
Yellowtail bonanza

shari - 11-28-2010 at 08:22 AM

Our buen amigo Arturo zoomed down from LA with his wife to do some yellowtail fishing with Juan. Luckily it was a perfect day, no swell and light wind so David joined them too.

They had a successful day with limits of nice yellowtail, bonita and calico. They trolled rapallas at San Roque then decided to jig at San Pablo too...both were productive as you can see by the photo of Arturo with the booty!!

While eating sashimi, Arturo's beautiful wife asked Juan Carlos to save her the hearts...then she proceeded to gorf them down one after I tried one and man oh man...they are scrumptious!!!! cant wait to eat more of those delicious tidbits....a new culinary experience to be sure...dont knock it till ya try it amigos.