway that connects north and south Baja.

If you are stopped by a policeman in CC and they try to extort money from you , this approach that has been successfully used to stop this crime.

Come to a complete stop at ALL intersections, look both ways to make sure no pedestrians in cross walks. Follow the 18 mph speed limit. If stopped do the following:

•Stay calm, take your time
•Ask for name and badge number, write these down, do not surrender your drivers license
•Let Officer know you are calling Sr. Villalejos, Sub-director de Policia, at 613-100-1910
•Insist that you go to the station NOW and deal with the fine
•Travel thru Ciudad Constitution on M-Sat. station closed Sun.
•Remain calm, confident and clear. Follow thru.
•Drive in the right hand lane and look local, don't make eye contact with a cop.

078 is Tourist assistance Hotline, 066 in Baja Norte

There have been many reports, including mine, of traveling through Ciudad Constitution without harrassment since we mobilized our efforts and locals people also protested the extortion that was happening in this community.

Now may be the time to stop. spend some money and tell people how pleased you are that the police extortion (mordida) has stopped. If it continues then it is time to continue to make news, noise and contact those we know who might have influence over this matter, including local business people who are directly affected by this behavior.


boe4fun - 11-26-2010 at 09:37 AM

We drove through on our way back from our La Paz clinic on Nov. 14th. We stayed in the center lanes, stopping at all stop signs and slowing for any cross roads. A police pickup truck coming the opposite way on the frontage road saw us and I watched him make a U turn on to the frontage road going in our direction. He stayed slightly behind us for several blocks and then hung another U turn on to the opposite frontage road with his lights flashing. I couldn't tell whether he was pulling over a gringo or local.

DENNIS - 11-26-2010 at 09:41 AM

Originally posted by boe4fun
I couldn't tell whether he was pulling over a gringo or local.

I doubt that they discriminate. Money is money and the Mexican victim would be less apt to make a big deal about it. Too bad.

BajaGringo - 11-26-2010 at 10:33 AM

I have asked everybody I know who has passed thru CC the past month or so and not one had a problem - gringos or locals.

Maybe they were just lucky...

tiotomasbcs - 11-26-2010 at 10:33 AM

Tis the Season for Auginaldo, too! La Paz cops are notorious this time of year especially south of town to almost San Pedro. Don't forget La Policia take to the hwy for donations to their annual Policia Party in late December. Slow speed ahead but a wonderful time to be in Mexico. Drive careful everyone. :yes: Tio

vandenberg - 11-26-2010 at 11:09 AM

Came through CC a couple of days ago. I've decided to stay on the access roads, instead of the center lanes. More inconspicuous that way :yes:, mingle with the locals.:biggrin:
Most of the lights aren't working again. And several portable stop signs, the kind welded to carwheels. One was situated accross the intersection. Trickery :?::?: Spotted it at the last second.:yes:
And the new store has no access coming from the north. So you have to do some maneuvering to get to the other side of the road. Great planning.:no:, but maybe another traffic trick.:?:

Iflyfish - 11-26-2010 at 11:24 AM


Now then is the time to spend money in Ciudad Constitution and let them know why you are doing so and why you did not in the past!!

This is good news and let's hope it continues!!
